Closed Bug 1901541 Opened 7 months ago Closed 7 months ago

High Frequency browser/components/backup/tests/xpcshell/test_BackupService_archive.js | single tracking bug


(Firefox :: Profile Backup, defect, P5)




129 Branch
Tracking Status
firefox-esr115 --- unaffected
firefox127 --- unaffected
firefox128 --- unaffected
firefox129 --- fixed


(Reporter: intermittent-bug-filer, Assigned: mconley)




(Keywords: intermittent-failure, regression, test-verify-fail, Whiteboard: [stockwell disable-recommended])


(1 file)

Filed by: sstanca [at]
Parsed log:
Full log:
Reftest URL:

[task 2024-06-10T13:47:36.452Z] 13:47:36     INFO -  TEST-PASS | browser/components/backup/tests/xpcshell/test_BackupService_archive.js | took 3701ms
[task 2024-06-10T13:47:36.468Z] 13:47:36     INFO -  TEST-START | browser/components/backup/tests/xpcshell/test_BackupService_archive.js
[task 2024-06-10T13:47:40.174Z] 13:47:40  WARNING -  TEST-UNEXPECTED-FAIL | browser/components/backup/tests/xpcshell/test_BackupService_archive.js | xpcshell return code: 0
[task 2024-06-10T13:47:40.189Z] 13:47:40     INFO -  TEST-INFO took 3706ms
[task 2024-06-10T13:47:40.189Z] 13:47:40     INFO -  >>>>>>>
[task 2024-06-10T13:47:40.190Z] 13:47:40     INFO -  PID 3440 | DLL blocklist was unable to intercept AppInit DLLs.
[task 2024-06-10T13:47:40.190Z] 13:47:40     INFO -  PID 3440 | [Parent 3440, Main Thread] WARNING: Failed to get directory to cache.: file /builds/worker/checkouts/gecko/security/sandbox/win/src/sandboxbroker/sandboxBroker.cpp:148
[task 2024-06-10T13:47:40.191Z] 13:47:40     INFO -  PID 3440 | [Parent 3440, Main Thread] WARNING: Failed to get directory to cache.: file /builds/worker/checkouts/gecko/security/sandbox/win/src/sandboxbroker/sandboxBroker.cpp:148
[task 2024-06-10T13:47:40.191Z] 13:47:40     INFO -  PID 3440 | [Parent 3440, Main Thread] WARNING: Couldn't get the user appdata directory. Crash events may not be produced.: file /builds/worker/checkouts/gecko/toolkit/crashreporter/nsExceptionHandler.cpp:2888
[task 2024-06-10T13:47:40.191Z] 13:47:40     INFO -  (xpcshell/head.js) | test MAIN run_test pending (1)
[task 2024-06-10T13:47:40.191Z] 13:47:40     INFO -  (xpcshell/head.js) | test run_next_test 0 pending (2)
[task 2024-06-10T13:47:40.192Z] 13:47:40     INFO -  (xpcshell/head.js) | test MAIN run_test finished (2)
[task 2024-06-10T13:47:40.192Z] 13:47:40     INFO -  running event loop
[task 2024-06-10T13:47:40.192Z] 13:47:40     INFO -  browser/components/backup/tests/xpcshell/test_BackupService_archive.js | Starting test_createArchive_unencrypted
[task 2024-06-10T13:47:40.192Z] 13:47:40     INFO -  (xpcshell/head.js) | test test_createArchive_unencrypted pending (2)
[task 2024-06-10T13:47:40.193Z] 13:47:40     INFO -  PID 3440 | console.debug: BackupService: "Instantiated"
[task 2024-06-10T13:47:40.193Z] 13:47:40     INFO -  (xpcshell/head.js) | test run_next_test 0 finished (2)
[task 2024-06-10T13:47:40.194Z] 13:47:40     INFO -  PID 3440 | JavaScript error: resource:///modules/backup/BackupService.sys.mjs, line 1088: NS_BINDING_ABORTED: Got binary block. Aborting further reads.
[task 2024-06-10T13:47:40.194Z] 13:47:40     INFO -  PID 3440 | console.debug: BackupService: "Read out archive JSON: " ({testKey:"test value"})
[task 2024-06-10T13:47:40.194Z] 13:47:40     INFO -  "CONSOLE_MESSAGE: (error) [JavaScript Error: "NS_BINDING_ABORTED: Got binary block. Aborting further reads." {file: "resource:///modules/backup/BackupService.sys.mjs" line: 1088}]
[task 2024-06-10T13:47:40.195Z] 13:47:40     INFO -  onStopRequest@resource:///modules/backup/BackupService.sys.mjs:1088:30
[task 2024-06-10T13:47:40.195Z] 13:47:40     INFO -  _do_main@D:\\task_171802649817543\\build\\tests\\xpcshell\\head.js:245:6
[task 2024-06-10T13:47:40.195Z] 13:47:40     INFO -  _execute_test@D:\\task_171802649817543\\build\\tests\\xpcshell\\head.js:596:5
[task 2024-06-10T13:47:40.195Z] 13:47:40     INFO -  @-e:1:1
[task 2024-06-10T13:47:40.195Z] 13:47:40     INFO -  "
[task 2024-06-10T13:47:40.196Z] 13:47:40     INFO -  PID 3440 | JavaScript error: resource:///modules/backup/BackupService.sys.mjs, line 180: NS_BINDING_ABORTED: Got JSON block - cancelling loading the multipart stream.
[task 2024-06-10T13:47:40.196Z] 13:47:40     INFO -  "CONSOLE_MESSAGE: (error) [JavaScript Error: "NS_BINDING_ABORTED: Got JSON block - cancelling loading the multipart stream." {file: "resource:///modules/backup/BackupService.sys.mjs" line: 180}]
[task 2024-06-10T13:47:40.196Z] 13:47:40     INFO -  onStopRequest@resource:///modules/backup/BackupService.sys.mjs:180:28
[task 2024-06-10T13:47:40.197Z] 13:47:40     INFO -  _do_main@D:\\task_171802649817543\\build\\tests\\xpcshell\\head.js:245:6
[task 2024-06-10T13:47:40.197Z] 13:47:40     INFO -  _execute_test@D:\\task_171802649817543\\build\\tests\\xpcshell\\head.js:596:5
[task 2024-06-10T13:47:40.197Z] 13:47:40     INFO -  @-e:1:1
[task 2024-06-10T13:47:40.197Z] 13:47:40     INFO -  "
[task 2024-06-10T13:47:40.197Z] 13:47:40     INFO -  TEST-PASS | browser/components/backup/tests/xpcshell/test_BackupService_archive.js | test_createArchive_unencrypted - [test_createArchive_unencrypted : 73] 1525231 == 1525231
Component: Storage: Quota Manager → Profile Backup
Product: Core → Firefox

:mconley, since you are the author of the regressor, bug 1897498, could you take a look?

For more information, please visit BugBot documentation.

Flags: needinfo?(mconley)
Summary: Intermittent TV browser/components/backup/tests/xpcshell/test_BackupService_archive.js | single tracking bug → Intermittent browser/components/backup/tests/xpcshell/test_BackupService_archive.js | single tracking bug

Set release status flags based on info from the regressing bug 1897498

In only 11 days, this has 130 failures. All of the failures happen on windows 10 and 11 debug.

Hi Mike! Can you please take a look at this?
Thank you!

Flags: needinfo?(mconley)
Summary: Intermittent browser/components/backup/tests/xpcshell/test_BackupService_archive.js | single tracking bug → High Frequency browser/components/backup/tests/xpcshell/test_BackupService_archive.js | single tracking bug
Flags: needinfo?(mconley)

Yep, can do.

Assignee: nobody → mconley
Flags: needinfo?(mconley)

I'm looking at this today. In the worst case scenario, we can maybe disable this test for debug builds, but I'll see if I can find a better solution first.

Pushed by Fix test_BackupService_archive test to account for slow file closing on Windows debug builds. r=backup-reviewers,kpatenio
Closed: 7 months ago
Resolution: --- → FIXED
Target Milestone: --- → 129 Branch
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