Closed Bug 1901917 Opened 21 days ago Closed 21 days ago

Perma ios [tier 2] package> gmake[4]: *** [/builds/worker/checkouts/gecko/toolkit/mozapps/installer/ make-package] Error 1


(Firefox for iOS :: Build & Test, defect, P5)






(Reporter: intermittent-bug-filer, Unassigned)




(Keywords: intermittent-failure, regression)

Filed by: imoraru [at]
Parsed log:
Full log:

[task 2024-06-12T01:50:19.580Z] 01:50:19     INFO -  package> gmake[4]: Entering directory '/builds/worker/workspace/obj-build/mobile/ios/installer'
[task 2024-06-12T01:50:19.580Z] 01:50:19     INFO -  package> /builds/worker/.mozbuild/srcdirs/gecko-8a5b87fe5d69/_virtualenvs/build/bin/python /builds/worker/checkouts/gecko/toolkit/mozapps/installer/ \
[task 2024-06-12T01:50:19.580Z] 01:50:19     INFO -  package> 	../../../dist//target.json ../../../dist//buildhub.json ../../../dist//target_info.txt \
[task 2024-06-12T01:50:19.580Z] 01:50:19     INFO -  package> 	mac \
[task 2024-06-12T01:50:19.580Z] 01:50:19     INFO -  package> 	 --package=../../../dist/target.tar.gz --installer=
[task 2024-06-12T01:50:19.580Z] 01:50:19    ERROR -  package> Traceback (most recent call last):
[task 2024-06-12T01:50:19.581Z] 01:50:19     INFO -  package>   File "/builds/worker/checkouts/gecko/toolkit/mozapps/installer/", line 128, in <module>
[task 2024-06-12T01:50:19.581Z] 01:50:19     INFO -  package>     main()
[task 2024-06-12T01:50:19.581Z] 01:50:19     INFO -  package>   File "/builds/worker/checkouts/gecko/toolkit/mozapps/installer/", line 49, in main
[task 2024-06-12T01:50:19.581Z] 01:50:19     INFO -  package>     all_key_value_pairs = {
[task 2024-06-12T01:50:19.581Z] 01:50:19     INFO -  package>   File "/builds/worker/checkouts/gecko/toolkit/mozapps/installer/", line 50, in <dictcomp>
[task 2024-06-12T01:50:19.581Z] 01:50:19     INFO -  package>     x.lower(): buildconfig.substs[x] for x in important_substitutions
[task 2024-06-12T01:50:19.581Z] 01:50:19     INFO -  package>   File "/builds/worker/checkouts/gecko/python/mozbuild/mozbuild/backend/", line 276, in __getitem__
[task 2024-06-12T01:50:19.581Z] 01:50:19     INFO -  package>     raise KeyError("'%s'" % key)
[task 2024-06-12T01:50:19.582Z] 01:50:19     INFO -  package> KeyError: "'MOZ_APP_VENDOR'"
[task 2024-06-12T01:50:19.582Z] 01:50:19    ERROR -  package> gmake[4]: *** [/builds/worker/checkouts/gecko/toolkit/mozapps/installer/ make-package] Error 1
[task 2024-06-12T01:50:19.582Z] 01:50:19     INFO -  package> gmake[4]: Leaving directory '/builds/worker/workspace/obj-build/mobile/ios/installer'
[task 2024-06-12T01:50:19.582Z] 01:50:19     INFO -  package> gmake[4]: Target 'libs' not remade because of errors.
[task 2024-06-12T01:50:19.582Z] 01:50:19    ERROR -  package> gmake[3]: *** [/builds/worker/checkouts/gecko/config/ default] Error 2
[task 2024-06-12T01:50:19.582Z] 01:50:19    ERROR -  package> gmake[2]: *** [/builds/worker/checkouts/gecko/mobile/ios/ package] Error 2
[task 2024-06-12T01:50:19.585Z] 01:50:19    ERROR -  gmake[1]: *** [/builds/worker/checkouts/gecko/build/ automation/package] Error 2
[task 2024-06-12T01:50:19.585Z] 01:50:19     INFO -  gmake[1]: Target 'automation/build' not remade because of errors.
[task 2024-06-12T01:50:19.587Z] 01:50:19     INFO -  Stopping sccache server...
[task 2024-06-12T01:50:19.588Z] 01:50:19     INFO -  Compile requests                   4585
[task 2024-06-12T01:50:19.588Z] 01:50:19     INFO -  Compile requests executed          3965
[task 2024-06-12T01:50:19.588Z] 01:50:19     INFO -  Cache hits                         3951
[task 2024-06-12T01:50:19.589Z] 01:50:19     INFO -  Cache hits (C/C++)                 3442
[task 2024-06-12T01:50:19.589Z] 01:50:19     INFO -  Cache hits (Rust)                   509
[task 2024-06-12T01:50:19.590Z] 01:50:19     INFO -  Cache misses                          6
[task 2024-06-12T01:50:19.590Z] 01:50:19     INFO -  Cache misses (C/C++)                  1
[task 2024-06-12T01:50:19.590Z] 01:50:19     INFO -  Cache misses (Rust)                   5
[task 2024-06-12T01:50:19.590Z] 01:50:19     INFO -  Cache timeouts                        0
[task 2024-06-12T01:50:19.590Z] 01:50:19     INFO -  Cache read errors                     0
[task 2024-06-12T01:50:19.590Z] 01:50:19     INFO -  Forced recaches                       0
[task 2024-06-12T01:50:19.590Z] 01:50:19     INFO -  Cache write errors                    0
[task 2024-06-12T01:50:19.590Z] 01:50:19     INFO -  Compilation failures                  6
[task 2024-06-12T01:50:19.590Z] 01:50:19     INFO -  Cache errors                          2
[task 2024-06-12T01:50:19.590Z] 01:50:19     INFO -  Cache errors (Rust)                   2
[task 2024-06-12T01:50:19.590Z] 01:50:19     INFO -  Non-cacheable compilations            0
[task 2024-06-12T01:50:19.590Z] 01:50:19     INFO -  Non-cacheable calls                 406
[task 2024-06-12T01:50:19.590Z] 01:50:19     INFO -  Non-compilation calls               214
[task 2024-06-12T01:50:19.590Z] 01:50:19     INFO -  Unsupported compiler calls            0
[task 2024-06-12T01:50:19.590Z] 01:50:19     INFO -  Average cache write               0.247 s
[task 2024-06-12T01:50:19.590Z] 01:50:19     INFO -  Average compiler                  4.062 s
[task 2024-06-12T01:50:19.590Z] 01:50:19     INFO -  Average cache read hit            0.101 s
[task 2024-06-12T01:50:19.590Z] 01:50:19     INFO -  Failed distributed compilations       0
[task 2024-06-12T01:50:19.590Z] 01:50:19     INFO -  Non-cacheable reasons:
[task 2024-06-12T01:50:19.590Z] 01:50:19     INFO -  -P                                  164
[task 2024-06-12T01:50:19.590Z] 01:50:19     INFO -  crate-type                          123
[task 2024-06-12T01:50:19.590Z] 01:50:19     INFO -  unknown source language              48
[task 2024-06-12T01:50:19.590Z] 01:50:19     INFO -  -fsyntax-only                        45
[task 2024-06-12T01:50:19.590Z] 01:50:19     INFO -  @                                    22
[task 2024-06-12T01:50:19.590Z] 01:50:19     INFO -  -                                     3
[task 2024-06-12T01:50:19.591Z] 01:50:19     INFO -  -E                                    1
[task 2024-06-12T01:50:19.591Z] 01:50:19     INFO -  Cache location                  gcs, name: sccache-l3-us-central1, prefix: /
[task 2024-06-12T01:50:19.591Z] 01:50:19     INFO -  Version (client)                0.7.7
[task 2024-06-12T01:50:19.591Z] 01:50:19     INFO -  gmake: *** [ build] Error 2
[task 2024-06-12T01:50:19.610Z] 01:50:19     INFO -  121 compiler warnings present.
[task 2024-06-12T01:50:20.292Z] 01:50:20     INFO - Return code: 2
[task 2024-06-12T01:50:20.292Z] 01:50:20  WARNING - setting return code to 2
[task 2024-06-12T01:50:20.292Z] 01:50:20    FATAL - 'mach build -v' did not run successfully. Please check log for errors.
[task 2024-06-12T01:50:20.292Z] 01:50:20    FATAL - Running post_fatal callback...
[task 2024-06-12T01:50:20.292Z] 01:50:20    FATAL - Exiting -1

Hi Aryx! Can you please take a look at this? I can't really tell what is causing this. The bustage appeared on this backout which was made for mass build bustages. I checked several logs from those bustages and could not find any of this failures lines for which this bug was filed for.
Thank you!

Flags: needinfo?(aryx.bugmail)

It's coming from bug 1898177.
Failure log -> KeyError: "'MOZ_APP_VENDOR'"

Flags: needinfo?(aryx.bugmail)
Keywords: regression
Regressed by: 1898177

:sergesanspaille, since you are the author of the regressor, bug 1898177, could you take a look?

For more information, please visit BugBot documentation.

Flags: needinfo?(sguelton)
Closed: 21 days ago
Flags: needinfo?(sguelton)
Resolution: --- → FIXED

Please Note: Clearing the regressed by field and regression label.
This is causing issues in BugBot
Will add them back once BugBot is patched to handle it

Keywords: regression
No longer regressed by: 1898177
Keywords: regression
Regressed by: 1898177
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