Closed Bug 190371 Opened 22 years ago Closed 22 years ago

Popup Manager remembers only the first entry in exceptions dialog


(SeaMonkey :: General, defect)

Windows XP
Not set


(Not tracked)



(Reporter: jlp.bugs, Assigned: shliang)



(4 files)

I am using Mozilla 2003012308 on Windows XP.

Steps to reproduce:
1. Open Mozilla
2. Go to Edit > Preferences > Privacy & Security > Popup Windows
3. Select Allow/Suppress popups
4. Click on Exceptions...
5. Add some URLs to the list
6. Click OK
7. Click on Exceptions button again

See that only the first (by alphabet) URL entry is listed and all others are gone.

Expected results:
All added URLs should remain in the list and be remembered all the time untile
you remove them.

I played with the blacklist/whitelist dialog a little bit more and noticed that
if you do this:

1. Click Remove all in the dialog
2. Click OK
3. Click Exceptoions

You then get to see the next entry from the list you entered in the first place.

And if you continu to thru Remove all steps then eventualy no entry is left and
you can't click Remove all anymore.

So it may be that the list is saved correctly but only the first entry in the
list is shown.
WFM with a build from this morning. jlp: can you mention more circumstances? Can
you perhaps pin it down to some property of your existing permissions? (Does the
bug still happen with empty permissions, or in a new profile?)

Permissions are stored in a text file. On WinXP it's <root drive>/Documents and
Settings/<user name>/Application Data/Mozilla/Profiles/<profile name>/<random
directory name>/cookperm.txt. (Quit Mozilla and) rename cookperm.txt to test
with an empty permissions list without permanently trashing your permissions.

If it is some property of your current permissions file, can you reproduce it
with some important subset of the file, or post the whole thing?

And by the way, that's how to tell if permissions you've entered are actually
missing or merely not showing up in the dialog. Quit Mozilla to ensure
cookperm.txt is updated and take a look at the file.
Attached file My cookperm.txt
This is my current cookieperm.txt which only has image permissions in it (I
Now this is my cookperm.txt with two sites added to whitelist for popup

Mozilla shows only the first one. And in the menu Tools > Popup Manager it also
shows correctly for the sites I added. So I guess this is a problem with only
first entry showing.
I deleted my previous cookperm.txt and then aded 3 sites to popup whitelist.
All showd up correctly after restart in the dialog. But then I added one site
on which images should block and now only the first 2 white listed sitest show.
If I add another site from which to block images then only the first
whitelisted site shows.
So this bug may only show when you have images blocked on some sites.
confirmed - 2003012108 - win98.
Haven't yet figured out the exact rules governing this, but there's a definite
correlation between both images (or cookies) and popups from a site being blocked.
In fact, it seems that if you only add one site from which popups should be
blocked that had a previous entry in the cookperm.txt (I saw this with a site
allowed to store cookies), then that site won't show in the popup manager at all.
Ever confirmed: true
Attachment #112545 - Flags: superreview?(jaggernaut)
Attachment #112545 - Flags: review?(danm)
Comment on attachment 112545 [details] [diff] [review]
fix problem in enumerator

Attachment #112545 - Flags: superreview?(jaggernaut) → superreview+
-> shuehan
Assignee: asa → shliang
Attachment #112545 - Flags: review?(danm) → review+
Attachment #112545 - Flags: approval1.3b?
Comment on attachment 112545 [details] [diff] [review]
fix problem in enumerator

a=asa (on behalf of drivers) for checkin to 1.3beta.
Attachment #112545 - Flags: approval1.3b? → approval1.3b+
Closed: 22 years ago
Resolution: --- → FIXED
It appears to be working in build 2003013008 on Windows XP.
Product: Browser → Seamonkey
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