Closed Bug 1903718 Opened 3 months ago Closed 3 months ago

Perma [tier 2] Android Shippable /permissions-policy/reporting/geolocation-reporting.https.html | Geolocation Report Format - assert_unreached: geolocation should be disabled in this document Reached unreachable code


(Core :: DOM: Security, defect, P5)




129 Branch
Tracking Status
firefox-esr115 --- unaffected
firefox-esr128 --- unaffected
firefox127 --- unaffected
firefox128 --- unaffected
firefox129 --- fixed


(Reporter: intermittent-bug-filer, Assigned: saschanaz)




(Keywords: intermittent-failure, intermittent-testcase, regression, Whiteboard: [domsecurity-intermittent])


(1 file)

Filed by: sstanca [at]
Parsed log:
Full log:

[task 2024-06-20T07:17:19.956Z] 07:17:19     INFO - TEST-START | /permissions-policy/reporting/geolocation-reporting.https.html
[task 2024-06-20T07:17:19.974Z] 07:17:19     INFO - Closing window 7e74433e-ff19-4f9c-9d6c-1d82b5f83ffb
[task 2024-06-20T07:17:21.435Z] 07:17:21     INFO - 
[task 2024-06-20T07:17:21.435Z] 07:17:21     INFO - TEST-FAIL | /network-error-logging/sends-report-on-success-with-subdomain-policy.https.html | 
[task 2024-06-20T07:17:21.435Z] 07:17:21     INFO -     Test that NEL reports are sent for successful requests
[task 2024-06-20T07:17:21.435Z] 07:17:21     INFO -    - assert_true: expected true got false
[task 2024-06-20T07:17:21.435Z] 07:17:21     INFO - @https://web-platform.test:8443/network-error-logging/sends-report-on-success-with-subdomain-policy.https.html:22:18
[task 2024-06-20T07:17:21.435Z] 07:17:21     INFO - TEST-FAIL | /network-error-logging/sends-report-on-success.https.html | 
[task 2024-06-20T07:17:21.435Z] 07:17:21     INFO -     Test that NEL reports are sent for successful requests
[task 2024-06-20T07:17:21.435Z] 07:17:21     INFO -    - assert_true: expected true got false
[task 2024-06-20T07:17:21.435Z] 07:17:21     INFO - @https://web-platform.test:8443/network-error-logging/sends-report-on-success.https.html:19:18
[task 2024-06-20T07:17:21.435Z] 07:17:21     INFO - TEST-TIMEOUT | /performance-timeline/back-forward-cache-restoration.tentative.html | Performance API for the back forward cache restoration entry. - Test timed out
[task 2024-06-20T07:17:21.435Z] 07:17:21     INFO - TEST-TIMEOUT | /performance-timeline/navigation-id-element-timing.tentative.html | Element Timing navigation id test - Test timed out
[task 2024-06-20T07:17:21.435Z] 07:17:21     INFO - TEST-TIMEOUT | /performance-timeline/navigation-id-long-task-task-attribution.tentative.html | Long Task/Task Attribution navigation id test - Test timed out
[task 2024-06-20T07:17:21.435Z] 07:17:21     INFO - TEST-TIMEOUT | /permissions-policy/experimental-features/focus-without-user-activation-enabled-tentative.sub.html | When the policy is enabled, 'autofocus' and scripted focus do focus the document. - Test timed out
[task 2024-06-20T07:17:21.435Z] 07:17:21     INFO - TEST-TIMEOUT | /permissions-policy/reporting/camera-report-only.https.html | Camera report only mode - Test timed out
[task 2024-06-20T07:17:21.435Z] 07:17:21     INFO - TEST-TIMEOUT | /permissions-policy/reporting/fullscreen-report-only.html | Fullscreen report only mode - Test timed out
[task 2024-06-20T07:17:21.435Z] 07:17:21     INFO - TEST-TIMEOUT | /permissions-policy/reporting/fullscreen-reporting.html | Fullscreen Report Format - Test timed out
[task 2024-06-20T07:17:21.435Z] 07:17:21     INFO - TEST-TIMEOUT | /permissions-policy/reporting/geolocation-report-only.https.html | Geolocation report only mode - Test timed out
[task 2024-06-20T07:17:21.435Z] 07:17:21     INFO - TEST-UNEXPECTED-FAIL | /permissions-policy/reporting/geolocation-reporting.https.html | Geolocation Report Format - assert_unreached: geolocation should be disabled in this document Reached unreachable code
[task 2024-06-20T07:17:21.435Z] 07:17:21     INFO - TEST-INFO | expected NOTRUN
[task 2024-06-20T07:17:21.505Z] 07:17:21     INFO - TEST-UNEXPECTED-OK | /permissions-policy/reporting/geolocation-reporting.https.html | expected TIMEOUT
[task 2024-06-20T07:17:21.506Z] 07:17:21     INFO - TEST-INFO expected TIMEOUT | took 1550ms
[task 2024-06-20T07:17:21.873Z] 07:17:21     INFO - STDOUT: cleanup aborted: Unable to remount device
[task 2024-06-20T07:17:21.987Z] 07:17:21     INFO - STDOUT: cleanup aborted: Unable to remount device
[task 2024-06-20T07:17:21.987Z] 07:17:21     INFO - Closing logging queue
[task 2024-06-20T07:17:21.987Z] 07:17:21     INFO - queue closed
[task 2024-06-20T07:17:22.000Z] 07:17:22     INFO - Setting up ssl
[task 2024-06-20T07:17:22.114Z] 07:17:22     INFO - certutil | b''
[task 2024-06-20T07:17:22.167Z] 07:17:22     INFO - certutil | b''
[task 2024-06-20T07:17:22.177Z] 07:17:22     INFO - certutil | b'\nCertificate Nickname                                         Trust Attributes\n                                                             SSL,S/MIME,JAR/XPI\n\nweb-platform-tests                                           CT,, \n'
[task 2024-06-20T07:17:22.757Z] 07:17:22     INFO - adb Granting important runtime permissions to org.mozilla.geckoview.test_runner
[task 2024-06-20T07:17:23.847Z] 07:17:23     INFO - adb launch_application: am start -W -n org.mozilla.geckoview.test_runner/org.mozilla.geckoview.test_runner.TestRunnerActivity -a android.intent.action.MAIN --es env0 MOZ_CRASHREPORTER=1 --es env1 MOZ_CRASHREPORTER_NO_REPORT=1 --es env2 MOZ_CRASHREPORTER_SHUTDOWN=1 --es env3 MOZ_HIDE_RESULTS_TABLE=1 --es env4 MOZ_IN_AUTOMATION=1 --es env5 MOZ_LOG=signaling:3,mtransport:4,DataChannel:4,jsep:4 --es env6 R_LOG_LEVEL=6 --es env7 R_LOG_DESTINATION=stderr --es env8 R_LOG_VERBOSE=1 --es env9 MOZ_PROCESS_LOG=/tmp/tmpuh1ukh_5pidlog --es env10 MOZ_DISABLE_NONLOCAL_CONNECTIONS=1 --es arg0 -no-remote --es arg1 -profile --es arg2 /data/local/tmp/test_root/profile --es arg3 --marionette --es arg4 about:blank
[task 2024-06-20T07:17:25.369Z] 07:17:25     INFO - Starting runner
[task 2024-06-20T07:17:26.137Z] 07:17:26     INFO - TEST-START | /permissions-policy/reporting/microphone-report-only.https.html

Set release status flags based on info from the regressing bug 1902720

:saschanaz, since you are the author of the regressor, bug 1902720, could you take a look?

For more information, please visit BugBot documentation.

Only on Android? Hmm.

Assignee: nobody → krosylight
Flags: needinfo?(krosylight)

The core problem here is that we don't have FeaturePolicyUtils::IsFeatureAllowed check at all in dom/geolocation. A less-core problem is that our GeckoView test runner silently allows all permission:

Previously Android also timed out here because geolocation server configuration was broken, and then bug 1902720 fixed it, which made the test fail in a different way as it now returns the geolocation info when it should instead throw with permission error.

Desktop builds still time out because they wait for a permission prompt.

Closed: 3 months ago
Resolution: --- → FIXED
Target Milestone: --- → 129 Branch

Set release status flags based on info from the regressing bug 1902720

You need to log in before you can comment on or make changes to this bug.


