Open Bug 1905958 Opened 3 months ago Updated 9 days ago

Create a JSON schema to describe the graph that is serialized for session restore


(Firefox :: Session Restore, task, P3)






(Reporter: sfoster, Assigned: sfoster)



In bug 1849393 we identified a need for a formal schema that defines what goes into a session file. These are an in-memory javascript graph that gets serialized to JSON and compressed and written to disk as a .jsonlz4 file, allowing a user to seamlessly resume a session after a restart or crash.

The basic structure looks something like this:

  "version": [
  "windows": [
      "tabs": [
          "entries": [
              "url": "",
              "title": "Page title",
              "hasUserInteraction": false,
              "triggeringPrincipal_base64": "{\"3\":{}}"
          "lastAccessed": 1697149705740,
          "hidden": false,
          "searchMode": null,
          "userContextId": 0,
          "attributes": {},
          "index": 3,
          "requestedIndex": 0,
          "image": ".."
      "_closedTabs": [
          "state": {
            "entries": [
                "url": "",
                "title": "Page title",
                "resultPrincipalURI": null,
                "principalToInherit_base64": "{\"0\":{\"0\":\"moz-nullprincipal:{b8140753-f226-4c5d-9749-fc3eea899d9f}\"}}",
                "hasUserInteraction": true,
                "triggeringPrincipal_base64": "{\"3\":{}}",
                "persist": true
            "lastAccessed": 1697142677640,
            "hidden": false,
            "searchMode": null,
            "userContextId": 0,
            "attributes": {},
            "index": 1,
            "requestedIndex": 0,
            "image": "..."
          "title": "Page title",
          "image": "...",
          "pos": 0,
          "closedAt": 1697147353955,
          "closedInGroup": false,
          "removeAfterRestore": true,
          "closedId": 3,
          "sourceWindowId": "window0"
  "selectedWindow": 0,
  "_closedWindows": [

  "session": {
    "lastUpdate": 1697149716870,
    "startTime": 1697149627011,
    "recentCrashes": 1
  "global": {},
  "cookies": [
      "host": "",
      "value": "af6e3...",
      "path": "/",
      "name": "someName",
      "secure": true,
      "httponly": true,
      "expiry": 1697142669447,
      "originAttributes": {
        "firstPartyDomain": "",
        "geckoViewSessionContextId": "",
        "inIsolatedMozBrowser": false,
        "partitionKey": "",
        "privateBrowsingId": 0,
        "userContextId": 3
      "sameSite": 1,
      "schemeMap": 2

...but there is quite a lot of detail down at the individual entries level for each tab.

Having a schema would be useful in tests and also a known quantity and jumping off point for any future optimization or re-architecting of how session (res)store works.

See Also: → 1849393

I have a work-in-progress for the JSON schema at, the draft schema itself its at session-schema.json. Once that is closer to done and we have figured out where in the tree this should live, I'll get a patch on here. PRs welcome in the meantime.

Assignee: nobody → sfoster
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