Open Bug 1908933 Opened 7 months ago Updated 7 months ago

Comments in inline tags cause issues with alignments


(Firefox :: Translations, defect)





(Reporter: gregtatum, Unassigned)


(Blocks 1 open bug)


Using en-lt and

I was able to reproduce this in about:translations


It isn't often that someone moves abroad and ends up helping to shape the nation. But that's what happened after <a target="_blank">Eliza Reid<!-- --></a>, a Canadian graduate student at Oxford University, won a raffle for a date with a fellow student – future Icelandic President Guðni Jóhannesson.


Nedažnai kažkas persiutų į užsienį ir galiausiai padėtų formuoti tautą. Bet taip nutiko po <a target="_blank"><!-- --></a>to, kai Kanados Oksfordo universiteto absolventė <a target="_blank">Eliza Reid</a> laimėjo loterijoje, kad susitiktų su kolega studentu - būsimu Islandijos prezidentu Guðni Jóhannesson.

On full page it's worse because the comment turns into this:

Nedažnai kažkas persiutų į užsienį ir galiausiai padėtų formuoti tautą. Bet būtent tai ir nutiko po <!-- --><a>Eliza Reid (Eliza Reid (</a>Oksfordo universiteto Kanados absolventas laimėjo loteriją pasimatymui su kolega studentu – būsimu Islandijos prezidentu Guðni Jóhannessonu.<!-- -->

The link has a comment in it, and after translation, the ordering of the words has changed. The text "Eliza Reid" has moved, while the comment is left behind. This leads to a duplicate tag in the text, which gets filled in with weirdly by the translation document's logic.

The fix here is to either teach the alignment step about comments, or stripping comments from the translation somewhere.

No longer blocks: 1838721
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