Repeated event do not respect end date (missing last occurrence)
(Calendar :: General, defect)
(Not tracked)
(Reporter: sexxxenator, Unassigned)
(Keywords: dupeme)
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User Agent: Mozilla/5.0 (X11; Linux x86_64; rv:129.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/129.0
Steps to reproduce:
Created an event that repeats every 2 weeks with custom end date (08/31) and alarm 2 days before.
Some edits have been made on some of the occurrences to change the hours.
Version : 128.1.1esr (64-bit)
Actual results:
End date (08/31) is not respected. Event appears weeks after it (09/13).
Expected results:
End date MUST be respected
Updated•6 months ago
Using Windows 10 OS
I can reproduce this error in 115.15.0 and also in beta 131.0b3
So it is not OS specific.
Note: It only effects if you select 'All day Event'
In Calendar
Click New event
Calendar : Home
Title "Test Cal"
Select: "All Day Event"
Start: 12/10/2024 (UK date)
End : 12/10/2024
Repeat: Select 'Custom'
Repeat: Select "Monthly"
Every: 1 Month
Select "The Second Saturday"
Range of occurrence: Repeat until 11/01/2025
Click "ok"
click on 'Save and Close'
Actual Result
In Oct, Nov and Dec the second Saturday has event
In Jan 2025 - no event.
Event says Repeat Custom - 'Occurs the second Saturday of every month effective 12/10/2024 until 10/01/2025' in blue text.
It has not used the date user selected - it is date minus 1 day, so the second saturday in Jan is not set.
Expected REsult
In Oct, Nov, Dec and Jan the second Saturday has event
However, If I select an End date which is after Saturday 11th Jan eg: Sun 12th or Sat 18th
Event says Repeat Custom - 'Occurs the second Saturday of every month effective 12/10/2024 until 11/01/2025' in blue text.
It seems 'Until' is coded to mean 'before'. When it is expected that 'Until date' is inclusive.
Pleases NOTE:
This only occurs if you use 'All Day Event'.
It does not occur if the event has a start/time and end date/time
All data as before with these modifications
- Do not select - leave unchecked "All Day Event"
- Start: 12/10/2024 4pm (UK date)
- End : 12/10/2024 5pm
In Repeat Custom
- Range of occurrence: Repeat until 11/01/2025
- Click on 'OK'
- Event says Repeat Custom - 'Occurs the second Saturday of every month effective 12/10/2024 until 11/01/2025' from 4:00 pm to 5:00pmin blue text.
This works as expected.
Other identical reported bugs:
bug 1907796
bug 1879137
bug 1800444
Strange that I could not find these bugs when I searched for them.... Sorry for the doubles...
Just to add a little more about bugs in repeated events, today (ThB 128.2.0esr (64-bit)), I tried to "copy only this occurrence" of a repeated event and it creates a crazy entry (incorrect start, incorrect duration, etc.).
So recurrent event code is very buggy...
Comment 4•6 months ago
Note endDate is exclusive according to and DTEND is exclusing also according to rfc5545. But, I don't think that technical notation is what people would mark thinks up as. And indeed for formatting it is accounted for -
Maybe it's just a input bug and the endDate needs to be incremented before saving full day events.