Open Bug 1933554 Opened 3 months ago Updated 2 months ago

Take 'stretch' block-size (and alias) into consideration when setting NS_FRAME_IN_CONSTRAINED_BSIZE and NS_FRAME_CONTAINS_RELATIVE_BSIZE frame state bits


(Core :: Layout, task)





(Reporter: dholbert, Assigned: dholbert)


(Blocks 1 open bug)


Bug 1933408's patch stack doesn't do anything special to update the handling/treatment of these flags:


But I'm pretty sure we need to adjust how we set/unset them in various spots. Both of those flags are associated with whether a block-size has a percent value, and stretch is sorta like a percent value.

I'm filing this bug for this^ investigation/fixup, to avoid doing too much in bug 1933408 & to let that bug's patches land sooner (preffed off).

See Also: → 1933566
Summary: Take 'stretch' block-size (and ailas) into consideration when setting NS_FRAME_IN_CONSTRAINED_BSIZE and NS_FRAME_CONTAINS_RELATIVE_BSIZE frame state bits → Take 'stretch' block-size (and alias) into consideration when setting NS_FRAME_IN_CONSTRAINED_BSIZE and NS_FRAME_CONTAINS_RELATIVE_BSIZE frame state bits
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