Open Bug 1934931 Opened 2 months ago Updated 17 days ago

Investigate the need for additional application instantiation of custom pings since Glean v63.0.0


(Data Platform and Tools :: Glean: SDK, defect, P2)



(Not tracked)


(Reporter: travis_, Assigned: janerik)



With the changes in Glean v63.0.0, custom pings need to be registered/instantiated before Glean is initialized, otherwise you cannot record data on them.

On Android, the GleanTestRule doesn't really allow for this and so it isn't possible to use it with tests involving custom pings or data on those pings.

On Desktop, crashreporter requires touching the generated ping instance prior to init also.

On iOS, we don't have a GleanTestRule, but it still required activating the pings by calling registerPings

We should investigate if we can instantiate these pings within Glean or the ping instances in a way that avoids this extra integration code which could lead to obscure failures that are difficult to debug.

Summary: GleanTestRule doesn't allow registering of custom pings before Glean init → Investigate the need for additional application instantiation of custom pings since Glean v63.0.0
Duplicate of this bug: 1935001
Assignee: nobody → jrediger
Priority: -- → P2
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