Closed Bug 1938111 Opened 3 months ago Closed 3 months ago

[Rollout] No telemetry ping is sent for the chatbot CSAT Microsurvey


(Firefox :: Messaging System, defect)




Tracking Status
firefox134 --- verified
firefox135 --- verified


(Reporter: mcoman, Unassigned)


(Blocks 1 open bug)


[Affected versions]:

  • Firefox Beta 134.0b10 - Build ID: 20241213091550

[Affected Platforms]:

  • Windows 10
  • macOS 15.1.1
  • Ubuntu 24.04


  • Have a profile with the "nimbus.debug" pref set to true in the "about:config" page.

[Steps to reproduce]:

  1. Open the browser using the profile from the prerequisites.
  2. Navigate to the "about:glean" page and add a tag name in the first field from About Testing.
  3. Select the "messaging-system" telemetry pings from the dropdown and click the "Apply settings and submit" button.
  4. Navigate to the "about:studies?optin_slug=new-users-sidebar-genai&optin_branch=treatment-a"
  5. Navigate to the "about:studies?optin_slug=microsurvey-chatbot-csat-and-productivity-left-position&optin_branch=control&optin_collection=nimbus-preview" URL.
  6. Go to the bottom-left part of the screen and click the "Open AI chatbot" sidebar button.
  7. Click the "X" button from the top right part of the sidebar.
  8. Repeat steps 6 and 7 for two more times.
  9. Go to the bottom-left part of the screen and click the "Open AI chatbot" sidebar button.
  10. Select any option and click the "Next" button.
  11. Navigate to the[YourTagName] page and observe the telemetry events.

[Expected result]:

  • Messaging system events specific to the chatbot CSAT Microsuvey is displayed.

[Actual result]:

  • No messaging system event specific to the chatbot CSAT Microsuvey is displayed at all.

[Additional Notes]:

Summary: [Experiment] No telemetry ping is sent for the chatbot CSAT Microsuvey → [Rollout] No telemetry ping is sent for the chatbot CSAT Microsuvey
Summary: [Rollout] No telemetry ping is sent for the chatbot CSAT Microsuvey → [Rollout] No telemetry ping is sent for the chatbot CSAT Microsurvey
See Also: → 1938131

Thank you for spotting the issue.
I have updated the recipe, removing metrics:blocked, which should resolve it. Please let me know if you still experience it!

Hi Ania and thanks for fixing the issue so quickly!

I have retested and I can confirm that this issue is no longer reproducible and all the telemetry events specific to the chatbot CSAT Microsurvey are generated and sent. Tested using the latest Firefox Beta 134.0b10 - Build ID: 20241213091550.
Based on the above I am closing this issue as Resolved - Fixed.

Closed: 3 months ago
Resolution: --- → FIXED

Based on my latest comment I am marking this issue as Verified - Fixed.

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