Closed Bug 1938358 Opened 3 months ago Closed 2 months ago

[Rollout] The chatbot CSAT Micosurvey title overlaps the "X" button on the Firefox "de" locale build


(Firefox :: Messaging System, defect, P1)




136.1 - Jan 6 - Jan 17
Tracking Status
firefox134 --- verified
firefox135 --- verified


(Reporter: mcoman, Assigned: asafko, NeedInfo)


(Blocks 2 open bugs)



(1 file)

Attached image rec of the issue.gif

[Affected versions]:

  • Firefox Beta 134.0b10 de locale - Build ID: 20241213091550

[Affected Platforms]:

  • Windows 10
  • macOS 15.1.1
  • Ubuntu 24.04


  • Have a Firefox Beta 134.0b10 "de" locale build installed.
  • Client is enrolled in the "Existing users: Sidebar + GenAI" experiment.
  • Have a profile with the "nimbus.debug" pref set to true in the "about:config" page.

[Steps to reproduce]:

  1. Open the browser using the profile from the prerequisites.
  2. Navigate to the "about:studies?optin_slug=microsurvey-chatbot-csat-and-productivity-left-position&optin_branch=control&optin_collection=nimbus-preview" URL.
  3. Go to the bottom-left part of the screen and click the "Open AI chatbot" sidebar button.
  4. Click the "X" button from the top right part of the sidebar.
  5. Repeat steps 3 and 4 for two more times.
  6. Go to the bottom-left part of the screen and click the "Open AI chatbot" sidebar button.
  7. Observe the chatbot CSAT Micosurvey title.

[Expected result]:

  • The title of the Chatbot CSAT Microsurvey is displayed correctly and does not overlap with the "X" button.

[Actual result]:

  • The chatbot CSAT Micosurvey title overlaps the "X" button

[Additional Notes]:

  • This issue is reproducible on both screens of the chatbot CSAT Micosurvey.
  • The issue may be reproducible on other locales with long strings in the title.
  • Attached a screen recording of the issue.
Summary: [Experiment] The chatbot CSAT Micosurvey title overlaps the "X" button on the Firefox "de" locale build → [Rollout] The chatbot CSAT Micosurvey title overlaps the "X" button on the Firefox "de" locale build
See Also: → 1938377

NI @Shane, could this be a off-train fix like 1938377?

Flags: needinfo?(shughes)
Flags: needinfo?(asafko)
Assignee: nobody → asafko
Iteration: --- → 135.3 - Dec 23 - Jan 3
Priority: -- → P1
Iteration: 135.3 - Dec 23 - Jan 3 → 136.1 - Jan 6 - Jan 17

I have verified this issue on Firefox Release 134.0 (Build ID: 20241230151726) on Windows 10 x64, macOS 12.6.1, and Ubuntu 20.04 x64, using both the “Microsurvey: chatbot CSAT and productivity, existing users” and the “Microsurvey: chatbot CSAT and productivity, NEW users” rollouts.

  • Long titles are now wrapped and there is no overlap with the X(Close) button (screenshot).

@Ania, do you plan on making other UI changes to the microsurvey, as discussed in the comments from Bug 1938377? If not, I think it’s safe to close this issue as Verified-Fixed.

Based on comment 18 from Bug 1938377, I am marking this issue as Verified-Fixed.

Closed: 2 months ago
Resolution: --- → FIXED
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