Open Bug 1938622 Opened 2 months ago Updated 27 days ago

Port semanticdb-kotlin to support Kotlin 2.x


(Webtools :: Searchfox, task)



(Not tracked)


(Reporter: nicolas.guichard, Unassigned)


(Blocks 1 open bug)


The semanticdb-kotlinc Kotlin compiler plugin that generates SemanticDB data for Kotlin code only supports up to Kotlin 1.9.
The original source lives at
This GitHub fork migrates the plugin to the new Kotlin 2 frontend (FIR instead of PSI), but the symbols in the output SemanticDB don't follow the expected format. (for instance sample/Banana#foo(). became `sample/Banana` kotlin/Unit.)

:titouan has a WIP commit to port the plugin from Kotlin 2.0 to Kotlin 2.1, based on slycodemonkey's fork, which is available at
This doesn't fix the symbol format issues yet.

Blocks: 1897958

It seems nowadays the go-to way to implement semanticdb-kotlinc would be the Kotlin Analysis API, but that apparently doesn't support compiler plugins (according to this GitHub comment) and would be more of a rewrite than an update.

I also gave a quick look at Google's Kotlin Symbol Processing API, aka KSP, but it seems to only traverses declarations, not expressions and statements. (From

Starting from slycodemonkey's and :titouan's forks, I reverted the changes to the tests and started fixing them over at It still needs work.

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