Port semanticdb-kotlin to support Kotlin 2.x
(Webtools :: Searchfox, task)
(Not tracked)
(Reporter: nicolas.guichard, Unassigned)
(Blocks 1 open bug)
The semanticdb-kotlinc Kotlin compiler plugin that generates SemanticDB data for Kotlin code only supports up to Kotlin 1.9.
The original source lives at https://github.com/sourcegraph/scip-kotlin.
This GitHub fork migrates the plugin to the new Kotlin 2 frontend (FIR instead of PSI), but the symbols in the output SemanticDB don't follow the expected format. (for instance sample/Banana#foo().
became `sample/Banana`#foosample.foo(): kotlin/Unit.
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Comment 1•2 months ago
:titouan has a WIP commit to port the plugin from Kotlin 2.0 to Kotlin 2.1, based on slycodemonkey's fork, which is available at https://github.com/titooan/scip-kotlin/tree/kotlin2.1.
This doesn't fix the symbol format issues yet.
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Comment 2•2 months ago
It seems nowadays the go-to way to implement semanticdb-kotlinc would be the Kotlin Analysis API, but that apparently doesn't support compiler plugins (according to this GitHub comment) and would be more of a rewrite than an update.
I also gave a quick look at Google's Kotlin Symbol Processing API, aka KSP, but it seems to only traverses declarations, not expressions and statements. (From https://kotlinlang.org/docs/ksp-why-ksp.html#comparison-to-kotlinc-compiler-plugins).
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Comment 3•27 days ago
Starting from slycodemonkey's and :titouan's forks, I reverted the changes to the tests and started fixing them over at https://github.com/nicolas-guichard/scip-kotlin/tree/kotlin-2. It still needs work.