feature request - add hotkey to toggle ai chatbot pane
(Core :: Machine Learning, enhancement)
(Reporter: aum7xaum, Unassigned)
User Agent: Mozilla/5.0 (X11; Linux x86_64; rv:134.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/134.0
Steps to reproduce:
i opened firefox
i pressed [ctrl-b] expecting to open a side pane with last used side-pane-tab, ie
bookmarks, or history, or, particularly, ai chatbot
i know [ctrl-b] is for side pane > bookmarks
i am kindly asking for a shortcut to either :
- toggle side pane with ai chatbot tab (preferred)
- toggle side pane with last used tab, ie ai chatbot
i know i can do :
[ctrl-b] - toggle side pane - bookmarks
[shift-tab] 2x to focus subpane (ie bookmarks)
[enter] to open subpane
[arrow down] to select ai chatbot
[enter] to confirm selection
as obvious, this is quite some hotkeying
when side pane is closed,
i would have to repeat that every time i toggle side pane
thx for sharing you precious time
have fun
Comment 1•1 month ago
The Bugbug bot thinks this bug should belong to the 'Core::Machine Learning' component, and is moving the bug to that component. Please correct in case you think the bot is wrong.
Comment 2•1 month ago
firefox 135 added ctrl-alt-x to toggle chatbot pane with bug 1905027
bug 1897411 ctrl-alt-z also added toggling the expanded/hidden sidebar but not quite your suggestion of the last used pane