Open Bug 1941622 Opened 2 months ago Updated 2 months ago

Closed window's closed tabs do not get saved by session restore if the window has no worth-saving tabs at time of close


(Firefox :: Session Restore, defect, P3)





(Reporter: jswinarton, Unassigned)


Steps to reproduce (using a new profile):

  1. In about:config, ensure browser.sessionstore.closedTabsFromClosedWindows is true
  2. Open two windows
  3. In window A, open a number of tabs with "worth-saving" content (i.e. a real website, not just about:blank)
  4. Close all the tabs you just opened in window A, such that only one tab remains (the "New Tab" that was created when the window was first opened).
  5. In the top menu, go to "History > Recently Closed Tabs". Observe the list of tabs you just closed.
  6. Close window A. (Window B should still be open).
  7. Reopen the "History" menu.

Expected result:
The list of tabs continues to appear in the "Recently Closed Tabs" menu.

Actual result:
No recently closed tabs exist and the "Recently Closed Tabs" menu item is disabled.

My suspicion is that on window close, session store is checking if the window has any open "worth saving" tabs, and discarding it if it does not, even though that window may have "worth saving" closed tabs that should be saved.

Summary: Closed window's tabs do not get saved by session restore if the window has no worth-saving tabs at time of close → Closed window's closed tabs do not get saved by session restore if the window has no worth-saving tabs at time of close
Severity: -- → S4
Priority: -- → P3
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