Open Bug 1943451 Opened 27 days ago Updated 27 days ago

New wpt failures in /fetch/fetch-later/ [permissions-policy/deferred-fetch-allowed-by-permissions-policy-attribute-redirect.tentative.https.window.html, and 19 others]


(Core :: DOM: Networking, defect)





(Reporter: wpt-sync, Unassigned)



(Whiteboard: [wpt])

Syncing wpt PR 50209 found new untriaged test failures in CI

Tests Affected

New Tests That Don't Pass

  • /fetch/fetch-later/permissions-policy/deferred-fetch-allowed-by-permissions-policy-attribute-redirect.tentative.https.window.html []
    • Permissions policy allow="deferred-fetch" allows fetchLater() from a redirected same-origin iframe.: FAIL (Chrome: PASS)
  • /fetch/fetch-later/permissions-policy/deferred-fetch-allowed-by-permissions-policy.tentative.https.window.html []
    • Permissions policy header: "deferred-fetch=*" allows fetchLater() in the cross-origin iframe.: FAIL (Chrome: PASS)
  • /fetch/fetch-later/permissions-policy/deferred-fetch-default-permissions-policy.tentative.https.window.html []
    • Default "deferred-fetch-minimal" permissions policy ["*"] allows fetchLater() in the cross-origin iframe.: FAIL (Chrome: PASS)
  • /fetch/fetch-later/permissions-policy/deferred-fetch-supported-by-permissions-policy.tentative.window.html []
    • document.featurePolicy.features should advertise deferred-fetch.: FAIL (Chrome: PASS)
  • /fetch/fetch-later/quota/accumulated-oversized-payload.tentative.https.window.html []
    • The 2nd fetchLater(same-origin) call in the top-level document is not allowed to exceed per-origin quota for its POST body of String.: FAIL (Chrome: PASS)
  • /fetch/fetch-later/quota/cross-origin-iframe/accumulated-oversized-payload.tentative.https.window.html []
    • The 2nd fetchLater(same-origin) call in a default cross-origin child iframe has its owned per-origin quota for a request POST body of String.: FAIL (Chrome: PASS)
  • /fetch/fetch-later/quota/cross-origin-iframe/empty-payload.tentative.https.window.html []
    • fetchLater() does not accept empty POST request body of String in a default cross-origin iframe.: FAIL (Chrome: PASS)
    • fetchLater() does not accept empty POST request body of ArrayBuffer in a default cross-origin iframe.: FAIL (Chrome: PASS)
    • fetchLater() accepts a non-empty POST request body of FormData in a default cross-origin iframe.: FAIL (Chrome: PASS)
    • fetchLater() does not accept empty POST request body of URLSearchParams in a default cross-origin iframe.: FAIL (Chrome: PASS)
    • fetchLater() does not accept empty POST request body of Blob in a default cross-origin iframe.: FAIL (Chrome: PASS)
    • fetchLater() does not accept empty POST request body of File in a default cross-origin iframe.: FAIL (Chrome: PASS)
  • /fetch/fetch-later/quota/cross-origin-iframe/max-payload.tentative.https.window.html []
    • fetchLater() accepts max payload in a parent-frame-origin POST request body of String in a default cross-origin iframe.: FAIL (Chrome: PASS)
    • fetchLater() accepts max payload in a self-frame-origin POST request body of String in a default cross-origin iframe.: FAIL (Chrome: PASS)
  • /fetch/fetch-later/quota/cross-origin-iframe/multiple-iframes.tentative.https.window.html []
    • fetchLater() request quota are delegated to cross-origin iframes and not shared, even if they are same origin.: FAIL (Chrome: PASS)
  • /fetch/fetch-later/quota/cross-origin-iframe/small-payload.tentative.https.window.html []
    • fetchLater() accepts payload[size=20] in a POST request body of String in a default cross-origin iframe.: FAIL (Chrome: PASS)
    • fetchLater() accepts payload[size=20] in a POST request body of ArrayBuffer in a default cross-origin iframe.: FAIL (Chrome: PASS)
    • fetchLater() accepts payload[size=20] in a POST request body of FormData in a default cross-origin iframe.: FAIL (Chrome: PASS)
    • fetchLater() accepts payload[size=20] in a POST request body of URLSearchParams in a default cross-origin iframe.: FAIL (Chrome: PASS)
    • fetchLater() accepts payload[size=20] in a POST request body of Blob in a default cross-origin iframe.: FAIL (Chrome: PASS)
    • fetchLater() accepts payload[size=20] in a POST request body of File in a default cross-origin iframe.: FAIL (Chrome: PASS)
  • /fetch/fetch-later/quota/empty-payload.tentative.https.window.html []: ERROR (Chrome: OK)
    • fetchLater() does not accept an empty POST request body of String.: FAIL (Chrome: PASS)
    • fetchLater() does not accept an empty POST request body of ArrayBuffer.: FAIL (Chrome: PASS)
    • fetchLater() does not accept an empty POST request body of URLSearchParams.: FAIL (Chrome: PASS)
    • fetchLater() does not accept an empty POST request body of Blob.: FAIL (Chrome: PASS)
    • fetchLater() does not accept an empty POST request body of File.: FAIL (Chrome: PASS)
    • fetchLater() accept a GET request.: FAIL (Chrome: PASS)
    • fetchLater() accept a DELETE request.: FAIL (Chrome: PASS)
    • fetchLater() accept a PUT request.: FAIL (Chrome: PASS)
  • /fetch/fetch-later/quota/max-payload.tentative.https.window.html []
    • fetchLater() accepts max payload in a POST request body of String.: FAIL (Chrome: PASS)
    • fetchLater() rejects max+1 payload in a POST request body of String.: FAIL (Chrome: PASS)
  • /fetch/fetch-later/quota/multiple-origins.tentative.https.window.html []
    • fetchLater() has per-request-origin quota for its POST body of String.: FAIL (Chrome: PASS)
    • fetchLater() has per-request-origin quota for its POST body of ArrayBuffer.: FAIL (Chrome: PASS)
    • fetchLater() has per-request-origin quota for its POST body of FormData.: FAIL (Chrome: PASS)
    • fetchLater() has per-request-origin quota for its POST body of URLSearchParams.: FAIL (Chrome: PASS)
    • fetchLater() has per-request-origin quota for its POST body of Blob.: FAIL (Chrome: PASS)
    • fetchLater() has per-request-origin quota for its POST body of File.: FAIL (Chrome: PASS)
  • /fetch/fetch-later/quota/oversized-payload.tentative.https.window.html []
    • fetchLater() does not accept payload[size=65537] exceeding per-origin quota in a POST request body of String.: FAIL (Chrome: PASS)
    • fetchLater() does not accept payload[size=65537] exceeding per-origin quota in a POST request body of ArrayBuffer.: FAIL (Chrome: PASS)
    • fetchLater() does not accept payload[size=65537] exceeding per-origin quota in a POST request body of FormData.: FAIL (Chrome: PASS)
    • fetchLater() does not accept payload[size=65537] exceeding per-origin quota in a POST request body of URLSearchParams.: FAIL (Chrome: PASS)
    • fetchLater() does not accept payload[size=65537] exceeding per-origin quota in a POST request body of Blob.: FAIL (Chrome: PASS)
    • fetchLater() does not accept payload[size=65537] exceeding per-origin quota in a POST request body of File.: FAIL (Chrome: PASS)
  • /fetch/fetch-later/quota/same-origin-iframe/empty-payload.tentative.https.window.html []
    • fetchLater() does not accept empty POST request body of String in same-origin iframe.: FAIL (Chrome: PASS)
    • fetchLater() does not accept empty POST request body of ArrayBuffer in same-origin iframe.: FAIL (Chrome: PASS)
    • fetchLater() accepts a non-empty POST request body of FormData in same-origin iframe.: FAIL (Chrome: PASS)
    • fetchLater() does not accept empty POST request body of URLSearchParams in same-origin iframe.: FAIL (Chrome: PASS)
    • fetchLater() does not accept empty POST request body of Blob in same-origin iframe.: FAIL (Chrome: PASS)
    • fetchLater() does not accept empty POST request body of File in same-origin iframe.: FAIL (Chrome: PASS)
  • /fetch/fetch-later/quota/same-origin-iframe/max-payload.tentative.https.window.html []
    • fetchLater() accepts max payload in a POST request body of String in same-origin iframe.: FAIL (Chrome: PASS)
    • fetchLater() rejects max+1 payload in a POST request body of String in same-origin iframe.: FAIL (Chrome: PASS)
  • /fetch/fetch-later/quota/same-origin-iframe/multiple-iframes.tentative.https.window.html []
    • fetchLater() request quota are shared by same-origin iframes and root.: FAIL (Chrome: PASS)
  • /fetch/fetch-later/quota/same-origin-iframe/oversized-payload.tentative.https.window.html []
    • fetchLater() does not accept payload[size=65537] exceeding per-origin quota in a POST request body of String in same-origin iframe.: FAIL (Chrome: PASS)
    • fetchLater() does not accept payload[size=65537] exceeding per-origin quota in a POST request body of ArrayBuffer in same-origin iframe.: FAIL (Chrome: PASS)
    • fetchLater() does not accept payload[size=65537] exceeding per-origin quota in a POST request body of FormData in same-origin iframe.: FAIL (Chrome: PASS)
    • fetchLater() does not accept payload[size=65537] exceeding per-origin quota in a POST request body of URLSearchParams in same-origin iframe.: FAIL (Chrome: PASS)
    • fetchLater() does not accept payload[size=65537] exceeding per-origin quota in a POST request body of Blob in same-origin iframe.: FAIL (Chrome: PASS)
    • fetchLater() does not accept payload[size=65537] exceeding per-origin quota in a POST request body of File in same-origin iframe.: FAIL (Chrome: PASS)
  • /fetch/fetch-later/quota/same-origin-iframe/small-payload.tentative.https.window.html []
    • fetchLater() accepts payload[size=20] in a POST request body of String in same-origin iframe.: FAIL (Chrome: PASS)
    • fetchLater() accepts payload[size=20] in a POST request body of ArrayBuffer in same-origin iframe.: FAIL (Chrome: PASS)
    • fetchLater() accepts payload[size=20] in a POST request body of FormData in same-origin iframe.: FAIL (Chrome: PASS)
    • fetchLater() accepts payload[size=20] in a POST request body of URLSearchParams in same-origin iframe.: FAIL (Chrome: PASS)
    • fetchLater() accepts payload[size=20] in a POST request body of Blob in same-origin iframe.: FAIL (Chrome: PASS)
    • fetchLater() accepts payload[size=20] in a POST request body of File in same-origin iframe.: FAIL (Chrome: PASS)
  • /fetch/fetch-later/quota/small-payload.tentative.https.window.html []
    • fetchLater() accepts small payload in a POST request body of String.: FAIL (Chrome: PASS)
    • fetchLater() accepts small payload in a POST request body of ArrayBuffer.: FAIL (Chrome: PASS)
    • fetchLater() accepts small payload in a POST request body of FormData.: FAIL (Chrome: PASS)
    • fetchLater() accepts small payload in a POST request body of URLSearchParams.: FAIL (Chrome: PASS)
    • fetchLater() accepts small payload in a POST request body of Blob.: FAIL (Chrome: PASS)
    • fetchLater() accepts small payload in a POST request body of File.: FAIL (Chrome: PASS)

CI Results

Gecko CI (Treeherder)
GitHub PR Head


These updates will be on mozilla-central once bug 1942987 lands.

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