Open Bug 1945033 Opened 20 days ago Updated 19 days ago

closing a not recently used (suspended?) tab omits it from recently closed tabs history


(Fenix :: History, defect)

Firefox 134


(Not tracked)


(Reporter: jvines, Unassigned)


User Agent: Mozilla/5.0 (Android 15; Mobile; rv:134.0) Gecko/134.0 Firefox/134.0
Firefox for Android

Steps to reproduce:

I had a tab open in Firefox for probably a week, I had definitely restarted the app between then and now and I never really engaged with that tab. And then I dismissed it by swiping it away

Actual results:

The dismissed tab did not show in my recently closed tabs history

Expected results:

Be recently dismissed tab, regardless of how long ago I opened the tab, should be visible in the recently closed tabs history

I was going through my tab list and without opening the old tab, I accidentally swiped it to the right. I am assuming because of its stale state, it did not show in my recently closed tabs history

The Bugbug bot thinks this bug should belong to the 'Fenix::History' component, and is moving the bug to that component. Please correct in case you think the bot is wrong.

Component: Untriaged → History
Product: Firefox → Fenix

Hey, thanks for reporting this bug! I wasn't able to reproduce this. Would you be able to upload a video of you trying to reproduce the issue? Thanks

Flags: needinfo?(jvines)

I just tried again in both nightly 136 and release 134 and I could reproduce the issue. If a tab has not been loaded in the current app session / needs a reload, closing that tab will not appear in recently closed tabs. An easy way to check if the tab has been loaded yet is by checking if there is a tab preview in the Tabs Tray. If there is no tab preview, then the tab has not loaded yet. If an app has been open for longer than a month but the tab has already loaded, the behaviour works as expected

Ever confirmed: true
Flags: needinfo?(jvines)
Severity: -- → S3
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