closing a not recently used (suspended?) tab omits it from recently closed tabs history
(Fenix :: History, defect)
(Not tracked)
(Reporter: jvines, Unassigned)
User Agent: Mozilla/5.0 (Android 15; Mobile; rv:134.0) Gecko/134.0 Firefox/134.0
Firefox for Android
Steps to reproduce:
I had a tab open in Firefox for probably a week, I had definitely restarted the app between then and now and I never really engaged with that tab. And then I dismissed it by swiping it away
Actual results:
The dismissed tab did not show in my recently closed tabs history
Expected results:
Be recently dismissed tab, regardless of how long ago I opened the tab, should be visible in the recently closed tabs history
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Comment 1•20 days ago
I was going through my tab list and without opening the old tab, I accidentally swiped it to the right. I am assuming because of its stale state, it did not show in my recently closed tabs history
Comment 2•20 days ago
The Bugbug bot thinks this bug should belong to the 'Fenix::History' component, and is moving the bug to that component. Please correct in case you think the bot is wrong.
Comment 3•19 days ago
Hey, thanks for reporting this bug! I wasn't able to reproduce this. Would you be able to upload a video of you trying to reproduce the issue? Thanks
Comment 4•19 days ago
I just tried again in both nightly 136 and release 134 and I could reproduce the issue. If a tab has not been loaded in the current app session / needs a reload, closing that tab will not appear in recently closed tabs. An easy way to check if the tab has been loaded yet is by checking if there is a tab preview in the Tabs Tray. If there is no tab preview, then the tab has not loaded yet. If an app has been open for longer than a month but the tab has already loaded, the behaviour works as expected
Updated•19 days ago