Open Bug 1950732 Opened 8 days ago Updated 8 days ago

Firefox fails WPT css/css-writing-modes/block-flow-direction-srl-057.xht


(Core :: Layout, defect)





(Reporter: dholbert, Unassigned)


(Blocks 1 open bug)



(1 file)

We fail this WPT:

Failure annotation:

(That annotation points at bug 1244601 but I don't think that bug is actually relevant to the-way-in-which we fail this test at this point today.)

Brief analysis -- the test has vertical arrangements of yellow Ahem-font square glyphs, with spaces between them, wrapped in a div with blue background (and a blue border). These end up combining to render the word "PASS". In Firefox, the "P" and "A" seem to be missing their bottom stripe of blue.

I think this is from Firefox not including the trailing space character as part of the intrinsic inline-size of elements like this one:

<!-- The right-most line of "P" --> <div class="right-border">eeee&nbsp;&nbsp; </div>

Note the trailing space after the last &nbsp; there -- I suspect that space (and whether it contributes to sizing) is responsible for our rendering difference vs. Chrome here.

[EDIT: This^ isn't actually the reason we differ from Chrome; see reduced testcase in comment 2 for a better visualization of the underlying behavior-difference that results in us failing here.]

(In reply to Daniel Holbert [:dholbert] from comment #0)

I think this is from Firefox not including the trailing space character as part of the intrinsic inline-size of elements like this one:

<!-- The right-most line of "P" --> <div class="right-border">eeee&nbsp;&nbsp; </div>

Hmm, so this^ is sort-of it -- at least, if I replace that trailing space with &nbsp;, then we change our rendering and pass the test.

However, if I remove that trailing space (and its adjacent &nbsp; spaces) from the testcase, it doesn't make a difference to Chrome's rendering -- so it's not that Chrome is honoring those spaces, but rather that Chrome is sizing all of these divs to the same height for other reasons, I think (filling the available space in the table-cell wrapper, I think).

Attached file reduced testcase 1

Here's a reduced testcase that captures the actual difference here.

Chrome renders this testcase with all of the cyan elements having the same inline-size (so each "aaa/b/c" grouping is consistently sized).

Firefox renders all of the vertical ones as having content-shrink-wrapping sizes (so "aaa" is larger than "b " which is larger than "c"), though we render the horizontal one with consistent inline-sizes.

Severity: -- → S3
Type: task → defect
Summary: Firefox fails WPT css/css-writing-modes/wm-propagation-body-044.html due to a test bug → Firefox fails WPT css/css-writing-modes/block-flow-direction-srl-057.xht
No longer depends on: 1950721
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