Closed Bug 196149 Opened 22 years ago Closed 22 years ago

A regression-fix release for Rhino 1.5R4?


(Rhino Graveyard :: Core, enhancement)

Not set


(Not tracked)



(Reporter: igor, Assigned: norrisboyd)



I would suggest to make a release for Rhino 1.5R4 with fixes for regressions
since Rhino 1.5R3 if more users will complain. Currently they include:

bug 96270
bug 193168
bug 193555
bug 196017

The most problematic regression is the bug 96270 since it may influence any
script with importClass/importPackage that omits "new" before calling Java

As a preparation for that I created Rhino150R4_BRANCH in Rhino CVS and committed
fixes for the above bugs there.
Sounds fine by me. Do you think we should call it 1.5 Release 4.1, or 1.5 Release 5?
1.5R5 would not emphasis that it is only regression-fix for 1.5R4. On the other
hand, 1.5R4.1 looks to dotty for me. Perhaps something like Rhino 1.5 Release 4
patch 1 or 1.5R4p1 sounds better?

I also suggest to make it sometime during April to see if something else will
pop up.  
I added another regression to fix: see bug 200551 .
Depends on: 200551
On Rhino150R4_BRANCH I added docs/rhino15R41.html and updated docs/download.html
to look like 1.5R4.1 happened. 

In the documentation I referred to this release as 1.5R4.1 (at the end dots are
fine with me ;) . I also assumed that release candidate phase will be skipped
for the release since it seems users do not test RC releases but wait for the
"real stuff". And in case of problems, 1.5R4.2 can be issued.

The documentation changes should also be put on the main branch as well when the
release happened.
Before the release, build.xml and should also be updated with the
version string but then is it OK to use 1.5R4.1 ?
I checked in changes to use the 1.5R4.1 version string and built and posted it on ftp, but I haven't yet announced it. 

I noticed you made the appropriate changes in the docs directory. I'm assuming
we should just propagate those changes forward to the CVS trunk and I can then
post them to the website. Sound good?

Yes, that sounds good! 

The only problem is that merging of documentation may not work as is since after
1.5R4 I updated few links there and then I updated the branch with this
information as well while adding release info for 1.5R4.1. For thiss reason 
something like "cvs upd -j Rhino150R4_BRANCH" from the doc directory may not work.

But then Rhino150R4_BRANCH contains I believe the most up-to day docs and in
case of any merge conflicts it should take priority.
Posted 1.5 Release 4.1 and announced.

Marking Fixed.
Closed: 22 years ago
Resolution: --- → FIXED
Marking Verified -

This release tests out fine. The only testcases outside the
rhino-n.tests skip list that fail are:

1) bug 188206: whether or not certain uses of regexp quantifiers
   are considered to be invalid...

2) seven failures from bugs fixed in Rhino between the release of 1.5R4
   and today. That is, all seven are currently fixed in the Rhino tip.

Norris and I corresponded about this. These fixes will be included
in the 1.5R5 release -
Targeting as resolved against 1.5R4.1
Target Milestone: --- → 1.5R4.1
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