Closed Bug 201230 Opened 22 years ago Closed 21 years ago

Crash on exit


(SeaMonkey :: General, defect)

Other Branch
Windows 2000
Not set


(Not tracked)



(Reporter: julien.pierre, Assigned: asa)


(Keywords: crash, Whiteboard: TB11764Y, TB11762H)

I see crashes almost every time I exit the browser . I have been sending daily talkback reports. The actions I do regularly that cause this crash on exit are : - view tinderbox - view bugzilla query, results, and click on some bugs - go to edit / preferences / privacy & security - check my POP mail - read some emails via POP (usually signed, sometimes encrypted) - send some emails through SMTP (usually signed) I haven't been able to pinpoint a particular sequence. Simply starting & exiting the browser without doing anything doesn't reproduce the crash. I have to do a few of those steps above for about a minute, then exit, and it will crash. I'm running Mozilla 1.3 final. Recently, I built a trunk build of mozilla to try to figure out the problem. I reproduced the crash and the stack was as follows : NTDLL! DbgBreakPoint address 0x77f9180c nsDebug::Assertion(const char * 0x10105c10, const char * 0x10105c04, const char * 0x10105bd4, int 439) line 270 + 13 bytes nsDebug::WarnIfFalse(const char * 0x10105c10, const char * 0x10105c04, const char * 0x10105bd4, int 439) line 387 + 21 bytes nsThread::Shutdown() line 439 + 31 bytes NS_ShutdownXPCOM(nsIServiceManager * 0x00000000) line 764 NS_ShutdownXPCOM(nsIServiceManager * 0x00000000) line 144 + 13 bytes GRE_Shutdown() line 255 + 7 bytes main(int 1, char * * 0x002b1c90) line 1650 + 5 bytes mainCRTStartup() line 338 + 17 bytes KERNEL32! ProcessIdToSessionId + 381 bytes
Here is another stack I got when exiting the browser just after filing the bug. This stack is from 1.3 final, optimized. NTDLL! 77fcb7ae() NTDLL! 77fc96cb() MSVCRT! 7800115c() XPCOM! nsSharableString::GetSharedBufferHandle(void) + 188058 bytes XPCOM! nsHashtable::Reset(int (*)(class nsHashKey *,void *,void *),void *) + 45 bytes XPCOM! nsHashtable::Reset(void) + 9 bytes XPCOM! nsCheapInt32Set::operator=(class nsCheapInt32Set const &) + 1390 bytes PROFILE! NSGetModule + 9981 bytes MOZILLA! nsDependentSubstring::GetWritableFragment(struct nsWritableFragment<unsigned short> &,enum nsFragmentRequest,unsigned int) + 389 bytes MOZILLA! nsDependentSubstring::GetWritableFragment(struct nsWritableFragment<unsigned short> &,enum nsFragmentRequest,unsigned int) + 207 bytes MOZILLA! nsDependentCString::nsDependentCString(char const *) + 1468 bytes KERNEL32! ProcessIdToSessionId + 381 bytes
Just to make things clear, those crashes with different versions of Mozilla were with the same profile. Right after I posted comment #1, I exited the 1.3 browser, and it crashed again with an identical stack.
Julien, Can you check bug 193998 to see if you think we are talking about similar crash ?
I also get similar crashes while exitting Mozilla/5.0 (Windows; U; Windows NT 5.0; en-US; rv:1.4b) Gecko/20030507. I also had the same problem with 1.3. My similarity claim is based on the call stack trace. The call stack is very different than bug 193998. It is difficult to describe a test case for reproducing the problem, it won't happen when I want. I only get the crash consistently when I run Mozilla for several hours using the browser with java plugin (for msnbc crossword) and various normal email operations (pop3). Possibly noteworthy, I have several user profiles. The profile for this case was created with Netscape 7.01, and the Mozilla profile manager won't highlight highlight it when I select it with a mouse click. All other profiles highlight normally. This is the post mortem: Crash Message: mozilla: The instruction at "0x77fcb8f4" referenced memory at "0x00080000" The memory could not be written MS C++ Debugger message: unhandled exception in mozilla.exe (NTDLL.DLL) 0xC0000005: Access Violation Call Stack: NTDLL! 77fcb8f4() NTDLL! 77fcb795() MSVCRT! 7800115c() MSGBSUTL! 620f89c0() GKLAYOUT! 6168584a() Code: 77FCB78A lea eax,[ebp-30h] 77FCB78D push eax 77FCB78E push esi 77FCB78F push edi 77FCB790 call 77FCB87F ...... 77FCB8F4 mov dword ptr [ecx],eax 77FCB8F6 mov dword ptr [eax+4],ecx Registers: EAX = 0000008B EBX = 00230000 ECX = 00080000 EDX = 03429110 ESI = 03428DB0 EDI = 03429110 EIP = 77FCB8F4 ESP = 0012FA40 EBP = 0012FA4C EFL = 00200287 MM0 = 00000038BD64B920 MM1 = 0012EC7800000000 MM2 = 002002120000001B MM3 = 002002860000001B MM4 = 0000000000000000 MM5 = 0000000000000000 MM6 = 0000000000000000 MM7 = 8000000000000000
I guess this bug is a duplicate of bug 185901. I posted some of my "crash on exit" talckbacks there.
I keep getting crashes on exits every single time, even with moz 1.5a. Is it just me ? I hope the talkback database doesn't overflow. It would be really appreciated if somebody could look at this.
Julien: Could you retest with actual talkback-enabled nightbuild or 1.5b? If browser still crash, please provide your TalkBack incident ID.
Severity: normal → critical
Keywords: crash, stackwanted
This is with 1.5b (Build ID: 2003082804), on Windows XP: TB23229089E
Two more: TB23229273E TB23229277G I made the followiung tries: 1. open Mozilla navigator 2. close it -> no problem 1. open Mozilla navigator 2. open Mozilla mail 3. download some POP3 mail 4. close it -> crash Please notice that in these reports I have enigmail enabled, but I had the problem also without it, some time ago at least.
None of TB incidents (TB23229089E, TB23229273E, TB23229277G) is shown in Crash Analysis. =(
>None is shown in Crash Analysis Oh. Why? BTW: where is the Crash Analysis available? I know almost nothing about it If this can help I can give much more talkbacks.. one for each time I close Mozilla, of coruse 0=) TB23248505H TB23259403W TB23277426Q Always on WinXP, Mozilla 1.5b, enigmail-0.76.6.xpi, enigmime-0.76.3-win32.xpi
Oh, thanks. BTW: these are with "latest trunk" (Build ID: 2003090304) and with *NO* enigmail installed TB23320620E TB23320645X TB23320655W
None of these incidents are in trunk Crash Analysis. Asa: Could you please look on climate for TB23320655W?
Downloaded and installed Mozilla 1.5rc1 (Gecko/20030916), tried to do usual thing (open one or two webpages, download POP3 mail, just the same as in comment #0)... same old crash on close. It seems to be mail related (though I can't guarantee: I can't test the browser for "hours" without checking my mail ^_^), but definitely doesn't count if navigator or mail&news is closed first or last. Opening navigator but browsing no page, then downloading POP3 and closing nevers seems to lead to a crash. Those are all without enigmail installed and with no S/MIME opened in the tests. (some are with *no mail* opened at all, just downloaded). Another info: I use junk mail control. TB23845731G TB23845709X TB23845689G TB23845646G TB23845626K BTW: I'd like to help more... but I don't understand how to get the line numer of the crash from my own crash data... isn't there an how-to somewhere?
I can try to look up the crash reports when I have access to that machine (maybe later today). In the mean time, do you crash if you remove enigmail (and any other 3rd-party extensions)?
Crash reports in comment #13 and in comment #15 are without enigmail. (freshly installed Mozilla in both cases, I use no other 3rd party addon)
1.5 release (+enigmail) TB25207789M closed after over 1 week uptime TB25208961E closed after a few minutes uptime TB25209042Y closed after a few minutes uptime
Is this related to bug 185901? Seems so. Contains some of my previous TBs, then I lost that URL and, using bugzilla, I did find this one, not realizing it was a different bug...
Lapo, Julien: Bug 193998 was fixed in early 2004, so please check if you still crash on exit with 1.7b and report your Talkback ID (Talkback is included with 1.7b installer builds) in this case. Thanks!
It was quite a while I didn't use a talkback-enabled build, so I don't have "much" to report, but unfortunately I can still very easily report on this, here are two quick crashs (open browser, open mail, download mail, close both, crash): TB11764Y TB11762H
Keywords: talkbackid
Whiteboard: TB11764Y, TB11762H
Another two "generic" crashes: TB11862E TB12071X and one that is a bit "particular" because I only opened MailNews (and only for a couple of minutes) and no Navigator: TB12253G
Bug 198998 is definitely fixed in Mozilla 1.6 (I reported that one and haven't crashed since upgrading to 1.6). That was a problem in mail search code so if you did any searching and filing mail in folders the chances were that you would crash. If you are now crashing with a version later than 1.6, then it is a different problem.
from talkback: 0x03090f8c nsHashtable::Reset [/mozilla/xpcom/ds/nsHashtable.cpp, line 337] nsHashtable::Reset [/mozilla/xpcom/ds/nsHashtable.cpp, line 322] nsNSSComponent::StopCRLUpdateTimer [/mozilla/security/manager/ssl/src/nsNSSComponent.cpp, line 873] nsCOMPtr_base::assign_from_qi [/mozilla/xpcom/glue/nsCOMPtr.cpp, line 97] nsObserverService::NotifyObservers [/mozilla/xpcom/ds/nsObserverService.cpp, line 210] nsProfile::ShutDownCurrentProfile [/mozilla/profile/src/nsProfile.cpp, line 1359] DoOnShutdown [/mozilla/xpfe/bootstrap/nsAppRunner.cpp, line 804] main [/mozilla/xpfe/bootstrap/nsAppRunner.cpp, line 1717] WinMain [/mozilla/xpfe/bootstrap/nsAppRunner.cpp, line 1734] WinMainCRTStartup() kernel32.dll + 0x214c7 (0x77e614c7)
Lapo's talkback: 0x03090f8c nsHashtable::Reset [/mozilla/xpcom/ds/nsHashtable.cpp, line 337] nsHashtable::Reset [/mozilla/xpcom/ds/nsHashtable.cpp, line 322] nsNSSComponent::StopCRLUpdateTimer [/mozilla/security/manager/ssl/src/nsNSSComponent.cpp, line 873] nsCOMPtr_base::assign_from_qi [/mozilla/xpcom/glue/nsCOMPtr.cpp, line 97] nsObserverService::NotifyObservers [/mozilla/xpcom/ds/nsObserverService.cpp, line 210] nsProfile::ShutDownCurrentProfile [/mozilla/profile/src/nsProfile.cpp, line 1359] DoOnShutdown [/mozilla/xpfe/bootstrap/nsAppRunner.cpp, line 804] main [/mozilla/xpfe/bootstrap/nsAppRunner.cpp, line 1717] WinMain [/mozilla/xpfe/bootstrap/nsAppRunner.cpp, line 1734] WinMainCRTStartup() kernel32.dll + 0x214c7 (0x77e614c7) *** This bug has been marked as a duplicate of 200119 *** *** This bug has been marked as a duplicate of 200119 ***
Closed: 21 years ago
Resolution: --- → DUPLICATE
Product: Browser → Seamonkey
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