Closed Bug 201839 Opened 22 years ago Closed 22 years ago

Clicking link during paint suppression loads link as if it were part of paint-suppressed page


(Core :: Security, defect)

Windows XP
Not set





(Reporter: jruderman, Assigned: jst)


(Whiteboard: incorrect referer, cross-domain, zombie)


(4 files, 1 obsolete file)

This bug affects referers and cross-domain security, and might also affect session history. Steps to reproduce: 1. Load . 2. Click the "Slashdot" link. 3. As soon as the title bar changes (but before the Slashdot page appears), click the "mpt" link. Result: Slashdot appears briefly, then mpt appears. (MIGHT NOT BE THIS BUG) Expected: Only mpt should appear. (MIGHT NOT BE THIS BUG; related to bug 78681) 4. Back. Result: Slashdot appears. (MIGHT NOT BE THIS BUG) Expected: should appear. (MIGHT NOT BE THIS BUG) 5. Forward. 6. Open Page Info, look at referer. Result: Referer for is Expected: Referer for should be 7. Try out the security testcases (which involve javascript: URLs). Result: Cross-domain security hole. Expected: No security hole.
This one only works in Mozilla builds from the last few months.
This one works in older Mozilla builds, too.
This testcase is the best for turning the exploit into a game (cf bug 162020), but it isn't as good for seeing what's going on as the other testcases.
Possible fixes include: A. Disallow clicking links while a new page is paint-suppressed. B. Make links load with the correct referer (if http or https), context (if javascript: or data:), etc. even if a new page is paint-suppressed.
Whiteboard: incorrect referer, cross-domain
I'd vote for (b), based on least-surpise, most obvious result, etc
Isn't this a duplicate of bug 201132? There is a patch there that we should check in today (first version had to be backed out earlier).
Turns out that this is not a dupe of bug 201132, this is indeed a different problem.
The issue here is specific to javascript: URL's, the problem is that once the page where one of these links is has been unloaded, yet still displayed, clicking on a link to a javascript: URL will execute in the new document that is now being loaded into the window. I think we should simply don't execute javascript: URL's coming from a 'zombie' document, if we'd do that, we'd plug this hole... Doing that should be fairly straight forward, I'll see what I can do tomorrow unless someone else wants to take a stab at this.
jst: That won't fix the referer problem. But if you're going to do that as a quick fix, you'll probably need to block data: URLs from zombie pages too.
This plugs this hole in the link handler in Mozilla. In theory, we could support plugging in different link handlers into Mozilla, and if we ever support that, the new link handlers need to be aware of this. I added a comment in nsWebShell::GetInterface() where a change would be needed if we were ever to support that.
Attachment #120990 - Flags: superreview?(heikki)
Attachment #120990 - Flags: review?(mstoltz)
Comment on attachment 120990 [details] [diff] [review] Don't let links from zombie documents execute JS. sr=heikki I think the referrer issue is different enough to be solved in a separate bug.
Attachment #120990 - Flags: superreview?(heikki) → superreview+
Yeah, that only fixes the cross-domain security exploit, it doesn't fix the referer problem. I had a look at the referer problem too, and it should be easy to fix. One more patch coming up.
Attachment #120990 - Attachment is obsolete: true
Attachment #120990 - Flags: superreview+
Attachment #120990 - Flags: review?(mstoltz)
This fixes both the security problem, and the problem with the referer.
Attachment #121013 - Flags: superreview?(heikki)
Attachment #121013 - Flags: review?(mstoltz)
Comment on attachment 121013 [details] [diff] [review] Don't let links from zombie documents execute JS. And use the link's document's URI as the referer. I think it should be ok to load a link with empty referrer URL.
Comment on attachment 121013 [details] [diff] [review] Don't let links from zombie documents execute JS. And use the link's document's URI as the referer. Looks good. r=mstoltz.
Attachment #121013 - Flags: review?(mstoltz) → review+
Reassigning to jst. Thanks for the quick patch, Johnny!
Assignee: mstoltz → jst
Comment on attachment 121013 [details] [diff] [review] Don't let links from zombie documents execute JS. And use the link's document's URI as the referer. So if passing empty referrer works (no crashes, assertions, grabbing the wrong referrer later somewhere else) sr=heikki
Attachment #121013 - Flags: superreview?(heikki) → superreview+
Yeah, passing no referer works, so I took out the if check. Fix checked in. FIXED.
Closed: 22 years ago
Resolution: --- → FIXED
Group: security
Whiteboard: incorrect referer, cross-domain → incorrect referer, cross-domain, zombie
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