Closed Bug 20560 Opened 25 years ago Closed 25 years ago

Mail window uses "Netscape" in the title


(SeaMonkey :: MailNews: Message Display, defect, P3)



(Not tracked)



(Reporter: mikepinkerton, Assigned: phil)


The title of the mail window is "Netscape Communications Services - Mozilla".

The N word doesn't belong in mozilla bits.
It isn't the window which uses the N word, it's the <title> of the start page. I
don't understand what that's a problem, but if the mozilla thought police think
we should change it, we can certainly do that. Brendan?
shouldn't the title of the window be the mailbox being viewed? that's what it is
in 4.5. I can't actually read any mail w/out crashing, so i can't test that it's
the start page. If that's the case, and all this is by design, then mark this bug
invalid. ;)
I think the goal, modulo bug 13807, is to do the same thing as 4.x.

Message subject - Folder - Application

With respect to crashing, have you filed a bug or some talkback incidents? I'd
be happy to track down some bug fixes if you give me somewhere to start looking.
yes, i've filed a bug. rhp has it now, i think.

Not to nitpick, but mac4.5-4.7 doesn't have the subject of the message. For
example, when viewing my bug folder, it says:

Mail Folder "Bugs"

regardless of which message I have selected.
QA Contact: lchiang → nbaca
Closed: 25 years ago
Resolution: --- → INVALID
> mac4.5-4.7 doesn't have the subject of the message

As you're painfully aware, there are lots of platform parity bugs in 4.x. But
the spec (http://gooey/client/nova/specs/mailnews/main/3pane/) is clear, and I
think the spec'd behavior is better than that the MacFE did.

Anyway, since the title is generated by content, not XUL, it seems reasonable to
mark this invalid.
agreed ;)
Verified Invalid.
Product: Browser → Seamonkey
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