Bug 206247
Opened 22 years ago
Updated 2 years ago
sub-subfolders in LocalFolders/Inbox are not displayed
(MailNews Core :: Database, defect)
(Not tracked)
(Reporter: e31, Unassigned)
User-Agent: Mozilla/5.0 (Windows; U; Windows NT 5.1; en-US; rv:1.4b) Gecko/20030507
Build Identifier: Mozilla/5.0 (Windows; U; Windows NT 5.1; en-US; rv:1.4b) Gecko/20030507
As this error apears I was using Mozilla 1.3 final. I upgrade to 1.4b but it
does not solve my problem.
The Inbox folder shows me all subfolders I have created. But all subfolder in
the subfolders (sub-subfolders) are not shown any more. Example:
Local folders
- Inbox
- Family
- brother
- sister
The folders brother and sister are lost since yesterday! )-:
Directory listing (not complete):
Directory: Inbox.sbd
- File: Family (0 Bytes)
- File: Family.msf (1492 Bytes)
- ...
Perhaps it happens because the browser (in combination with Adobe Acrobat 5.1)
crashes for a few times. I hope somebody can help me to get my messages back.
Also workarounds are welcome, I need my messages!
Best Regards from Germany,
e31 (-´
Reproducible: Always
Steps to Reproduce:
Comment 1•22 years ago
Is there a Family.sbd sub-directory? That's where the brother and sister
mailboxes would be. A more complete directory listing would help. I can't think
of any reason they should disappear, however.
Reporter | ||
Comment 2•22 years ago
No there is now subfolder.
Here is my listing of the Inbox.sbd directory:
Directory of D:\My Documents - pdrecker\Mozilla\Mail\Local Folders\Inbox.sbd
17.05.2003 14:39 <DIR> .
17.05.2003 14:39 <DIR> ..
09.04.2003 10:36 0 Familie
19.05.2003 10:17 1.514 Familie.msf
09.04.2003 10:36 0 HGW
19.05.2003 10:17 1.325 HGW.msf
14.05.2003 17:30 762.776 Java
19.05.2003 10:17 11.804 Java.msf
19.05.2003 10:08 332.555 Peter Troy
19.05.2003 10:08 41.266 Peter Troy.msf
09.04.2003 10:27 0 Registrations
19.05.2003 14:16 1.302 Registrations.msf
08.04.2003 20:07 0 Shops
19.05.2003 10:17 1.392 Shops.msf
09.04.2003 10:29 0 UBM
19.05.2003 10:17 1.279 UBM.msf
09.04.2003 10:35 0 UNI Gryps
19.05.2003 10:17 1.485 UNI Gryps.msf
08.04.2003 20:07 1.761 UNI Hagen
19.05.2003 10:17 1.935 UNI Hagen.msf
18 File(s) 1.160.394 bytes
I think most of my mails are lost for ever. I'm right? )-:
If you are right that Mozilla Mail creates for every sub-subfolder a directory
then Mozilla has a very big bug in the (stable?) release 1.3 final. It has
deleted all sub-subfolders in the whole Local Folder (Inbox, Sent, ...)!
As a developer I can't believe that,
e31 (-´
Comment 3•22 years ago
Every parent folder has a .sbd directory. You could look in your trash
sub-folder to see if the sub-folders were accidentally dragged to the trash or
something like that.
Are you saying that you had sub-folders of the Sent folder, and those are also
gone now? I can't think of any bug that would selectively delete .sbd
directories. It's also odd that you have a lot of empty mailboxes like Shops and
Registrations. Were those also just empty place-holder parent folders? I don't
know of any bug like that in 1.3 final. Do you have auto-compaction of local
mail folders turned on? (If you did, you'd get prompted if you wanted to compact
folders every so often).
The browser crashing shouldn't cause data loss like this. The only cause I know
of for this problem is if you have an imap server and a local mail directory and
you set the local directory for the imap server to point to your local mail
directory. Do you have an imap server account configured? If you did, though,
I'd think you'd have run into problems before...
Reporter | ||
Comment 4•22 years ago
1. The trash folder is empty.
2. The mailboxes like Shops are empty because they are only empty place-holder
parent folders.
3. Auto-compaction of local mail folders is not turned on and the compaction was
not manually started.
4. I do not use any IMAP connection, only POP3. All my POP3 connections have
there own directory on my hard disk and I move all mails manually to the Local
5. In the last few days I did not change any configuration in mozilla. Is there
any recovery tool available? A few mails are very important.
Best Regards,
e31 (-´
Comment 5•22 years ago
I can confirm this bug. I just upgraded from 1.3 to 1.4 and have "lost" all of
my subfolders for my Local Folder. If I look at the hard drive, the files are
all in place, but the folders/subfolders do not show up.
Mozilla/5.0 (Windows; U; Windows NT 5.0; en-US; rv:1.4) Gecko/20030624
Here is an excerpt of what my hard drive shows:
% tree
|-- ATT.msf
|-- Diving.sbd
| |-- CCD
| `-- CCD.sbd
| |-- cleanup
| |-- cleanup 2001
| `-- cleanup 2001.sbd
| |-- Admin Registrations.msf
| `-- Bulk Registrations.msf
|-- Drafts
|-- Letters
|-- Letters.msf
|-- Letters.sbd
| |-- HAWAII
| `-- HAWAII.msf
|-- Receipts.msf
|-- Sent
|-- Technology
|-- Technology.sbd
| |-- Emacs
| |-- Inbox
| |-- Java
| |-- Perl Stuff
| |-- Samba
| `-- Samba.sbd
|-- Templates
|-- Trash
|-- Travel.msf
|-- Unsent Messages
and yet my view within mail only shows the following folders and sub-folders:
| |-- HAWAII
|-- Emacs
|-- Inbox
|-- Java
|-- Perl Stuff
|-- Samba
That a user should be able to:
1. View the Settings for a local folder.
2. That the file system directory pointed to by the Local directory field should
be parsed breadth first and that each "Mailbox Folder" within each file system
directory be used to populate the mail folder view.
3. That any error's (ie. a permissions issue on a file system sub-directory) be
Comment 6•22 years ago
I don't know what caused the mailboxes to get emptied - the only things I know
of that caus this kind of problem are virus checkers, and certain file systems,
like ReiserFS, some versions of which have limit on the size of a single file.
There was a bug in the installer that caused whole mail directories to get wiped
out. This afflicted 1.4 and 1.5 builds between 07/10 and 08/06, roughly.
Re Jason's comment, I agree that we should handle sub-directories that have no
corresponding mailbox file, e.g., if there's a directory called Parent.sbd, but
no file called Parent, we should still show Parent and the mailboxes in the
Parent directory.
Ever confirmed: true
Comment 7•21 years ago
Has any progress been made on this bug? I've finally convinced one of my
co-workers of the merits of Mozilla and right out of the box he's encountered
this error. He's imported his e-mail several times so far.
Any known or suspected workarounds?
Comment 8•21 years ago
exit mozilla and try moving all the .msf files and panacea.dat outside your
mozilla directory.
now restart mozilla and see if that helps
Comment 9•21 years ago
that won't help - the problem is that there's no folder named "Diving" in
Pascal's example - if there were, we'd notice the sub-folder as well. I looked
at this for a bit but haven't found a fix yet. I think we'd need to create a
folder called "Diving" in this case, if one didn't exist.
Comment 10•21 years ago
Jason, where is he importing his mail from? what program? Is it import that's
broken in his case, or is he losing folders after the import? In his case, is
the parent folder empty? Also, did you have messages in the Diving folder before
you upgraded? If you create an empty file called Diving and restart mozilla, do
you see all the sub-folders?
Updated•20 years ago
Product: MailNews → Core
Comment 11•20 years ago
No responce for more than one year...
My experience says that 99.99% of this case is "User Error".
Comment 12•20 years ago
Can confirm this behaviour
Windows XP:
Set up thunderbird (*), set up mail account, downloaded emails from server, made
new subfolder as child of Local Folders(*), could not move, copy or
drag'n'drop mail to that folder so I closed Thunderbird using the close icon on
top right of window border.
Reopened Thunderbird to find no mail!!!! All 63 messages just downloaded lost.
version 1.0 (20041206) on Windows XP service pack 2, running AVG email scanner.
This is version 1.0 downloaded less than an hour ago (7th December 2004 after
1500 GMT ) from
I hope the severity of this bug is obvious. I'd call this a complete
showstopper, total blocker, just-don't-release-the product-til-this-thing-is-
fixed etc etc etc.
Who on earth released this build?
(*)Also found other bugs to do with relocating mailboxes away from the default
path, and resiting the installation directory of Thunderbird to do with dialog
box. Will be hunting to see if these bugs are listed elsewhere or will add it.
Same bug in different parts of the GUI.
BTW: Have been using 0.8 under Linux (SuSE 8.2) quite happily for some time and
never experienced this kind of problem.
Comment 13•20 years ago
Actually just realised this may be a different bug.
To make it clear:
1. I set the install location of Thunderbird to F:/Thunderbird during install
2. I set the mailbox location to F:/Mail/lesley
3. I set up my mailing details and downloaded my emails.
4. I made a new sub-folder of Local Folders and tried to move, copy, or
drag'n'drop one email to that new folder.
In steps 1, 2 and 4 I experienced a bug to do with creating a New Folder.
I could rename the folder in the directory listing;
I could ensure that folder was listed in the filename text field below the
directory listing only by entering it myself;
I could only get Thunderbird to recognise it was there by closing and restarting
the installation process to get the installation process to recognise F:/
Thunderbird instead of F:/New Folder and likewise to get it to recognise F:/
Mail/ and then F:/Mail/lesley instead of F:/New Folder and then F:/Mail/New
Being unable to move copy drag'n'drop successfully I closed Thunderbird down
again reopened it to find I had lost *all* my emails from my Inbox.
I couldn't even get to lose anything from a sub-folder because I couldn't get
anything into a subfolder.
How on earth can you release something in that state and call it an email
Comment 14•20 years ago
Just a guess, but I think what you're encountering is that we don't recognize
the changing of the mail directory until after you shutdown and restart. Not to
diminish the severity of your issues, but I believe the rest of your problems
fall out from that.
Comment 15•20 years ago
and if this is not obvious, switching your local directory back to where it was
originally should make the messages and folders re-appear. Changing the local
folder directory just changes *where* we look for your stored mail. It doesn't
copy all the mail from the old location to the new location.
Comment 16•20 years ago
Many thanks for your reply. This was a misposting and should have gone into
Bug No 193916.
However, I feel I do have to respond to your guess ...
1. I stopped and restarted the installation process to get that to recognise
2. I stopped and restarted to get Thunderbird to recognise F:/Mail and then
3. When I stopped and restarted to get Thunderbird to recognise the new sub-
folder, I lost *all* 63 emails in my Inbox.
Could you tell me precisely how many times I have to stop and restart for
Thunderbird on Windows XP to recognise where I want to put my mail boxes?
And what I have to do to ensure that Thunderbird doesn't act as an pure out and
out email-shredder on Windows XP?
I have used Thunderbird on SuSE 8.2 and it has acted well as an email client and
not an email shredder. It would have been great to use Thunderbird on XP too
but my needs right now are for an email client so I'll simply have to go
elsewhere for this platform.
From what I can recall from GUI development on Windows, there has to have been a
serious attempt to break the folder selection GUI the way it is broken in this
release. For a start, the text field does not automatically update with the
renamed folder when a new folder is made and renamed in that dialog box. I may
be wrong but I think someone has actually had to put in a bit of effort to break
that functionality.
I also fail to see how and why these operations work well under Linux but not
under XP. I never experienced anything like lost subfolders there let alone a
lost Inbox. Surely, if the core functionality allows the parameterisation of
the installation directory, location of mailboxes, etc etc on Linux then there
must be sufficent code reuse to be able to repeat the same functionality on a
Windows platform?
Comment 17•20 years ago
You should only need to shut down once and restart. The code is essentially the
same on linux, windows and mac. Is the Inbox file really gone/empty on disk? If
you look in your user profile directory and the new mail directory you
specified, is it not there?
Comment 18•20 years ago
In response to your further suggestions and sheer desparation, I commited a
search on my D: drive for 'Mail' and 'Inbox'. Just to verify there is nothing
there. OK 'Mail' showed some stuff for MSN Messenger, the sendmail.dll etc etc
and 'Inbox' showed something in a Java demo directory I'd forgotten was taking
up space but that's about it.
And, just to repeat the situation... I stopped and restarted the installation
process once to get Thunderbird to recognise the installation directory I wanted
to use.
I stopped and restarted the mailbox set up procedure twice ... once to get
Thunderbird to recognise that I wanted to use F:/Mail and then a second time to
get Thunderbird to recognise that I wanted to use F:/Mail/lesley.
Therefore the default mail location should have been F:/Mail/lesley. Directory
listings show the Inbox there as empty. There is no Inbox in F:/Mail.
When I stopped and restarted Thunderbird for the third time, to get it to
recognise a subfolder, I had nothing in my Inbox. Zilch. Zaroo.
I lost *all* my mail.
And just to repeat, the only Thunderbird set up in D:/Documents and Settings/...
. I have is the Desktop and Start Menu shortcuts (which correctly point to the
relavent F:/Thunderbird/thunderbird.exe with relevant arguments) .
I wanted my mail on a FAT32 partition it so I configured Thunderbird to use it.
I stopped and started Thunderbird twice to get it to recognise the new location
I required it to use. If it hadn't appeared to successfully recognise the new
location I would have stopped using it because I need the mail to be on that
FAT32 drive.
And yes the subfolder .sbd directory, epynomous filename and .msf file are all
in F:/Mail/lesley
Comment 19•20 years ago
Some more questions - do you have a virus checker on your PC? Some virus
checkers have been know to completely blow away mail folders.
I don't quite get this comment:
>When I stopped and restarted Thunderbird for the third time, to get it to
>recognise a subfolder
the sub-folder wasn't recognized (i.e., displayed in the UI), after you created
it? Or are you saying you renamed it on disk, using windows, and then had to
restart for tbird to see the name change? If you're messing around with the file
system while thunderbird is running, you might cause some strange things to
happen - obviously we should handle that, but if that's what you're doing, that
would be a clue...
>And yes the subfolder .sbd directory, epynomous filename and .msf file are all
>in F:/Mail/lesley
Does this mean the following files exist?
Inbox (empty)
Comment 20•20 years ago
Right ....
After getting through the installation process, setting up my email account and
downloading my mail (sadly without preventing deletion at the server end)
I made the subfolder Mates as a subfolder of Local Folders from within
That subfolder appeared in the Thunderbird UI ok and was listed in the left hand
pane ok but I could not drag'n'drop, move or copy mail items to it.
Figuring this was part and parcel of an apparent inability of Thunderbird to
recognise changes to installation directories and changes to default mail folder
locations, I closed and restarted Thunderbird. When I reopened it I had no mail
in my Inbox folder. Nothing, zilch, zaroo.
Here is the listing of my F:/Mail and F:/Mail/lesley folders
Microsoft Windows XP [Version 5.1.2600]
(C) Copyright 1985-2001 Microsoft Corp.
D:\Documents and Settings\Me>F:
F:\>cd mail
Volume in drive F is FIDDLYDOODU
Volume Serial Number is 4834-8138
Directory of F:\Mail
07/12/2004 15:21 <DIR> .
07/12/2004 15:21 <DIR> ..
07/12/2004 15:21 <DIR> lesley
0 File(s) 0 bytes
3 Dir(s) 369,319,936 bytes free
F:\Mail>cd lesley
Volume in drive F is FIDDLYDOODU
Volume Serial Number is 4834-8138
Directory of F:\Mail\lesley
07/12/2004 15:21 <DIR> .
07/12/2004 15:21 <DIR> ..
07/12/2004 15:25 <DIR> Mates.sbd
07/12/2004 15:26 1,545 Mates.msf
07/12/2004 15:25 0 Mates
07/12/2004 15:26 0 Inbox
07/12/2004 15:26 0 Trash
07/12/2004 15:26 0 Sent
07/12/2004 15:26 0 Drafts
07/12/2004 15:26 0 Unsent Messages
07/12/2004 15:26 <DIR> Inbox.sbd
07/12/2004 15:48 1,357 Inbox.msf
07/12/2004 15:26 <DIR> Trash.sbd
07/12/2004 15:32 1,433 Trash.msf
07/12/2004 15:26 <DIR> Sent.sbd
07/12/2004 15:32 1,476 Sent.msf
07/12/2004 15:26 <DIR> Drafts.sbd
07/12/2004 15:32 1,478 Drafts.msf
07/12/2004 15:26 <DIR> Unsent Messages.sbd
07/12/2004 15:32 1,443 Unsent Messages.msf
07/12/2004 15:32 1,239 Templates.msf
07/12/2004 15:32 1,236 Junk.msf
14 File(s) 11,207 bytes
8 Dir(s) 369,319,936 bytes free
All changes to file locations, renaming of New Folders etc that were necessary
have been done using the dialog boxes available in Thunderbird. I used the
Windows API dialog box to change the default installation when installing.
That's what Thunderbird uses in the installation process and when selecting a
different location for the mail boxes.(*)
As an update to this I have found the mail in the default location of D;/
Documents and Settings/.../Application Data/Thunderbird and am relieved they are
there. Quite why my original search on the D drive for 'Mail', 'Inbox' and
subsequently 'Thunderbird' didn't return that directory, I don't know.
I think I need to understand more about the Local Folders versus account
Ho hum... ok so it's not an email shredder. I think I am going to save my
emails somewhere safe then uninstall and re-install Thunderbird and repeat the
Thanks for your time on this David.
(*)I don't know if you use a Windoze install or not, but when you ask to install
in a different directory other than the default, or when you ask to use a
different mail folder location other than the default, both present a browse
button. When you hit that browse button you get a dialog box which contains,
amongst other things, a directory tree, a text field in which to enter a
filename, and three buttons (Make New Folder, OK and Cancel). The essence is
that, despite different starting directories, and possibly different strings,
that dialog box is the same.
I don't know about Linux window managers but the Windows window manager provides
an API to this kind of operation. (A possible MFC class I might use to implement
such a thing is CFileDialog. I'm only referring to books at this stage, I don't
have an MS development setup on this machine to test that proposition. )
The sub-bug I have encountered is that, when making a new folder, that new
folder appears as New Folder in the file text field box and in the directory
tree. When renaming the 'New Folder' to something else (e.g. 'Mates',
'fredbloggs' or whatever you want), via the directory tree in the dialog window,
the change to the name does not appear in the file text field and, while
changing installation directory and while setting up the new mailbox location
all I got was F:/New Folder.
I had to stop and restart Thunderbird and then reselect the directories I wanted
to use.
I'll go through it all a second time and let you know the results.
Comment 21•20 years ago
I removed Thunderbird using Control Panel->Add or Remove Programs.
Installation directory not left empty so renamed it to Thunderbird.old.(*)
Reinstalled Thunderbird and it recalled my old settings and had 126 emails so
quit, uninstalled using Control Panel->Add or Remove Programs and then deleted
D:/Documents and Settings/.../Application Data/Thunderbird to fully remove
previous install.
Re installed and got correct installation. This time, I changed the name of
installation folder to Thunderbird while the New Folder leaf in the directory
tree was activated and open to be changed. The name change was not reflected in
the text field but was successfully reflected in the rest of the isntallation
process. (If you miss changing it while that leaf is open to be changed, then
the name change is not reflected back into the installation process.)
I selected Custom install, and added the Quality Feedback Agent. This time I
delinked my user account from Local Folders and have set my user account to
point to F:/Mail/lesley. Having copied the contents of the previous default
folder into that directory I now have 63 emails sitting there quite happily.
Currently seems to be ok. May reinstall later using completely new mail folder
locations again.
I think the significant change is I have delinked user account from local
Drag and drop seems to work ok. Relieved to have email back!
Application Data seems to be a hidden folder on D: which may have affected
previous search results.
1. The installation directory, F:/Thunderbird was not left empty.
Microsoft Windows XP [Version 5.1.2600]
(C) Copyright 1985-2001 Microsoft Corp.
D:\Documents and Settings\Me>F:
F:\>cd thunderbird.old
Volume in drive F is FIDDLYDOODU
Volume Serial Number is 4834-8138
Directory of F:\Thunderbird.old
07/12/2004 15:12 <DIR> .
07/12/2004 15:12 <DIR> ..
07/12/2004 15:14 3,071 install_wizard.log
07/12/2004 15:14 <DIR> !uninstall
07/12/2004 15:14 24 defaults.ini
07/12/2004 15:14 <DIR> extensions
07/12/2004 15:14 24 components.ini
07/12/2004 15:14 <DIR> chrome
3 File(s) 3,119 bytes
5 Dir(s) 381,095,936 bytes free
Updated•17 years ago
QA Contact: esther → database
Assignee | ||
Updated•17 years ago
Product: Core → MailNews Core
Comment 22•16 years ago
Davidb, in comment 6 wrote "we should handle sub-directories that have no
corresponding mailbox file, e.g., if there's a directory called Parent.sbd, but
no file called Parent, we should still show Parent and the mailboxes in the
Parent directory."
does problem still exist?
Severity: critical → major
Comment 23•16 years ago
I'm pretty sure it does - we should also not require that the directory have the .sbd extension, I think, though we have to be careful not to include indexer directories, like .mozmsgs, if they're in the same dirs as the mailbox files.
Updated•13 years ago
Assignee: dbienvenu → nobody
Updated•6 years ago
Severity: major → normal
OS: Windows XP → All
Updated•2 years ago
Severity: normal → S3
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