Closed Bug 2080 Opened 26 years ago Closed 26 years ago

"Stop" button should work


(Core :: Networking, defect, P2)






(Reporter: jman922, Assigned: rpotts)


(Keywords: testcase)

When running Gecko for the first time, it does not allow you to stop loading the page until it's loaded. Unfortunately, for us proxy users, that creates a problem since we can't change the configuration until it loads, which it never does.
batch-reassigning all Garrett Blythe bugs to Don Melton
Assignee: don → rpotts
Summary: Can't stop page loading
Re-assigned to and added summary. Well, whenever you or maybe slamm hooks up the stop button, then this problem will go away, right?
Setting all current Open/Normal to M4.
Component: Windows FE → Apprunner
Product: MozillaClassic → Browser
Version: 1998-09-04 → other
OS: Windows 98 → All
Hardware: Other → All
Changed platform and OS to All. Ugh.
per leger, assigning QA contacts to all open bugs without QA contacts according to list at
QA Contact: 3853 → 3849
Target Milestone: M4 → M3
beppe, please assign to a QA Contact to check all platforms with Apprunner.
Component: Apprunner → XPApps
Target Milestone: M3 → M4
Changed component to XPApps and milestone to M4.
Just tried this out on Mac and Linux 3/10 gecko builds. For Mac, it works fine, able to hit Stop and it does stop loading web pages. But Linux, Stop doesn't work, not even sure Stop is hooked up.
also, stop does not work on win95
QA Contact: 3849 → 4137
assigning Christopher as QA contact
Target Milestone: M4 → M5
Changed target milestone to M5. Rick, is this a netlib bug now? :-)
Changed milestone to M6.
I can get a page to stop now, but I have to hit the stop button repeatedly to get it to happen.
Component: XPApps → Networking Library
Target Milestone: M6
Rick, is this a netlib problem now?
Changing all Networking Library/Browser bugs to Networking-Core component for Browser. Occasionally, Bugzilla will burp and cause Verified bugs to reopen when I do this in a bulk change. If this happens, I will fix. ;-)
Closed: 26 years ago
Resolution: --- → FIXED
I believe that this has been fixed for necko...
I believe it's been fixed as well...
Bulk move of all Networking-Core (to be deleted component) bugs to new Networking component.
Keywords: testcase
Summary: Can't stop page loading → "Stop" button should work
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