Closed Bug 208617 Opened 22 years ago Closed 21 years ago



(SeaMonkey :: General, defect)

Windows 98
Not set


(Not tracked)



(Reporter: mbougon, Unassigned)





(3 files)

User-Agent: Mozilla/5.0 (Windows; U; Win98; en-US; rv:1.4) Gecko/20030529 Build Identifier: Mozilla/5.0 (Windows; U; Win98; en-US; rv:1.4) Gecko/20030529 Misrending Menu column is diplayed above maintext instead of on the left-side of maintext Reproducible: Always Steps to Reproduce: 1. 2. 3.
Attached image screenshot ok?
WFM, Mozilla/5.0 (Windows; U; Win98; en-US; rv:1.4) Gecko/20030529 Mozilla/5.0 (Windows; U; Win98; en-US; rv:1.5a) Gecko/20030606 made a 38 kbyte screenshot to show what I´ve seen. Sometimes there is an ad bettween the top menue ( News, On Politics, ...) and the block with Email .. Archives .. Search ..
*** This bug has been marked as a duplicate of 206709 ***
Closed: 22 years ago
Resolution: --- → DUPLICATE 2003-06-07 08:24 shows the misrendering apparently fixed using Build 2003060604 But, using Build 2003060704 the misrendering is still present, as shown in the jpg attachment.
WFM Mozilla/5.0 (Windows; U; Win98; en-US; rv:1.5a) Gecko/20030607 Screen size 800x600, Celeron 333, 96 MB ram, 8 MB SiS 6326 graficscard Windows is original Win98, updated with Servicepack 1. preferences: HTTP 1.1, Enable Keep-Alive, no Pipelining did an upgrade install without deinstalling, but had to clear the 50 MB browser cache because of lack of disk space
Answers from: (answers to 3 emails, combined) Bug # 208617 Misrendered page: Screen shot: preferences: HTTP 1.1, <whatever is the current default> (I cannot find it in the Preferences) Enable Keep-Alive, Yes no Pipelining Yes, "no pipelining" did an upgrade install without deinstalling, Installed in a newly created directory using the Zip package Renamed the old install-from-zip directory After the loading and closing the new Mozilla Later deleted the old install-from-zip directory but had to clear the 50 MB browser cache because of lack of disk space I did not clear my 8-MB cache Can you test with a new profile, created just for testing? I just did create a new profile just for testing -- It makes no difference.... What windows are you using, win98 or win98SE ? Fully updated Win98 (in practice, the complete Win98SE without the MS home network component) Microsoft Windows 98 4.10.1998 IE 5 6.0.2800.1106 sp-1 Do you have Pipelining enabled? ( Preferences->Advanced->HTTP Networking ) No Did you deinstall before installing? There is no "Deinstall" (in ControlPanel, Install/Deinstall) when using the Zip package What happens if you are reloading with 'Reload', It makes no difference and 'Shift-Reload' ? It makes no difference I saw this misrendering shortly, when I loaded the testcase from another bug, also I´m loading links in the background, and when I was switching to this page while loading, I saw it shortly misrendered, but it continued rendering until it was rendered ok. I do observe this progressive construction of the rendering with all the complex webpages that are rendering properly Did you tweak your preferences? There is a pref for a time after which mozilla starts drawing. I have not changed this Preference (I cannot find it in the Preferences) What is the speed of your CPU, Pentium-2 255-MHz 192MB RAM what are your cache prefs? 8 MB Compare to source Once per session My cache compare pref is: Every time I view the page. Cache size 50 MB. I was wondering why I wasn´t asked for cookies, but looking in cookiemanager I saw I had allowed cookies for May have happened last time I tested a bug with it. Info for bug-readers: Screenshots to this bug are attached in bug 208617 =====================================================================
Please, see: ------- Additional Comment #5 From Michel Bougon 2003-06-07 18:54 -------
Resolution: DUPLICATE → ---
So we have in common win98 SP1, but we differ in IE, I didn´t use IE, so I didn´t upgrade it. I patched my windows with SP1 from a CD, and some manually downloaded patches. You´ve got plenty of ram, with 192 MB double the ram I´ve got. I´m always scarce on ram, my RamIdle-Utility shows me 38 MB free ram now. Speed doesn´t differ too much, you´ve got PII-266, with 100 MHz FSB and more Cache than my Celeron 333 with 66 MHz FSB. I´ve got an 8 MB NoName graficscard. Back to software: The hidden pref I was talking about: Speed up page rendering user_pref("nglayout.initialpaint.delay", 0); This tweak has advantages and disadvantages, I don´t think the wanabe-advantages are real advantages. In About:config I see only 8 nglayout.... prefs, all boolean, mostly false. I don´t see the pref mentioned above. we´ve got different cache settings, but 'Shift-Reload' should bypass the cache, and its settings. Speed: I´m connected via ISDN, download speed 7 to 8 kbyte/sec. On a slow website I saw, that mozilla started to build 1 column, and when more data were available, there have been a reflow, resulting in 3 columns. Same seems to happen in this bug. When I switched to the tab loading WashingtonPost, I saw the image you´ve posted as screenshot. But mine continued loading, going from the mid to the left, and all was looking as in my previous ok-screenshot. If you want to, you can try tinkering with user_pref("nglayout.initialpaint.delay", 0); Default for Firebird is 250 (msec), for mozilla I don´t know, maybe the same, or greater, about 500 or 700. Long time ago it was at about 1400, iirc, but got reduced strongly. Installation: Installation from zip is fine, and was even better for some months than installation from exe. Advantage: If upgrade install doen´t work, you just delete the directory and unzip in a fresh one. Disadvantage: As mozillas plugin directory isn´t known in the registry, there are some problems with scripting access to plugins. I´ll try with a zipped install, later on.
The webpage is "misrendered" (ie, the expected narrow left column is actully taking nearly the full width of the webpage) -- because of an incorrect <table width="" parameter, it should be 150 instead of 760 -- because of a missing align="left" parameter As soon as these two errors are corrected, the page renders as expected, as shown in the new attachment. . Some evangelist should talk to the WashingtonPost about their buggy html.... . The remaining interesting question is why some people using Mozilla 1.4 are able to "correctly" render the page, when this "correct" rendering is actually **INCORRECT** for the html as written...... (as it is very easy to verify by looking at the html <table structure) . Or, said differently, my Mozilla 1.40rc1 is rendering *correctly* the WashingtonPost html, AS WRITTEN......... and this writing of course does not produce the desired page appearance. . . . .
Worksforme with Mozilla 1.7 Alpha on windows
Closed: 22 years ago21 years ago
Resolution: --- → WORKSFORME
Product: Browser → Seamonkey
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