Bug 210048
Opened 22 years ago
Closed 1 year ago
new windows opened from fullscreen (F11) window are sized full screen, not maximized
(Firefox :: General, enhancement)
(Reporter: daf.bugzilla, Unassigned)
User-Agent: Mozilla/5.0 (Windows; U; Windows NT 5.1; en-US; rv:1.5a) Gecko/20030619 Mozilla Firebird/0.6
Build Identifier: Mozilla/5.0 (Windows; U; Windows NT 5.1; en-US; rv:1.5a) Gecko/20030619 Mozilla Firebird/0.6
wen using a maximized or full sreen window new windows open with wrong size,
that is its a resizes it self to fit the desktop space.
Wen opening a new window it should be in the state of the current window in this
case maximized
Reproducible: Always
Steps to Reproduce:
Please be so kind as to specify at least the necessary steps one has to perform
in order to be able to reproduce the problem (see also for reference).
From what I understand your problem is:
- open a window
- maximize this window
- press <ctrl>-<n> or 'File' -> 'new window'
=> now the upcoming window is NOT in the maximized state?
If so, this works for me using Mozilla/5.0 (Windows; U; WinNT4.0; en-US;
rv:1.5a) Gecko/20030619 Mozilla Firebird/0.6.
Did you allready tried using a fresh, vanilla profile? You can create a new,
additional profile by calling MozillaFirebird.exe with option "-p" - your old
settings and bookmarks will not be impacted by doing so.
Summary: wen using a maximized or full sreen window new windows open with wrong size → when using a maximized or full sreen window new windows open with wrong size
your right but i mostelly use full screen (F11) and that doesn't work right.
This days it seems firebird has more and more bugs in it, autocompleate doesn't
work right and copy / paste dont work at all :(
Comment 3•22 years ago
full screen + Ctrl-N does not result in a new window in Mozilla either, it
creates a window sized to the screen size. This is working as designed.
First, if anything this is an enhancement, and given how new windows are created
I think the current behaviour is better than your proposed behaviour.
Confirming for dev review...
Severity: normal → enhancement
Ever confirmed: true
Summary: when using a maximized or full sreen window new windows open with wrong size → when using a maximized or full sreen window open new windows in same state
Mr. Connor, I cannot see how such could be a desired effect.
I will exemplify:
I start Mozilla Firebird, has usual it's configured to the usual 1024x769 normal
window (my desktop resolution is 1280x1024) but today has may others I decide to
step back and browse from a greater and more comfortable distance, so I use F11
& Ctrl++ to be able to read from the increased distance, now I open a new window.
What just happened that’s undesirable?
1) The new window is not in the same state has the previous one (maximized)
which would not be bad if not for points 2 & 3.
2) The new window is a normal state window that has the dimension of the desktop
area, now I believe this just to be ridicule, if the user wanted a window of
such dimensions it would maximize it, and not resize it, also see point 3.
3) If you closed your old window, the next time you start Mozilla Firebird it
will have the new window dimensions, so in effect it just throws away my
carefully configured window size for one that is useless since it’s an inferior
equivalent to the maximize state witch forces me to resize the window to a
smaller size “again”.
A example of correct behavior:
Solution 1) Mozilla Firebird would open a new window in the same state has the
one it’s called from.
Solution 2) Mozilla Firebird would open a new window with the dimensions of the
last “normal state” window with in my case would be: 1024x769.
So this is a definitive BUG that SHOULD BE FIX, and I would like to state that I
am making a big effort to be civilized, since hearing such comment after being
annoyed by such BUG on a dally basis has really made my blood boil…
Updated•21 years ago
QA Contact: asa
Summary: when using a maximized or full sreen window open new windows in same state → new windows opened from fullscreen (F11) window are sized full screen, not maximized
Updated•18 years ago
Assignee: bross2 → nobody
QA Contact: general
Comment 5•17 years ago
I also think this is a bug.
![]() |
Comment 6•16 years ago
(In reply to comment #3)
> full screen + Ctrl-N does not result in a new window in Mozilla either, it
> creates a window sized to the screen size. This is working as designed.
i presume you misunderstood the issue:
window1 is maximized -> go to fullscreen -> ctrl+n for new window2:
solution1: window2 shoudl be maxmized too
solution2: window2 should be in fullscreen state too
actual result of the bug: window2 is not maximized, but sized(!) to screen maximum (minus taskbar)
window1 is in state X -> go to fullscreen -> ctrl+n for new window2:
solution1: window2 should be in state X too
with X = either maximized, fullscreen'd or custom sized (with one maximum: desktop size minus taskbar)
Version: unspecified → Trunk
Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 6.1; Win64; x64; rv:2.0b7pre) Gecko/20101005 Firefox/4.0b7pre partially fixes the issue by retaining the window size before full screen (F11) activation and using it for new windows.
However, if previous state was maximized it will still create a new window of maximized dimensions but not in the maximized state.
Updated•2 years ago
Severity: normal → S3
Comment 9•1 year ago
We've done a lot of work on this in the past, uh, 21 years (cf. bug 805120, bug 575195, bug 724554, bug 803675 and many others). This should be better now. If not, please file a new bug with more specifics about what needs to change still.
Closed: 1 year ago
Resolution: --- → WORKSFORME
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