Closed Bug 213156 Opened 22 years ago Closed 22 years ago

updating fink version ; adding necessary glib module


(Developer Documentation Graveyard :: General, defect)

Not set


(Not tracked)



(Reporter: mozilla, Assigned: sfraser_bugs)





(1 file, 1 obsolete file)

Fink has been updated to 0.5.3 It seems that one also has to explicitly install glib ; at least I had to do this on a completely clean install of Mac OS X 10.2.6 with clean install of fink 0.5.3
Attached patch fink - glib patch (obsolete) — Splinter Review
Assignee: endico → sfraser
Component: → Mozilla Developer
Product: → Documentation
Version: other → unspecified
for a while I was told that orbit-dev was a requirement, but I think that may no longer be the case.
Attached patch fink et al - v2Splinter Review
This patch is to make the configure process completely happy :-) When looking at the ./configure output I noticed that it was checking for X11 and freetype stuff. As I had installed XDarwin 4.3.0 it complained about not finding freetype. Trying to install freetype through fink led to fink complaining about missing Apple's X11 developer tools, so I installed Apple's X11 on top of XDarwin - both client and developer - and then the fink freetype. The result of this is that ./configure doesn't complain anymore. I *don't* know whether the build process on Mac OS X actually does use any X11 and freetype stuff, but it certainly hasn't hurt me :-D At least builds with Calendar integrated and calendar_mac.xpi now seems to work on more than the mac they were built on :-)
Attachment #128065 - Attachment is obsolete: true
SFraser : As to the orbit-dev, the last time I didn't have that installed, things went horribly wrong. But at present I'm just an advanced user able to follow instructions and extrapolate / guessing the solutions to other issues, so orbit-dev might/might not still be necessary. My guessing ability is what led me to post this bug/modification. To see what I've been up to regarding compiling on Mac OS X, please see here :
OK - had added the glib step Aug 1 02:13, so that's taken care of (and I was right :-D ) Does any you have any comments on the other parts of my patch ???
I compiled firebird today with XDarwin 4.3.0 from XonX present (NOT Apple's or Fink's). Although I don't think Apple's X11 is required, if you do go that route, based on other results, you'll probably need BOTH the client and the SDK. I already had freetype2 (not freetype1) and glib. I can try compiling next week without orbit-dev (removing freetype will be more complicated since KDE depends on it).
bug 216076 fixes the issue with Apple X11 and freetype. Of course, for any source release before 1.5b the procedures described here still apply if they aren't retroactively implemented.
Closed: 22 years ago
Depends on: 216076
Resolution: --- → WONTFIX
Component: Mozilla Developer → Documentation Requests
Product: Documentation → Mozilla Developer Center
Component: Documentation Requests → Documentation
Component: Documentation → General
Product: Mozilla Developer Network → Developer Documentation
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