Closed Bug 214138 Opened 22 years ago Closed 22 years ago

FireBird not using cached HTTP Basic Authorization credentials


(Core :: Networking: HTTP, defect)

Not set





(Reporter: sgifford, Assigned: darin.moz)


The copy of FireBird I'm using (20030727) doesn't use cached HTTP Basic Authorization credentials properly. When I view a page that requires authorization for the first time, I'm prompted for a username and password as expected. On subsequent visits to the same page, by typing in the URL again or by clicking on a button which POSTs to the same page, FireBird again sends a request with no Authorization header, then sends the proper authorization after receiving a 401 error. It doesn't prompt me for the password again; it sends the one I entered upon first visiting the page. This is particularly annoying with the particular page I was working with, since I was uploading multi-MB files, and FireBird would post the whole thing twice! I haven't tested this with any forms besides the one I'm having trouble with. If others are unable to reproduce, let me know and I'll try to come up with a simpler test case, and post the tcpdump logs I'm using to analyze what's going on.
If you tested this with Firebird only product should be 'Firebird', not 'Browser' Could this be a dupe of Bug 213282 mozilla not sending basic authorization header, read bug 213282 comment 5
My reading of bug 213282 was that the required auth information was not sent at all for pages after the first. With this bug, auth info is sent, just not until a 401 error has occurred. As far as FireBird, I didn't see a seperate HTTP component, so I assumed that both browsers used the same backend for this. I'll try a recent trunk nightly and see if this really is FireBird-only.
*** This bug has been marked as a duplicate of 213282 ***
Closed: 22 years ago
Resolution: --- → DUPLICATE
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