Closed Bug 21619 Opened 25 years ago Closed 25 years ago

Cosmetic problems


(SeaMonkey :: General, defect, P3)

Windows NT


(Not tracked)



(Reporter: edm, Unassigned)




(Whiteboard: needs to be split (and duplicates found))

Build 1999111520 Pressing <Enter>while typing in the Description field does not move the cursor, however the browser *thinks* the cursor has moved (when you type the next character). If I click beyond the end of a line, or use Cursor Left or End to get to the end of a line, then the cursor is shown at the end of the line, but the program thinks the cursor is at the beginning of the next blank line (if I type something, it shows up on the blank line). PageUp/Down don't scroll the Description field. Right-clicking the Description window does not give Cut / Copy / Paste / other options. If I highlight part of the Description window and click Edit menu / Copy, it copies HTML code rather than plaintext. The OS drop-down list defaults to "other" despite the CGI script detecting "Windows-NT" as part of my version string. There is no field to enter the Build ID. Pressing <Enter>while the Commit or Reset button has focus does not click those buttons. Instead, it acts if as <Enter>were pressed while the Description field (prior to them in tab order) had focus. But they do have the visible focus indicator, and Tab / Shift-Tab move focus as expected.
There are 8 separate bugs here, two of which are bugs in bugzilla, not the browser. Many of them are probably already filed.
Whiteboard: needs to be split (and duplicates found)
Reassigning all of leger's unscreened Browser-General bugs to for pre-screening and triage.
Closed: 25 years ago
Resolution: --- → INVALID
Some of these are Mozilla bugs, some are Bugzilla bugs. Some have already been reported, some haven't. A mess. I don't think anything useful can be salvaged from this report, so I'm resolving it as INVALID. Please report separate bugs for each of these issues (searching for matching bugs first), and some of them might get fixed.
Some of these are Mozilla bugs, some are Bugzilla bugs. Some have already been reported, some haven't. A mess. I don't think anything useful can be salvaged from this report, so I'm resolving it as INVALID. Please report separate bugs for each of these issues (searching for matching bugs first), and some of them might get fixed.
Marking Verified as invalid.
Product: Browser → Seamonkey
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