Closed Bug 220588 Opened 21 years ago Closed 12 years ago

Cmd-Shift-Left/Right should change tabs


(Firefox :: Keyboard Navigation, enhancement)

Not set





(Reporter: aaron, Unassigned)



User-Agent: Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; U; PPC Mac OS X Mach-O; en-US; rv:1.6a) Gecko/20030926 Firebird/0.7+/jtalkington-nightly Build Identifier: Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; U; PPC Mac OS X Mach-O; en-US; rv:1.6a) Gecko/20030926 Firebird/0.7+/jtalkington-nightly I think Cmd-Shift-Left/Right should change tabs as it does in safari, or at least Cmd-Shift-[ and -] as in Camino. Using PgUp/Dn is not nearly as convenient on macs (esp powerbooks) and is not expected (except by users of the windows/linux Firebird). Reproducible: Always Steps to Reproduce: 1. Hit one of the above key combinations. Actual Results: Nothing. Expected Results: Change to next/previous tab.
Seamonkey bug 211247
-> hyatt
Assignee: blake → hyatt
Ever confirmed: true
this raises issues in text areas, where mozilla has historically (and properly) selected all text to the right/left in that line. (a gripe of mine about safari, that i often run into when using content management programs.) hence, i tend to favor cmd-shift-[ and cmd-shift-] unless it's reasonable to toggle behavior based on state.
Flags: blocking1.0mac?
Component: General → Keyboard Navigation
QA Contact: bugzilla
moving hyatt's mac bugs to ben
Assignee: hyatt → bugs
Flags: blocking-aviary1.0mac?
Is this bug still valid? I can use cmd-shift-arrow to move to either side now...
QA Contact: bugzilla → keyboard.navigation
Assignee: bugs → nobody
CMD-ALT+left or right works too on OSX. I believe this can be marked FIXED in spite of CMD+Shift not working: I don't think we need twenty similar key combinations to do the same thing. Also, as per comment 3, since on Mac, CMD+Left is what the "Home" key is for Windows, changing this behavior would be a bug in itself by making it impossible to select entire lines in text boxes on OSX. Which would make it a WONTFIX I guess. In any case, please close this bug unless you disagree.
Everything else (Safari, Adium, Terminal) uses Command-Shift-Left and Command-Shift-Right to switch tabs - Firefox shouldn't just ignore these standard shortcuts. It's very, very frustrating for me to have to keep a mental context and try to remember to use the Firefox-specific shortcuts and not to use them in other apps (where they obviously don't work).
Actually Cmd-Shift-Left/Right does not change tabs in Safari, at least in the current version, 3.2.1. It uses Cmd-{/}, which Firefox supports. Firefox does support Cmd-Opt-Left/Right, which Safari does not. It is true that Terminal uses this shortcut. Adium uses Cmd-Left/Right to change tabs, not Cmd-Shift-Left/Right. I do not see a reason to add support for this shortcut in Firefox: there's clearly no standard practice, and Firefox supports the shortcut that Safari uses.
Hm, you're right - Safari doesn't support Cmd-Shift-Left/Right, but Adium does (at least on my system), as does Terminal. Adium, Terminal and Firefox are the 3 apps I use most, so any way to make it consistent among the three (even as a hidden prefs.js option) would be very helpful.
Ah, I found the preference in Adium under General, "Switch tabs with:", which gives me the option to use Cmd-{ and Cmd-} - that seems to work in all the apps I care about, so I'll give it a try.
Closed: 12 years ago
Resolution: --- → DUPLICATE
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