Open Bug 223355 Opened 21 years ago Updated 1 years ago

Success stories / testimonials project


(Marketing :: General, task)

Windows XP
Not set


(Not tracked)


(Reporter: bart, Assigned: bart)



(Keywords: meta)

We need a database of confirmed/authenticated testimonials and success stories about Mozilla. End users, enterprises, the press are always asking for this. Could take the form of a self-serve submission form that would include, among others, contact information. Then a volunteer would confirm that the testimonial is authentic. Then this would get added to a page. Once this is working smoothly, we could automatically feed testimonials to the Mozilla web site.
Subject: Brower From: "TONY" <> Date: Fri, 21 Nov 2003 11:14:03 -0500 To: <> To: <> Gentlemen/Ladies: I have just started using Mozilla firebird upon the recommendation from one of the security sites I belong to. I am very impressed with this browser to say the least!!! I have IE6 as my default browser however I can changing over to yours, it is unbelievable what this browser can do. I work with computers for a living and test and evaluate security software as a hobby. And I have just run your browser through it paces.....great product to say the least. Congrats on a job well done....Microsoft should take heed from your example. Much success to your company. Best Regards Tony
interesting quote/analysis here....
I have been using Mozilla since October of 2001, and it became my default browser in December of that same year. I quickly realized how well this browser performs, and only continues to improve and impress me with every new release. I have brought many of my friends to join me in only using Mozilla. I build computers for people as a hobby and for a little extra cash, and I always install Mozilla before I give them their computer. It beats IE hands down because you are updating constantly. You never know when IE is going to be updated again. Great job, keep up the good work! Thanks for all your hard work, Dean Winters
from: Hi ... I just wanted to let you know that mozilla has given me the opportunity to enjoy the internet in ways I thought were impossible I use an old Pent. 200 via dialup and was also struck by lightning and has graphics problems no computer tech can fix Stupid Internet xplorer just freezes up on me and gives me blank pages etc Mozilla works on sites that are graphics intensive and does it quickly all this is probably obvious to you but for me it means a lot Thanks again all the best for the future you are welcome to contact me but I am closing my email permanently soon Ian I was prepared to be underwhelmed... donlevy Version: 1.5, 10/24/2003 09:41AM PST but instead was over (whelmed, that is). I was having a horrible time trying to list something on eBay. Safari fails to upload graphics to eBay correctly (usually one or two have to be re-uploaded), Netscape 7 seems to choke on uploading more than three graphics and sometimes on any graphics at all, and I was even having problems uploading with IE, which I use only when really desparate. Then I noticed there was a new Mozilla, which I tried a long while back and found lacking. I noted a user comment that it was the "most compatible" of all browsers and thought it might just work...AND IT DID!!! Yaaaaayyy!!! And it's actually more configurable and intuitive than the new Netscape, which I liked, but had some annoyances. Yes, the GUI could be prettier (hey, work on it), but my mother always said "Beauty is skin deep" and I'll live with some warts for a while if I can be able to use just one browser for 98% of the time. Even though I'm swamped this morning, just had to post this and thank the nice Mozilla people. Now, if they would just go beat up those nasty eBay programmers who make dumb changes to their functioning they don't tell users about until they get swamped with frustrated screams....
mail to webmaster -> I can't remember using another browser besides IE until now. After a week of surfing with Firebird, I finally pushed the button " Set as default browser" button. THANK YOU!!! ;-))
User testimonials always sound feigned or overzealous to me. We should take care not to end up with "Thankyou, Firefox! You've changed my life!" atop Reviews such as might be more effective - criticism as well as praise. Most of the features mentioned as lacking are available from about:config, as an extension, or are slated for 0.9.
bart, can we limit the scope of this bug to "success stories" only?
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Chris Hofmann posted this testimonial on his weblog : He also has the weblog post on the same subject : Chris ? .. Since you're such a big collector of testimonials , why don't you make a draft of a testimonials webpage that the product page for Firefox can link to ? Currently it says on the product page : “...nothing short of a revelatory experience.” - Maximum PC “...a breath of fresh air... Microsoft should be worried.” - FORBES I'm suggesting that underneath is added a "More testimonials.." link to this new testimonials page.
Keywords: meta
Depends on: 247203
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I am the Chief Technology Officer of the Edvisors Network, a student loan and insurance company based in Quincy, Massachusetts. Mozilla Firefox is not only the preferred browser at our company, it's also our active development platform for internal web-based applications. The tabbed browsing feature alone makes it so easy to develop pseudo-MDI interfaces that Firefox is currently the only browser which can be used with our product, SLN Protege. If you consolidate your student loans with us, your loan application process is managed from start to finish in Mozilla Firefox! We couldn't have developed and built such a successful application without Firefox - and certainly NEVER with IE.
I apologise if this is slightly off-topic, but: This is, in my opinion, exactly the strategy that will garner new users: To summarise: "IE has security holes. Microsoft are trying their hardest to fix them but - bless 'em - they just can't. Some clever, important, unbiased people think you might like to try a different browser. Examples of these include Opera and Firefox. Firefox is OSS, which is good and here's why. It is extensible and cross-platform. Thunderbird also exists, and it challenges Outlook, despite Outlook being much more popular. Firefox isn't 100% secure, but it's securer than IE. Besides this, it includes 'cool' things like tabbed browsing and has a popup blocker built in. Some pages don't work with Firefox (or other browsers) but those websites are the bad guys. Firefox isn't finished but it's already better than IE." Larry Magid clearly knows what he's talking about - he didn't try to call Firefox 0.9.1 "FireFox 0.91". I like him now.
You guys (and ladies) should call it Firefox Rocks! I just made the "painless" switch from IE6 to Firefox. It was smooth and extremely easy to do. All of my favorites were converted to bookmarks in a cinch! Using your Extensions feature, I was able to simply integrate my Gmail account into the Firefox browser. I am a simple home user that wanted more protection on my PC. I can honestly tell you that since I started using Firefox, I have seen a dramatic decrease of Adware and a complete elimination of Pop-ud ads. I love your Themes feature, so I can design my new browser in such a way, that I can surf the web in my own style. Here is the clincher for me though, tabbed browsing. Thank you, thank you, thank you! I have been an IE fan since the YOU GUYS are stuck with me! Troy M Hull Phoenix, AZ
It breeds, It Grows, It Never Lost to a Hole
I switched our firm over at the end of June. I had been recommending the switch for abot a year, then the security problems with IE "sealed the deal". Our office averaged 58-70 pieces of spyware per computer per week. Some computers had as much as 300 pieces some weeks. We also received approx. 3000 email, 2600 of which were spam. Since the switch to Firefox, it has been a little over 2 months. There has not been *any* spyware on *any* computer in the office since then. Also, our spam count dropped by a little over 1,000. The first month, I thought this was just a coincidence, but the statistics have remained consistent. Thank you so much Firefox team. It is much appreciated. Regards, Steve
Hello Bart, I have been visiting the Mozilla site frequently now for the past several weeks and despite being unable to install either FireFox or Thunderbird successfully, I am interested in helping the marketing team. I was unable to find an email address for whoever is in charge of marketing direction so I've defaulted to you. I'm hoping you can help me get in touch with the right person at Mozilla to help me forge a relationship where I can volunter to help with more strategic marketing planning, rather than the more tactical items. I have a great deal of experience in this capacity. I was marketing director at Mirror Worlds Technologies (MWT) in New Haven, CT. This was the (now defunct) start-up started by Yale PhD candidates under Dr. David Gelernter. I directed marketing for both the Scopeware Enterprise and Small Business Knowledge Management products as well as the Beta and final versions of the ScopewareVision personal information management software lines. From developing customer-focused internet marketing initiatives to forging relationships with the press, I spearheaded a plethora of programs with the tiniest (sometimes non-existent) budgets. I am a huge fan of the whole idea behind Mozilla and I'm eager to lend my brain full of experience and knowledge in spreading Mozilla into the mainstream. Actually, I think that is what Mozilla's greatest hurdle is going to be. It is what we experienced at MWT also. What happens is that your product spreads to all the early adopters quickly but then you hit the hurdle of snaking yourself out into the mainstream community. I don't think Mozilla will be able to do that until it develops a clear strategy for adoptability by the mainstream public. Perhaps I am jumping ahead of myself and your planning team. Or perhaps there are already plans in the works regarding this. But I’d sure be interested in being involved. Please advise me on who best to talk to regarding this. Best. Susan Rubinsky 203-498-1780 x2 cell: 203-215-9000
Susan, I both agree and disagree with you, firefox is a cold technology (Pip Coburn of UBS Warburg wrote in a research note in early 2003: "A cold technology issue is one that commands a major portion of the agenda while having neutral revenue or even anti revenue attributes). I think adoption issues are definitely going to be there, but the challenges would be different from what faced by other commercial products. I also agree that Firefox/Mozilla would require more than tactical marketing support for that.I don't agree Media/PR is an issue with Firefox (So many good coverages by mainstream media recently). I think what is needed is strategic partership and co-marketing with biggies so that it reaches to the mainstream and enterprise market with enough credibility and doesn't end up as another Netscape. I am eager to volunteer for firefox marketing. you can reach me @ (In reply to comment #15) > Hello Bart, > > I have been visiting the Mozilla site frequently now for the past several weeks > and despite being unable to install either FireFox or Thunderbird successfully, > I am interested in helping the marketing team. I was unable to find an email > address for whoever is in charge of marketing direction so I've defaulted to you. > > I'm hoping you can help me get in touch with the right person at Mozilla to help > me forge a relationship where I can volunter to help with more strategic > marketing planning, rather than the more tactical items. > > I have a great deal of experience in this capacity. I was marketing director at > Mirror Worlds Technologies (MWT) in New Haven, CT. This was the (now defunct) > start-up started by Yale PhD candidates under Dr. David Gelernter. I directed > marketing for both the Scopeware Enterprise and Small Business Knowledge > Management products as well as the Beta and final versions of the > ScopewareVision personal information management software lines. From developing > customer-focused internet marketing initiatives to forging relationships with > the press, I spearheaded a plethora of programs with the tiniest (sometimes > non-existent) budgets. > > I am a huge fan of the whole idea behind Mozilla and I'm eager to lend my brain > full of experience and knowledge in spreading Mozilla into the mainstream. > Actually, I think that is what Mozilla's greatest hurdle is going to be. It is > what we experienced at MWT also. What happens is that your product spreads to > all the early adopters quickly but then you hit the hurdle of snaking yourself > out into the mainstream community. I don't think Mozilla will be able to do that > until it develops a clear strategy for adoptability by the mainstream public. > > Perhaps I am jumping ahead of myself and your planning team. Or perhaps there > are already plans in the works regarding this. But I’d sure be interested in > being involved. Please advise me on who best to talk to regarding this. > > Best. > Susan Rubinsky > 203-498-1780 x2 > cell: 203-215-9000
Hey how goes it... Well just thought I would write in and let you fine people know that I am now a devoted FF user. About two weeks ago I spent three days of formatting one of my boxes, from being a temp server running linux back to running XP PRO,and updating/tweaking it for personal use. I decided to try out your browser for other purposes than simply design compliance and bugs. It turns out I picked up some seriously ugly spyware a few days ago. It was actually a great annoyance and pretty much hassled me thru every application I would run. Online gaming was a huge pain since full screen was constantly minimized and pop ups took place of my sniper scope. :( ugh.. the only thing that was NOT affected by the spyware flu was my use of firefox. The browser hijacker that constantly replaced my homepage in msn and in IE had no effect on your software. I couldnt even seek help from windows updates since the minute I entered the URL in IE the hijacker redirected me to some about:blank page with spyware program links and a million popups telling me the OBVIOUS. Anyways.. problem solved.. I have just finished re formatting and downloading your software, and will be avoiding any use fo IE or MSN for any purpose other than design compatability for my websites. Just wanted to share that lil bit of info, surely you can imagine the pain in my A$$ this spyware had become. Just another lesson in the life of the internet and links to avoid.. etc. All in All, your software has proven to be solid and user friendly. keep up the hard work and thnx. D Townsend or
Ive been using FireFox for 9 months now and i havent had any problems with it the web pages are loading faster than IE i and the little extras like the Download manager and the easy to use Built in search bar are excalent. i now recomend Mozilla to all the people who ask me about the Internet, i tell them that, Mozilla Firefox is a essential peice of kit if you dont like Pop-ups and spyware i highly recomend that People use this browser as its the safest browser ive tryed.
Hi I've just downloaded Firefox and I'm glad of having it with I'm so impresed I'm sending out messages to my contacts to use it. This browser is what every browser should be: easy, light and fast, What else can anyone ask for? Congrats and thanks for creating such great browser. As an additional comment: I'ld like to say that I'm mexican and my teacher at school started to spread in our class =) Gracias saludos y sigan asi. Carlos
I am an IT professional both technical hardware and software oriented, can programme in several languages, can handle technical writing, do consult6ancy of all sorts etc etc etc. In short I'm an IT generalist and have been in the industry since before the first PC hit the market. I run my own business these days and, without fail, recommend Firefox in the strongest terms to all clients and anyone making (upaid) inquiries. It is by far the most superior browser available. I always carry the latest version with me to install wherever I happen to be (even when I go to visit friends for dinner for example). It is rare to find such a fantastic piece of software - and even more rare for it to be open source code. If you would like me to sing it's praises any further, then I'm happy to do so. Suffice it to say I estimate in the 2 years I have been running my own business I have been responsible for in excess of 300 separate computer installations of Firefox (some organisations account for large numbers at a time - say 50 or more PCs). John O'Grady Computer Nerd, Melbourne, Australia
Hi there, I am a typical average net user who is married to a programmer. Approximately 3 years ago we became fed up with IE and switched to Mozilla. Within a matter of days using Mozilla, we permanently switched to Mozilla. We only get pop ups when we want them, as well as way less spyware and other such nastiness. Mozilla, keep up the good work! Etain
This bug hasn't seen any action in a long time. Is this still happening? Is there a db? I was talking with Mitchell the other day about doing something like "This is your (Mozilla) life" where a the achievements of a contributor are traced back to their first bug with a story about what got them hooked. That could take on many forms, but of course I was thinking a video component would be awesome. Perhaps a booth at the next Summit?
On closer reading, I see that this bug is targeted at users of Mozilla products...but "success stories" can mean a lot of things so maybe this is still a good place to discuss my previous idea.
Flags: needinfo?
Flags: needinfo?
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