Open Bug 223513 Opened 21 years ago Updated 4 years ago

ASSERTION: mULCount should be greater than 0 here: 'mULCount > 0', file nsPlainTextSerializer.cpp, line 778


(Core :: DOM: Serializers, defect, P5)





(Reporter: mozilla, Unassigned)




User-Agent:       Mozilla/5.0 (compatible; Konqueror/3.1; Linux)
Build Identifier: Mozilla/5.0 (X11; U; Linux i686; en-US; rv:1.6a) Gecko/20031007

The URL triggers an ASSERT that does not go away even if you leave the page in 

Reproducible: Always

Steps to Reproduce:
1. go to URL 
2. Scroll down until you see the chapter "Features that are not planned" 
3. Select some part of the bullet list, ex: Part of the "Enforce" word to part of 
Actual Results:  
ASSERTION: mULCount should be greater than 0 here: 'mULCount > 0', file 
nsPlainTextSerializer.cpp, line 778 
Which stick for a long time, even if you leave the URL in question. After a while they 
(usually) do go away. 

Expected Results:  

CVS build a few days old (maybe a week).
Assignee: general → dom-to-text
Component: Browser-General → DOM to Text Conversion
I just hit this, unfortunately while the assert is live your system can't do any
copy/paste ops on windows. thankfully drag and drop still works (i learned this
a few asserts ago).

	bulletChar	0 ''
+	bulletCharArray	0x014f36cc "*o+#"
	bulletCharArray[(mULCount-1)%4]	35 '#'
	mULCount	0
+	this	0x04229d48

NTDLL! DbgBreakPoint address 0x77f9f9df
nsDebugImpl::Assertion(nsDebugImpl * const 0x00c9ade0, const char * 0x014f3f78,
const char * 0x014f3f68, const char * 0x014f3f2c, int 778) line 276
nsDebug::Assertion(const char * 0x014f3f78, const char * 0x014f3f68, const char
* 0x014f3f2c, int 778) line 109
nsPlainTextSerializer::DoOpenContainer(const nsIParserNode * 0x04225518, int 60)
line 779 + 7 bytes
nsPlainTextSerializer::CloseContainer(nsPlainTextSerializer * const 0x04229d4c,
nsHTMLTag 69358872) line 475 + 2 bytes
CNavDTD::OpenContainer(const nsCParserNode * 0x04225518, nsHTMLTag eHTMLTag_li,
int 1, nsEntryStack * 0x00000000) line 3457 + 31 bytes
CNavDTD::HandleDefaultStartToken(CToken * 0x04172048, nsHTMLTag eHTMLTag_li,
nsCParserNode * 0x04225518) line 1452 + 20 bytes
CNavDTD::HandleStartToken(CToken * 0x04172048) line 1830 + 20 bytes
CNavDTD::HandleToken(CNavDTD * const 0x0422bcc0, CToken * 0x04172048, nsIParser
* 0x04229b60) line 1014 + 12 bytes
CNavDTD::BuildModel(CNavDTD * const 0x0422bcc0, nsIParser * 0x04229b60,
nsITokenizer * 0x0422bdf8, nsITokenObserver * 0x00000000, nsIContentSink *
0x04229d4c) line 513 + 20 bytes
nsParser::BuildModel(nsParser * const 0x04229b60) line 1893 + 34 bytes
nsParser::ResumeParse(int 0, int 0, int 0) line 1760 + 12 bytes
nsParser::Parse(nsParser * const 0x04229b60, const nsAString & {...}, void *
0x00000000, const nsACString & {...}, int 0, int 1, nsDTDMode eDTDMode_fragment)
line 1643 + 17 bytes
nsHTMLFormatConverter::ConvertFromHTMLToUnicode(nsHTMLFormatConverter * const
0x0415d288, const nsAutoString & {"<li></li>
  <li>Ability to add generic customized fields to bugs (Bug <a
href=""}, nsAutoString & {""})
line 318 + 52 bytes
nsHTMLFormatConverter::Convert(nsHTMLFormatConverter * const 0x0415d288, const
char * 0x042297e8, nsISupports * 0x0422b0b0, unsigned int 394, const char *
0x01d625bc, nsISupports * * 0x0012fab8, unsigned int * 0x0012fac0) line 253 + 26
nsTransferable::GetTransferData(nsTransferable * const 0x0422bfc8, const char *
0x01d625bc, nsISupports * * 0x0012fab8, unsigned int * 0x0012fac0) line 399
nsDataObj::GetText(const nsACString & {...}, tagFORMATETC & {...}, tagSTGMEDIUM
& {...}) line 682
nsDataObj::GetData(nsDataObj * const 0x03449cb8, tagFORMATETC * 0x0012fb7c,
tagSTGMEDIUM * 0x0012fb40) line 206 + 23 bytes
OLE32! OleFlushClipboard + 939 bytes
OLE32! OleFlushClipboard + 639 bytes
OLE32! CoDisconnectObject + 418 bytes
USER32! SetTimer + 1077 bytes
USER32! GetMonitorInfoW + 156 bytes
USER32! GetMonitorInfoW + 222 bytes
NTDLL! KiUserCallbackDispatcher + 19 bytes
USER32! PeekMessageW + 231 bytes
PeekKeyAndIMEMessage(tagMSG * 0x0012fd38 {msg=0x00000113 wp=0x000070a8
lp=0x01d34940}, HWND__ * 0x00000000) line 90 + 24 bytes
nsAppShell::Run(nsAppShell * const 0x00c67c58) line 128 + 11 bytes
nsAppShellService::Run(nsAppShellService * const 0x00c67968) line 476
main1(int 1, char * * 0x00444300, nsISupports * 0x00baaaa0) line 1292 + 32 bytes
main(int 1, char * * 0x00444300) line 1679 + 37 bytes
mainCRTStartup() line 338 + 17 bytes
KERNEL32! SetUnhandledExceptionFilter + 92 bytes

The reason the reporter continues to see the assert is because of x11's
clipboard behavior (relating to selections).

On windows the assert is triggered when you try to paste into another app.

reporter: it should go away if you force something else to be the x11 PRIMARY

Anyway, in my case the document had say 7+ items in its list
and i had selected just item 4
Ever confirmed: true
Assignee: dom-to-text → nobody
QA Contact: general → dom-to-text

Bulk-downgrade of unassigned, >=5 years untouched DOM/Storage bugs' priority.

If you have reason to believe this is wrong (especially for the severity), please write a comment and ni :jstutte.

Severity: normal → S4
Priority: -- → P5
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