Closed Bug 224504 Opened 21 years ago Closed 17 years ago

(JS) "Error: uncaught exception: Permission denied to get property UnnamedClass.classes", when accessing 'Components.classes' from a non-<chrome://> URL


(Core :: Security: CAPS, defect)

Not set





(Reporter: myk, Assigned: dveditz)




(Keywords: testcase)


(3 files)

Attempts to access Components.classes from a script at a file:/// URL fail with the message "Permission denied to get property UnnamedClass.Classes". To see this in action, save the forthcoming testcase to your local drive and load it in Mozilla. If the file is added to a registered chrome subdirectory and loaded via a chrome: URL, everything works. I tested on Mozilla 1.5, Firebird 0.7, and the latest Mozilla nightly (2003-11-02-05), all on Linux.
[Mozilla/5.0 (Windows; U; Win98; en-US; rv:1.6a) Gecko/20031030] (BuildId=2003110115, bug 224340#c19) (W98SE) Confirming on W98: As a testcase, (Ctrl-)clicking on your attachment directly from BugZilla is enough to get the error ! I noticed this error while trying to convert a (.xul) window to a dialog: the window works as expected, the dialog generates the error while it's loading/opening. I'll attach the two .xul files as a testcase: I open them from the JS.D. (JS.C. could do too) with: {"file:///R:/!Drive_X/Mozilla/Cvs/Checkout/mozilla/profile/pref-migrator/resources/content/donothingSG_D.xul", "SGtestDN0", "dialog,chrome,centerscreen,modal,titlebar"); } Of course, the error is there, even with an empty parameter string. *Changing: *OS: Linux -> All. *(S) Normal -> Major, as "uncaught exception".
Severity: normal → major
OS: Linux → All
Summary: permission denied to get property UnnamedClass.Classes when accessing Components.classes from file:/// URL → (JS) "Error: uncaught exception: Permission denied to get property UnnamedClass.classes", when accessing Components.classes from file:/// URL
From the URL in comment 4, (and the BugZilla attachment links) <http://> is affected, as <file:///> is: only <chrome://> passes ! On Google, I found: *2 other cases: (09/15/2002) (05/27/2003) *1 IRC log (timeless, neil, ...), dated 2002-12-03 (!): This bug seems to exist for at least more than a year: != recent. By itself, getting this error in the XulPlanet tutorial is rather bad :-(
Keywords: testcase
Summary: (JS) "Error: uncaught exception: Permission denied to get property UnnamedClass.classes", when accessing Components.classes from file:/// URL → (JS) "Error: uncaught exception: Permission denied to get property UnnamedClass.classes", when accessing 'Components.classes' from a non-<chrome://> URL
Comment on attachment 135518 [details] (Comment 2) Dialog testcase (error) Also, note that when opened from outside <chrome://>: *The two buttons appears without labels. *The Cancel button has no effect. Theses are consequences of this bug, aren't they ?
Hmm, I wonder if this bug has some relation to bug #248402.
you need to run with -chrome, or setup permission to ask for permission to use xpconnect (and then ask)
Assignee: security-bugs → dveditz
QA Contact: caps
Depends on: 434522
How the error message improved over time: [Mozilla/5.0 (Windows; U; Windows NT 5.0; en-US; rv:1.7.13) Gecko/20060414] (release) (W2Ksp4) [Mozilla/5.0 (Windows; U; Windows NT 5.0; en-US; rv: Gecko/20070510 SeaMonkey/1.0.9] (release) (W2Ksp4) [Mozilla/5.0 (Windows; U; Windows NT 5.0; en-US; rv: Gecko/20080715 SeaMonkey/1.1.12pre] (nightly) (W2Ksp4) Error: uncaught exception: Permission denied to get property UnnamedClass.classes [Mozilla/5.0 (Windows; U; Windows NT 5.0; en-US; rv:1.9a5pre) Gecko/20070515 SeaMonkey/1.5a] (nightly) (W2Ksp4) Error: uncaught exception: Permission denied to get property XPCComponents.classes [Mozilla/5.0 (Windows; U; Windows NT 5.0; en-US; rv: Gecko/2008072102 SeaMonkey/2.0a1pre] (nightly) (W2Ksp4) Error: Permission denied to get property XPCComponents.classes [Mozilla/5.0 (Windows; U; Windows NT 5.0; en-US; rv:1.9.1a2pre) Gecko/2008080519 SeaMonkey/2.0a1pre] (home, optim default) (W2Ksp4) Error: Permission denied for <> to get property XPCComponents.classes Source File: chrome://global/content/bindings/dialog.xml Line: 186
Version: Other Branch → Trunk
(In reply to comment #8) > you need to run with -chrome, or setup permission to ask for permission to use > xpconnect (and then ask) Current status: *"uncaught exception": fixed. *"UnnamedClass": fixed. *access denial for non-chrome/non-privileged code: expected. R.WorksForMe. Reopen, anyone, if you think there was something else to this bug.
Closed: 17 years ago
Resolution: --- → WORKSFORME
Target Milestone: --- → mozilla1.9
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