Open Bug 224870 Opened 21 years ago Updated 2 years ago

resource:///res/samples/test8.html warnings/errors


(Core :: CSS Parsing and Computation, defect)





(Reporter: mmokrejs, Unassigned)



User-Agent: Mozilla/5.0 (X11; U; Linux i686; en-US; rv:1.4) Gecko/20030826 Build Identifier: This I get with mozilla 20031105 on Tru64UNix 5.1a: CSS Error (resource:///res/samples/test8.html :1.4): Expected ':' but found '.'. Declaration dropped. frame: Text(0) (1415bcd88) style: 1415bcd38 :-moz-non-element {} Wrong parent style context: style: 1415bc9f0 {} should be using: style: 1415bccc8 :-moz-button-content {} frame: Inline(font)(1) (1415bcec8) style: 1415bce38 {} Wrong parent style context: style: 1415bc9f0 {} should be using: style: 1415bccc8 :-moz-button-content {} frame: Text(0) (1415bd068) style: 1415c00c0 :-moz-non-element {} Wrong parent style context: style: 1415c0070 {} should be using: style: 1415bcf28 {} frame: Inline(b)(0) (1415bcfb8) style: 1415c0070 {} Wrong parent style context: style: 1415c0020 {} should be using: style: 1415bce38 {} frame: Block(font)(1) (1415bf9d8) style: 1415bfa70 :-moz-anonymous-block {} Wrong parent style context: style: 1415bce38 {} should be using: style: 1415c0020 {} frame: Block(b)(0) (1415bf850) style: 1415bf8e8 :-moz-anonymous-block {} Wrong parent style context: style: 1415bcf28 {} should be using: style: 1415c0070 {} frame: Table(table)(1) (1415bda80) style: 1415bd258 {} Wrong parent style context: style: 1415bcf28 {} should be using: style: 1415c0070 {} frame: Block(b)(0) (1415bf850) style: 1415bf8e8 :-moz-anonymous-block {} Wrong parent style context: style: 1415bcf28 {} should be using: style: 1415c0070 {} frame: Table(table)(1) (1415bda80) style: 1415bd258 {} Wrong parent style context: style: 1415bcf28 {} should be using: style: 1415c0070 {} frame: Table(table)(1) (1415bda80) style: 1415bd258 {} Wrong parent style context: style: 1415bcf28 {} should be using: style: 1415c0070 {} frame: Table(table)(1) (1415bda80) style: 1415bd258 {} Wrong parent style context: style: 1415bcf28 {} should be using: style: 1415c0070 {} frame: Text(0) (1415be5f0) style: 1415c0690 :-moz-non-element {} Wrong parent style context: style: 1415c0640 :-moz-cell-content {} should be using: style: 1415be4c0 :-moz-cell-content {} frame: Block(td)(0) (1415be388) style: 1415c0640 :-moz-cell-content {} Wrong parent style context: style: 1415c0580 {} should be using: style: 1415be188 {} frame: TableCell(td)(0) (1415be2d8) style: 1415c0580 {} Wrong parent style context: style: 1415c04c0 {} should be using: style: 1415bdef8 {} frame: Text(0) (1415be7b8) style: 1415c0690 :-moz-non-element {} Wrong parent style context: style: 1415c0640 :-moz-cell-content {} should be using: style: 1415be4c0 :-moz-cell-content {} frame: Block(td)(1) (1415be720) style: 1415c0640 :-moz-cell-content {} Wrong parent style context: style: 1415c0580 {} should be using: style: 1415be188 {} frame: TableCell(td)(1) (1415be690) style: 1415c0580 {} Wrong parent style context: style: 1415c04c0 {} should be using: style: 1415bdef8 {} frame: Block(td)(2) (1415becf0) style: 1415c0640 :-moz-cell-content {} Wrong parent style context: style: 1415c0580 {} should be using: style: 1415be188 {} frame: TableCell(td)(2) (1415bec60) style: 1415c0580 {} Wrong parent style context: style: 1415c04c0 {} should be using: style: 1415bdef8 {} frame: TableRow(tr)(0) (1415be048) style: 1415c04c0 {} Wrong parent style context: style: 1415c0470 {} should be using: style: 1415bdcb0 {} frame: Text(0) (1415bef30) style: 1415c0690 :-moz-non-element {} Wrong parent style context: style: 1415c0640 :-moz-cell-content {} should be using: style: 1415be4c0 :-moz-cell-content {} frame: Block(td)(0) (1415bee98) style: 1415c0640 :-moz-cell-content {} Wrong parent style context: style: 1415c0580 {} should be using: style: 1415be188 {} frame: TableCell(td)(0) (1415bee08) style: 1415c0580 {} Wrong parent style context: style: 1415c04c0 {} should be using: style: 1415bdef8 {} frame: Text(0) (1415bf0f8) style: 1415c0690 :-moz-non-element {} Wrong parent style context: style: 1415c0640 :-moz-cell-content {} should be using: style: 1415be4c0 :-moz-cell-content {} frame: Block(td)(1) (1415bf060) style: 1415c0640 :-moz-cell-content {} Wrong parent style context: style: 1415c0580 {} should be using: style: 1415be188 {} frame: TableCell(td)(1) (1415befd0) style: 1415c0580 {} Wrong parent style context: style: 1415c04c0 {} should be using: style: 1415bdef8 {} frame: TableRow(tr)(2) (1415bed88) style: 1415c04c0 {} Wrong parent style context: style: 1415c0470 {} should be using: style: 1415bdcb0 {} frame: TableRowGroup(tbody)(0) (1415bdda0) style: 1415c0470 {} Wrong parent style context: style: 1415c03b8 {} should be using: style: 1415bd258 {} frame: TableCol(table)(1) (1415bf550) style: 1415bdef8 :-moz-table-column {} Wrong parent style context: style: 1415bdcb0 :-moz-table-column-group {} should be using: style: 1415bf238 :-moz-table-column-group {} frame: TableCol(table)(1) (1415bf5c8) style: 1415bdef8 :-moz-table-column {} Wrong parent style context: style: 1415bdcb0 :-moz-table-column-group {} should be using: style: 1415bf238 :-moz-table-column-group {} frame: TableCol(table)(1) (1415bf640) style: 1415bdef8 :-moz-table-column {} Wrong parent style context: style: 1415bdcb0 :-moz-table-column-group {} should be using: style: 1415bf238 :-moz-table-column-group {} frame: TableColGroup(table)(1) (1415bf318) style: 1415bdcb0 :-moz-table-column-group {} Wrong parent style context: style: 1415c03b8 {} should be using: style: 1415bd258 {} frame: Table(table)(1) (1415bda80) style: 1415c03b8 {} Wrong parent style context: style: 1415c01b0 :-moz-table-outer {} should be using: style: 1415c0070 {} frame: TableOuter(table)(1) (1415bd820) style: 1415c01b0 :-moz-table-outer {} Wrong parent style context: style: 1415c0160 :-moz-anonymous-block {} should be using: style: 1415c03b8 {} frame: Table(table)(1) (1415bda80) style: 1415c03b8 {} Wrong parent style context: style: 1415c01b0 :-moz-table-outer {} should be using: style: 1415c0070 {} frame: Block(b)(0) (1415bf850) style: 1415c0160 :-moz-anonymous-block {} Wrong parent style context: style: 1415c0110 :-moz-anonymous-block {} should be using: style: 1415c0070 {} frame: TableOuter(table)(1) (1415bd820) style: 1415c01b0 :-moz-table-outer {} Wrong parent style context: style: 1415c0160 :-moz-anonymous-block {} should be using: style: 1415c03b8 {} frame: Table(table)(1) (1415bda80) style: 1415c03b8 {} Wrong parent style context: style: 1415c01b0 :-moz-table-outer {} should be using: style: 1415c0070 {} frame: Block(font)(1) (1415bf9d8) style: 1415c0110 :-moz-anonymous-block {} Wrong parent style context: style: 1415bccc8 :-moz-button-content {} should be using: style: 1415c0020 {} frame: Block(b)(0) (1415bf850) style: 1415c0160 :-moz-anonymous-block {} Wrong parent style context: style: 1415c0110 :-moz-anonymous-block {} should be using: style: 1415c0070 {} frame: TableOuter(table)(1) (1415bd820) style: 1415c01b0 :-moz-table-outer {} Wrong parent style context: style: 1415c0160 :-moz-anonymous-block {} should be using: style: 1415c03b8 {} frame: Table(table)(1) (1415bda80) style: 1415c03b8 {} Wrong parent style context: style: 1415c01b0 :-moz-table-outer {} should be using: style: 1415c0070 {} frame: Inline(font)(1) (1415bfb00) style: 1415bce38 {} Wrong parent style context: style: 1415bc9f0 {} should be using: style: 1415bccc8 :-moz-button-content {} frame: Text(2) (1415bf6b8) style: 1415c00c0 :-moz-non-element {} Wrong parent style context: style: 1415c0070 {} should be using: style: 1415bcf28 {} frame: Frame(br)(3) (1415bf7a8) style: 1415bfa70 {} Wrong parent style context: style: 1415c0070 {} should be using: style: 1415bcf28 {} frame: Text(4) (1415bf7f0) style: 1415c00c0 :-moz-non-element {} Wrong parent style context: style: 1415c0070 {} should be using: style: 1415bcf28 {} frame: Inline(b)(0) (1415bf978) style: 1415c0070 {} Wrong parent style context: style: 1415c0020 {} should be using: style: 1415bce38 {} frame: Text(2) (1415bfb60) style: 1415bcd38 :-moz-non-element {} Wrong parent style context: style: 1415bc9f0 {} should be using: style: 1415bccc8 :-moz-button-content {} WARNING: empty damage rect: update caller to avoid fcn call overhead, file nsFrame.cpp, line 2540 WARNING: empty damage rect: update caller to avoid fcn call overhead, file nsFrame.cpp, line 2540 WARNING: empty damage rect: update caller to avoid fcn call overhead, file nsFrame.cpp, line 2540 WARNING: empty damage rect: update caller to avoid fcn call overhead, file nsFrame.cpp, line 2540 WARNING: empty damage rect: update caller to avoid fcn call overhead, file nsFrame.cpp, line 2540 WARNING: empty damage rect: update caller to avoid fcn call overhead, file nsFrame.cpp, line 2540 WARNING: empty damage rect: update caller to avoid fcn call overhead, file nsFrame.cpp, line 2540 WARNING: empty damage rect: update caller to avoid fcn call overhead, file nsFrame.cpp, line 2540 WARNING: empty damage rect: update caller to avoid fcn call overhead, file nsFrame.cpp, line 2540 WARNING: empty damage rect: update caller to avoid fcn call overhead, file nsFrame.cpp, line 2540 WARNING: empty damage rect: update caller to avoid fcn call overhead, file nsFrame.cpp, line 2540 WARNING: empty damage rect: update caller to avoid fcn call overhead, file nsFrame.cpp, line 2540 WARNING: empty damage rect: update caller to avoid fcn call overhead, file nsFrame.cpp, line 2540 WARNING: empty damage rect: update caller to avoid fcn call overhead, file nsFrame.cpp, line 2540 WARNING: empty damage rect: update caller to avoid fcn call overhead, file nsFrame.cpp, line 2540 WARNING: empty damage rect: update caller to avoid fcn call overhead, file nsFrame.cpp, line 2540 WARNING: empty damage rect: update caller to avoid fcn call overhead, file nsFrame.cpp, line 2540 WARNING: empty damage rect: update caller to avoid fcn call overhead, file nsFrame.cpp, line 2540 CSS Error (resource:///res/samples/test8.html :1.48): Expected ':' but found '1px'. Declaration dropped. CSS Error (resource:///res/samples/test8.html :1.48): Expected ':' but found '1px'. Declaration dropped. WARNING: empty damage rect: update caller to avoid fcn call overhead, file nsFrame.cpp, line 2540 WARNING: empty damage rect: update caller to avoid fcn call overhead, file nsFrame.cpp, line 2540 WARNING: empty damage rect: update caller to avoid fcn call overhead, file nsFrame.cpp, line 2540 WARNING: empty damage rect: update caller to avoid fcn call overhead, file nsFrame.cpp, line 2540 WARNING: empty damage rect: update caller to avoid fcn call overhead, file nsFrame.cpp, line 2540 WARNING: empty damage rect: update caller to avoid fcn call overhead, file nsFrame.cpp, line 2540 Document resource:///res/samples/test8.html loaded successfully Reproducible: Always Steps to Reproduce: 1. 2. 3.
Depends on: 217225
Checked in fixes to the CSS errors in here. The style context spew seems mostly due to the content inside the <button>. Not sure why that's a problem yet.
Some of the warnings will be fixed in bug 224867. The rest seem to be due to the table-outer frame getting reparented to the anonymous block here... (and the table-inner frame getting reparented to the outer frame, I suspect). What actually needs to happen is that the table-inner frame should be reparented to the block and then the table-outer frame should be reparented to the table-inner frame. Need to think about a way to do that without making all callers of ReParentStyleContext have to check... maybe just push that logic into ReParentStyleContext itself.
Depends on: 224867
This is an automated message, with ID "auto-resolve01". This bug has had no comments for a long time. Statistically, we have found that bug reports that have not been confirmed by a second user after three months are highly unlikely to be the source of a fix to the code. While your input is very important to us, our resources are limited and so we are asking for your help in focussing our efforts. If you can still reproduce this problem in the latest version of the product (see below for how to obtain a copy) or, for feature requests, if it's not present in the latest version and you still believe we should implement it, please visit the URL of this bug (given at the top of this mail) and add a comment to that effect, giving more reproduction information if you have it. If it is not a problem any longer, you need take no action. If this bug is not changed in any way in the next two weeks, it will be automatically resolved. Thank you for your help in this matter. The latest beta releases can be obtained from: Firefox: Thunderbird: Seamonkey:
This bug has been automatically resolved after a period of inactivity (see above comment). If anyone thinks this is incorrect, they should feel free to reopen it.
Closed: 19 years ago
Resolution: --- → EXPIRED
Resolution: EXPIRED → ---
Ever confirmed: true
Currently, with mozilla-source-2005110105-trunk on Linux I get (resource:///res/samples/test8.html): ++DOMWINDOW == 40 frame: Table(table)(1) (0xb9df070) style: 0xb9defb0 {} Wrong parent style context: style: 0xb9e0198 :-moz-table-outer {} should be using: style: 0xb9e043c {} frame: TableOuter(table)(1) (0xb9def0c) style: 0xb9e0198 :-moz-table-outer {} Wrong parent style context: style: 0xb9e02a4 :-moz-anonymous-block {} should be using: style: 0xb9defb0 {} frame: Table(table)(1) (0xb9df070) style: 0xb9defb0 {} Wrong parent style context: style: 0xb9e0198 :-moz-table-outer {} should be using: style: 0xb9e043c {} frame: Block(b)(0) (0xb9e0144) style: 0xb9e02a4 :-moz-anonymous-block {} Wrong parent style context: style: 0xb9e04dc :-moz-anonymous-block {} should be using: style: 0xb9e043c {} frame: TableOuter(table)(1) (0xb9def0c) style: 0xb9e0198 :-moz-table-outer {} Wrong parent style context: style: 0xb9e02a4 :-moz-anonymous-block {} should be using: style: 0xb9defb0 {} frame: Table(table)(1) (0xb9df070) style: 0xb9defb0 {} Wrong parent style context: style: 0xb9e0198 :-moz-table-outer {} should be using: style: 0xb9e043c {} frame: Block(font)(1) (0xb9e0250) style: 0xb9e04dc :-moz-anonymous-block {} Wrong parent style context: style: 0xb9dea28 :-moz-button-content {} should be using: style: 0xb9e03ec {} frame: Block(b)(0) (0xb9e0144) style: 0xb9e02a4 :-moz-anonymous-block {} Wrong parent style context: style: 0xb9e04dc :-moz-anonymous-block {} should be using: style: 0xb9e043c {} frame: TableOuter(table)(1) (0xb9def0c) style: 0xb9e0198 :-moz-table-outer {} Wrong parent style context: style: 0xb9e02a4 :-moz-anonymous-block {} should be using: style: 0xb9defb0 {} frame: Table(table)(1) (0xb9df070) style: 0xb9defb0 {} Wrong parent style context: style: 0xb9e0198 :-moz-table-outer {} should be using: style: 0xb9e043c {} Document resource:///res/samples/test8.html loaded successfully
Assignee: dbaron → nobody
QA Contact: ian → style-system
Severity: normal → S3
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