Closed Bug 227981 Opened 21 years ago Closed 18 years ago

Info on setting up IMAP trace on Mac is out of date


(Developer Documentation Graveyard :: General, defect)

Not set


(Not tracked)



(Reporter: benjamingslade+mozilla, Assigned: endico)





(2 files, 2 obsolete files)

User-Agent: Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; U; PPC Mac OS X Mach-O; en-US; rv:1.5) Gecko/20030925 Build Identifier: n/a The instructions for tracing SMTP & IMAP protocols for the Mac platform refers to pre OS X Mac operating systems (9 and below). The new procedure involves setting env variables like the Unix platform instructions, but Moz has to be run from the command line for this to work. To trace when Mozilla is invoked from the "Dock" in the Finder (aka the desktop), the user must use the Property List Editor to set the values an special XML file in ~/.MacOSX/environment.plist (case sensitive). See the Apple web page Reproducible: Always Steps to Reproduce: 1.Access the web page 2. 3. I'd be glad to update the web page, but I need a CVS id. Also, point of contact info on the web page is old. is not longer a valid email address (unknown user id error). I'll file a separate bug for this.
Click the "Edit this page" link at the bottom of the page. Make the changes you want to make to it, then choose the option to "create a patch for me". Attach the patch to this bug, and someone with access can check it in. If you're doing this a lot, you'll probably be able to get people who have checked in for you to vouch for your cvs access.
Oh, and just to point out, the Mac information there is still valid... *if* you're using a CFM build (which there haven't been any of since about version 1.2.1 or so). If someone happens to be doing something on one of the old branches...
This attachment is RCS diff patch info from my edits to the web page I may have included a few extra lines at the beginning of the patch info (that you might have to edit out).
The patch info I've attached seems to list all sorts of lines as changed that aren't really changed. This patch info was created using the "Edit This Page" link at the bottom of (via the Review Changes option)
Why document is still not updated? We have to say "Drag&drop way doesn't work. Please use Unix way", then explain details of the Unix way, every when I should request protocol log to Mac OS X user, who is not familiar with Unix, almost all Mac OS X users.
I think the comment #4 attachement is not really the best thing to do, plus you'll need to install the Developer tools (+500 MB download). It's much easier to set the environment variables from a console window (like in the Unix description on the page) and then launch TB from the command line (/Applications/ -mail), no?
(In reply to comment #7) > I think the comment #4 attachement is not really the best thing to do I think so, too. > It's much easier to set the environment variables from a console window (like in > the Unix description on the page) and then launch TB from the command line > (/Applications/ -mail), no? Yes. Command line way(=Unix way I said) is the simplest and easiest, I think. Add "Mac OS X" section and decribe only "Command line way" there, please.
Attachment on comment #4 is already obsolete. I've found that was changed(improved) on 2004/6/28 by Bug 241333. But descrition for Mac OS X is still required.
Attachment #137432 - Attachment is obsolete: true
Attachment #137431 - Attachment is obsolete: true
I've decided I agree with comments <a href="">7</a> and <a href="">8</a>. <p> I have created attachments to this bug with HTML and a patch file for the new proposed updates to the <a href="">Troubleshooting Mail/News</a> web page. <p> All feedback is appreciated.
Not to flog this to death but, a correction/clarification to comment #7 You don't have to edit the plist file using Mac's developer tools. You can just open a Terminal window, cd into the .MacOSX directory and create a file named environment.plist containing the following. Non-unix users can use the "pico" editor which I think is available on OS X by default. <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <!DOCTYPE plist PUBLIC "-//Apple Computer//DTD PLIST 1.0//EN" ""> <plist version="1.0"> <dict> <key>NSPR_LOG_FILE</key> <string>/tmp/imaptrace.txt</string> <key>NSPR_LOG_MODULES</key> <string>IMAP:5</string> </dict> </plist> Note, line starting with "<!DOCTYPE" should be oneline all the way to "dtd", but I'm not sure if that makes a difference: You can then run the Moz application normally (by clicking on the Icon in the finder) and the NSPR_LOG_FILE and NSPR_LOG_MODULES environment variables will be in effect. So I'll go back on what I said before and say that the above procedure should be added to the page for Mac OS X.
Looks like justdave got bored with waiting, and fixed it in late 2005. If anyone feels the need to tweak it further, please see the migration instructions at to make your life easier.
Closed: 18 years ago
Resolution: --- → WORKSFORME
Component: Mozilla Developer → Documentation Requests
Product: Documentation → Mozilla Developer Center is already removed. Following page looks to be successor of mail-troubleshoot.html. > Some improvements are already done by MailNews:Logging, for example, guide for mime & ldap are consolidated. But it still lacks "instruction for Mac OS X user", still has "instruction for Mac OS user" only. "Instruction for Mac OS X user" can be seen in following document. > Creation of is better way?
Component: Documentation Requests → Documentation
Component: Documentation → General
Product: Mozilla Developer Network → Developer Documentation
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