Closed Bug 228499 Opened 21 years ago Closed 21 years ago

[fix] Aqua form buttons draw incorrectly when the content (text) is to small (and other form widget fixes)


(Camino Graveyard :: HTML Form Controls, defect)

Not set


(Not tracked)



(Reporter: camino, Assigned: mikepinkerton)





(2 files, 6 obsolete files)

User-Agent: Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; U; PPC Mac OS X Mach-O; en-US; rv:1.6b) Gecko/20031205 Camino/0.7+ Build Identifier: Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; U; PPC Mac OS X Mach-O; en-US; rv:1.6b) Gecko/20031205 Camino/0.7+ On some occasions the text that is displayed in abutton has only 2 letters (go) this results in horrible looking icons. For an example go to This is also a testcase page: Reproducible: Always Steps to Reproduce: Go to the given url's. Actual Results: The button on is drawn incorrectly. Fixed issue's: - introduced a minimum button width to make sure a button <input tupe="reset"> is always drawn correctly. - adjusted all form widgets margings to make sure that form widgets do not get painted over or on top each other (spymac forum bug). - made sure that the <button></button> fom widget has a size that coresponds with a more general aqua sized button. And is not some kind of odd blob.
Attached file modified platform-forms.css file. (obsolete) —
This file fixes the issue's mentioned above.
Ever confirmed: true
Some other things we should look at. - widget focus drawing is no longer present in 10.3 and has always had issues in Camino, do we still need it? - shouldn't we introduce a fixed font size and fixed button size to make sure buttons always look the way they are intended by Apple? - Is it possible to implement small scroll bars for large text fields and select fields? Becuase we are now drawing large scrollbars wich cuases some strange behaviour (scrooll bars that are painted when not necesarry and no sroll bars when they should be painted?)
bryner thought the min-width should be expressed in the native theme code, not in css. i'll look at that.
Target Milestone: --- → Camino0.8
is this a dupe of 221922?
find . -name "platform-forms.css" ./camino/build/ ./dist/bin/res/platform-forms.css ./dist/Embed/res/platform-forms.css ./dist/ ./layout/html/document/src/mac/platform-forms.css ./layout/html/document/src/os2/platform-forms.css ./layout/html/document/src/win/platform-forms.css Which one is the one we use ? the one from embed ? or the one from sr/mac ?
Mike: Well part of Bug 221922 is fixed by this bug (mis shapen buttons, bt not the margins). Ludo: ./camino/build/
Jasper : nope the file comes from one of the other files Given by the find command.
*** Bug 221922 has been marked as a duplicate of this bug. ***
the one from src/mac gets copied into embed, and that's where we pick it up.
the width however should be in the's very odd that the css fixes it.
I agree that there should come a better fix than my current css one. But could we at least use it untill some one really fixes it. This is one of those bugs that makes us look like the odd duck. And the temporaray fix I slaped together is real easy.
Jasper do you want a review? Set the review? bit :-)
Attachment #137442 - Flags: review?(sbwoodside)
I made a html page which contains a collection of all the things going wrong with buttons in Camino. Conclusion is that we are allowing the use of to much styles in button resulting in numerous opertunities to break buttons. - we should not allow any form of styles aprt from font size and weight at max. - we should give buttons more marging making sure they do not paint over each other. - we should introduce minimum button width That would solve most of our problems. And perhaps it would be even better if we would just ban all forms of styling, that way our buttons would just look like any other button on OS X (just like safari). It would rule out any posibility of badly drawn widgets.
Attachment #138086 - Attachment description: Pain bank page for buttons. → Pain bank page for buttons. Close you eyes!
I also noticed that buttons that have styled text using pt sizes have different margins than buttons styled using px sizes?? What's going on there?
Attached file Updated the button test page. (obsolete) —
Bug 205136 seems to be a duplicate of this bug. It talks about one of the aspects mentioned in this bug.
Attachment #138086 - Attachment is obsolete: true
I think that we should allow different sizes of text at a minimum. I don't know if I agree that we should only allow one size of button text. Otherwise I agree that limiting the styling is OK and assigning a minimum width is good too.
landed jasper's css file. what do we want to do with the other problems? i guess if we keep this open, we don't need this fixed quite as badly anymore, pushing out to 1.0
Target Milestone: Camino0.8 → Camino1.0
Attachment #137442 - Attachment is obsolete: true
Attachment #137442 - Flags: review?(sbwoodside) → review+
some hints to really fix this should be found here:
Ok I tracked down the border issue more. In platform-forms.css we define the button border for aqua buttons as follows: border-width: 2px 8px 2px 8px;
Ok I tracked down the border issue more. In platform-forms.css we define the button border for aqua buttons as follows: (border-width: 2px 8px 2px 8px;
jasper, I'm not sure what that nsITheme page points out...that's already how we're implementing this.
I will add a new .css that will fix othyer things.
Attachment #138185 - Attachment is obsolete: true
Attached file Fixes some other visual form bugs. (obsolete) —
Ok this css file fixes the following bugs: - check boxes are not correctly vertically alligned with text baseline - radio buttons are not correctly vertically alligned with text baseline - text in input doesn't align with the base line of text outside of it - disabled text fields have mozilla style instead of our style Result: We look yet again better than before, we are looking very much like native widgets. We even look better than Safari on some points :)
Mike, The problem as I tracked it down for the border style issue is as folows. 1) We have nsITheme that lays out the basic buton styles by using the aqua resources and XUL? 2) we have a platform-forms.css document that fine tunes the results comming from nsITheme. 3) but when ever a webpage has certain custom styles for form elements nsITheme overrides the platform-forms.css settings. The border issue is a result of this. Platform-forms.css gives detailed information on how to paint a button by using a border-width style method to make sur the text is nicely aligned within the button. But when a page has custom border style in it's button it overrides the detailed border in platform-forms.css resulting in a malformed button. Unless ofcorse if the border style in the button is axactly the same as in platfor-forms.ccss, which is a small chance.
Attached file Added some more fixes and new methods (obsolete) —
In this version I tried a new approach to dawing the buttons to make sure the border issue get fixed. And it works :), except if we have a button size and spacing style in one button. But still is 10x better than what we had. New fixes: - fixed diabled buttons - tweeked alignment of radio and check boxes - also tweeked all the widgets to make sure that the button text baselines now are on the same hight as the page text basline. Please test and look closely to all the different pages that use forms to see if there is anything else we could fix.
Attachment #139745 - Attachment is obsolete: true
Attachment #139745 - Attachment is obsolete: false
Attachment #139746 - Attachment is obsolete: true
Attached file Took out the other border method. (obsolete) —
Same fixes but slightly tweeked to work on morepages correctly. Took out the new border drawing method, still not good enough.
Attachment #139914 - Attachment is obsolete: true
I took out parts of the css that aligned most form widgets. since it caused some trouble on several webpages :) I also simplified some of the css by combining styles which results in more compact css and has the same functionality.
Attachment #140070 - Attachment is obsolete: true
landed last patch, closing out bug.
Closed: 21 years ago
Resolution: --- → FIXED
Summary: [fix] Aqua form buttons draw incorrect when the content (text) is to small (and other form widget fixes) → [fix] Aqua form buttons draw incorrectly when the content (text) is to small (and other form widget fixes)
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