Closed Bug 228933 Opened 21 years ago Closed 21 years ago

First-time POP/SSL connection hangs if no password is stored in pwd manager


(MailNews Core :: Networking: POP, defect)

Not set


(Not tracked)



(Reporter: javachris42, Assigned: sspitzer)



(2 files)

User-Agent:       Mozilla/5.0 (X11; U; Linux i686; en-US; rv:1.5) Gecko/20031007
Build Identifier: Mozilla/5.0 (X11; U; Linux i686; en-US; rv:1.5) Gecko/20031007

Moz 5.0 / 20031007 on RH Linux 9.0. (Not having any other problems, shouldn't be
the environment).

Everything was going fine until I enabled SSL the other day. I never have
Mozilla remember my passwords, so whenever I start up Mozilla, it asks me for my
password for each account that it's checking mail for (the first time).

I changed the accounts (two of 'em, actually), to SSL and everything worked
great. Now, when I re-start Mozilla and it goes to check mail, it seems to have
forgotton that it doesn't know my password. It also doesn't ask me for my
password. It just sits there, with the throbber throbbing away. Mozilla DOES NOT
DIE or become unresponsive. I can press ESC and it will kindls stop throbbing.
netstat shows me that the connection is still open, however.

Each re-attempt to get to get the mail yields the same results, including
another ESTABLISHED connection to my mail server that Mozilla Mail has forgotton

If I go into the Mail Prefs and un-check the SSL options, then check the mail,
it works swimmingly (and even asks me for my password!). After that, I can set
it back to SSL and it works again. So, this really only happens the "first time"
I try to check email, where "first time" is defined as the first email retrieval
attempt, including re-attempts after failure.

Reproducible: Always

Steps to Reproduce:
1. Set up a POP account somewhere and create a Mozilla Mail account for it. I
happen to be a Comcast cable/internet customer, so my mail server is (dunno if that changes anything).
2. Make sure you don't have Mozilla saving your password.
3. Verify that it works without SSL. Enable SSL and hit the "Get New Messages"
button. It should still be working.
4. Exit Mozilla.
5. Fire-up Mozilla. Check your email.
Actual Results:  
Result: No password dialog. Throbber throbs forever. netstat reveals an
ESTABLISHED connection with the mail server, which never seems to go away.

Expected Results:  
Expected: Password dialog, short-and-sweet POP connection.
I can't reproduce this with 20031211 on Linux connecting to a comcast account.
Please try it with a more recent version (1.6b, nightly or 1.6final in a few days).

If this still doesn't work, please provide us with a log. See for how to
create one.
Component: Mail Window Front End → Networking: POP
Okay, I'll check out the 1.6 version in a bit. Meanwhile, I have created log
files and attached them:

mozilla-pop.log-no-ssl contains a single POP transaction without using SSL. This
includes Mozilla asking me for the password (which I don't think is reflected in
the log file).

mozilla-pop.log-with-ssl contains a single POP transaction WITH using SSL. In
order to create this, I enabled SSL from the "Server Settings" section of my POP
account preferences (and turned off auto-check mail), quit Mozilla, then re-ran
it. I manually requested "Get Messages for this Account" and waited. Since
Mozilla exhibited the behavior described above, I waited for about 5 minutes
before cancelling the mail check and quitting mozilla.

Again, note that if I disable SSL, fetch my mail (which asks for a password),
then re-enable SSL and re-check the mail, it works. I just think that Mozilla
"fogets" to ask me for my password when using POP/SSL.
I cannot reproduce this problem on Mozilla 1.6b (build 20031210/Linux). It
appears that this bug has been fixed in the development version.
Ah, uh, now the penny has dropped.

You ran into a failure of the comcast server when doing SSL. Without SSL it
doesn't provide authentication mechanisms other then the standard USER/PASS.
With SSL it also advertises CRAM-MD5, PLAIN and LOGIN. Unfortunately the server
hangs after our request to do AUTH LOGIN ...

Please see my comments #21, #30 and #45 in bug 202575 for more information why
it works now.

*** This bug has been marked as a duplicate of 202575 ***
Closed: 21 years ago
Resolution: --- → DUPLICATE
Product: MailNews → Core
Product: Core → MailNews Core
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