Bug 230808
Opened 21 years ago
Closed 18 years ago
flash object crashes or freezes Mozilla on mouse movement [@ StripPrefix ]
(External Software Affecting Firefox Graveyard :: Flash (Adobe), defect)
(Not tracked)
(Reporter: mozilla, Assigned: peterlubczynski-bugs)
(Keywords: crash, hang, testcase)
Crash Data
(3 files)
User-Agent: Mozilla/5.0 (Windows; U; Win98; en-US; rv:1.7a) Gecko/20040111
Build Identifier: Mozilla/5.0 (Windows; U; Win98; en-US; rv:1.7a) Gecko/20040111
The page will load fine. However, when
you move your mouse back and forth over the flash object, Mozilla will either
crash or freeze up. I've noticed this going back at least to 1.5 and an earlier
version of flash.
Reproducible: Always
Steps to Reproduce:
1. go to
2. move mouse over flash object
Actual Results:
Mozilla either crashed or frooze
Expected Results:
not crashed!
I have win98se, flash 7.0 r19. Others on IRC have tried this page on winXP and
win2k, yet had no problem, so this could be a win98-specific issue. I'll
provide the talkback information when talkback builds are back.
Comment 1•21 years ago
Bug Day: 1-13-2004
Tested With: Mozilla/5.0 (Windows; U; Windows NT 5.0; en-US; rv:1.7a) Gecko/20040113
I can confirm that this does NOT crash on Windows 2000
Comment 2•21 years ago
Mozilla/5.0 (Windows; U; Windows NT 5.1; en-US; rv:1.6b) Gecko/20040102
Works for me, using Shockwave Flash 6.0 r79
Comment 3•21 years ago
Mozilla/5.0 (Windows; U; Win98; en-US; rv:1.7a) Gecko/20040112
Shockwave Flash 7.0 r19
tested with 1.4.1, 1.5, 1.7a: hanging, freeze
I can save the page and view it locally, and it works fine:
it is showing a circle inside a square made of 4 equal squares.
Seen locally, the segments of this figure are rotating, when hovered, but always
are connected to their originating position with one end.
Seen on the website, there are segments spawned, changing place, and then after
some time freeze.
I checked systemresources in the tray, they were still reacting.
No change on GDI, but System and User were decreasing as long as I clicked in
the frozen flash, stopped, when I stopped, decreased after some clicks again.
I was needing about 10 clicks to see a change, but this was reproducable,
without counting.
I installed 1.5 as this has talkback and tried, but only got a hang.
Then I tried using 1.4.1 and got a hang that I had to use the reset key,
Ctrl-Alt-Del wasn´t working.
In the source of the file you can see that the CENTER tag ist misplaced:
<BODY bgcolor="#000000">
<!-- URL's used in the movie-->
<!-- text used in the movie--><center>
<OBJECT classid="clsid:D27CDB6E-AE6D-11cf-96B8-444553540000"
<PARAM NAME=movie VALUE="5k81.swf"> <PARAM NAME=quality VALUE=high> <PARAM
NAME=bgcolor VALUE=#000000> <EMBED src="5k81.swf" quality=high bgcolor=#000000
WIDTH=400 HEIGHT=400 TYPE="application/x-shockwave-flash"
Severity: normal → critical
Ever confirmed: true
Comment 4•21 years ago
found reason: the misplaced <center>tag:
on the website, hanging:
changed by Save File As, working locally:
changed by me, then hanging locally:
So this is invalid code, but what can Mozilla do about this that it isn´t
crashing on Win98? Saving the file corrects the bug.
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Comment 5•21 years ago
Another thing to notice is that the original source is missing quotes around
many of its attribute values, which Mozilla's 'save file as' fixes. 'Save file
as' also eliminates <\embed>. The weird things is that on the website, you see
a 10-by-10 square, but when you save it and view it, there's only a 2-by-2
square. Also, I managed to eventually crash IE 6 on the same page by moving my
mouse around for long enough to fill up the big square with lots of those little
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Comment 6•21 years ago
I tried this again with Mozilla 1.7b. I can't get this to crash now, but
instead Mozilla hangs.
Comment 7•21 years ago
- Mozilla/5.0 (Windows; U; Windows NT 5.0; en-US; rv:1.8a) Gecko/20040512
- Macromedia Flash Player 7,0,19,0
- Microsoft Windows 2000 Pro 5.00.2195 SP4
Updated•21 years ago
Comment 8•21 years ago
Comment 9•18 years ago
Test URL now gone, how about a testcase, anyone?
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Comment 10•18 years ago
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Comment 11•18 years ago
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Comment 12•18 years ago
Fortunately I saved all my Mozilla testcases.
(In reply to comment #5)
> The weird things is that on the website, you see
> a 10-by-10 square, but when you save it and view it, there's only a 2-by-2
> square.
The testcase I just attached is back to having the original 10-by-10 square. What had caused the change (somehow) was having the flash file in a subfolder (bug230808_files\), which was created by Mozilla's Save Page As.
I am no longer using Win98, but WinXP SP2. With Gecko 1.9 alpha1 and the latest Flash,, I no longer experience any crashes or hangs. Mousing over the squares does cause high CPU use, but I don't think it is causing any continuously growing memory use or other oddities.
The crashes or hangs were only observed on Win98 and Linux. Win98 is no longer supported on the trunk. Could someone on Linux please check if any crashes or hangs still occur?
Comment 13•18 years ago
(In reply to comment #12)
> The crashes or hangs were only observed on Win98 and Linux. Win98 is no longer
> supported on the trunk. Could someone on Linux please check if any crashes or
> hangs still occur?
changing OS > linux
OS: All → Linux
Comment 14•18 years ago
worksforme on linux with builds back to Mozilla1.4. tested with Flash 7.0
Closed: 18 years ago
OS: Linux → All
Resolution: --- → WORKSFORME
Component: Plug-ins → Flash (Adobe)
Product: Core → Plugins
QA Contact: adobe-flash
Target Milestone: --- → 2004
Version: Trunk → 6.x
Updated•14 years ago
Crash Signature: [@ StripPrefix ]
Comment 15•9 years ago
Version and milestone values are being reset to defaults as part of product refactoring.
Target Milestone: 2004 → ---
Version: 6.x → unspecified
Updated•2 years ago
Product: External Software Affecting Firefox → External Software Affecting Firefox Graveyard
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