Open Bug 236887 Opened 21 years ago Updated 2 years ago

implement CERT_IsServerCert()


(NSS :: Libraries, enhancement, P2)



(Not tracked)


(Reporter: jgmyers, Unassigned)



Requesting a new function PRBool CERT_IsServerCert(CERTCertificate *) to determine if the input certificate is usable for an SSL server. The logic should be similar to CERT_VerifyCertName() in the fields it examines. It should return true if there is any domain or ip that can match. It probably isn't necessary to check name constraints.
Blocks: 193960
The function should also check the usage constraints.
I can also see a need for "is usable for S/MIME" and "is usable for code signing" functions.
Uh, What is wrong with CERT_VerifyCertificate with the appropriate Usage? This is how SSL tests to see if a Certificate is useable for a given purpose. bob
I need it to ignore trust and revocation status.
1) Why do you want to ignore trust (I'm not saying it's not reasonable, but little bells go off when you say this and I want to make sure there isn't an issue). 2) How do you want to handle the root cert? Should the check ignore the root cert attributes? (many root certs are 'grandfathered' using the trust system). bob
1) The function is to be used to determine for which certs it is reasonable to give the user an opportunity to edit the server trust bits. If the function looked at trust, there would be no way to mark an untrusted certificate as trusted. 2) The root CA certs are presumably not usable for SSL servers and it does not make sense to edit the server trust bits for such certs, so the function should return false for such certs. It is sufficient for CERT_IsCACert() to return true for such certs so that the user can be given the opportunity to edit the CA trust bits.
Oh, OK I see your purpose. I thought you wanted to some chain validation that said: "If this cert chains to a root cert that isn't explicitly trusted, return true (all other processing like basic constraints, etc. are still processed)." In this case we need to know how you want to deal with root most certificates (thus my question) Now I see that what you really want to do is catorgorize a random cert in the database appropriately so that you can set the trust bits on it if you want. The problem with this is there is no way to catagorize a cert for a particular purpose without the chain and trust. We could make some guesses, but we will either 1) ignore certs that the user wants to make SSL/SMIME, 2) miscatagorize a cert the user wants to use as an SSL cert as an S/MIME cert, or 3) miscatagorize ann S/MIME cert as an SSL cert. The problem is some certs could function as both! (many SSL certs include email addresses, for instance). How one catagorize these for an application UI seems to be an application policy rather than an NSS function (I'm willing to be convinced otherwise). I'm just thinking about who should handle the question, "my OpenSSL generated cert shows up in the wrong box in mozilla". On the other hand, this issue was solved in another application with the 'Miscellaneous' tab. Any cert that doesn't test out as 1) a CA, 2) a trusted Website, 3) email, or 4) User cert winds up in this tab. It's also great tab to catch other certs in the database the 'fall through the cracks'.
Certs that don't include a usable SSL server name or which have policies which preclude their use for SSL servers can be categorized as unusable for SSL servers, without reference to chain, trust, or application policy. This is the information I'm asking to be able to get. Certs that are usable for both SSL servers and S/MIME should categorize as being appropriate for both. That a cert is usable for S/MIME does not lessen its usablility for SSL. As to who should handle the question you posed, that would be me, as Mozilla's PSM module owner. An appropriate UI would be to make the cert appear under both tabs.
John, I agree with your comment 8 whole-heartedly. I think this new function wants to take a purpose argument, and return a bool, so that one new function can answer - is SSL server cert - is SMIME encryption cert and wants to answer it using only the info in the cert itself, without regard for validity of signature, trust of issuer, or validity period dates. Or perhaps it wants to return a bit map of purposes. That would make orphans easy to identify. What do you think of these alternative ideas?
Assignee: wchang0222 → MisterSSL
Either of those alternatives would be fine. I suggest that "CA" and "code signing" could be additional purposes handled by a generic function. CERT_IsCACert() is close enough to indicate CA purpose, though CERT_IsCACert() will classify a non-CA cert as CA if it is trusted for CA.
Putting on the NSS 3.10 radar screen
Priority: -- → P2
Target Milestone: --- → 3.10
QA Contact: bishakhabanerjee → jason.m.reid
This is an enhancement request specifically for the browser. Bob, Wan-Teh, any chance that you're interested in this/
Assignee: nelson → wtchang
Target Milestone: 3.10 → ---
Assignee: wtchang → nobody
QA Contact: jason.m.reid → libraries
Severity: normal → S3
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