Closed Bug 237786 Opened 21 years ago Closed 14 years ago

Can not do 'Cancel Selected Messages' on multiple selection.


(MailNews Core :: Networking: NNTP, defect)

Not set


(Not tracked)



(Reporter: u81239, Unassigned)



User-Agent: Mozilla/5.0 (Windows; U; Windows NT 5.1; en-US; rv:1.6) Gecko/20040206 Firefox/0.8 Build Identifier: Mozilla/5.0 (Windows; U; Windows NT 5.1; en-US; rv:1.6) Gecko/20040206 Firefox/0.8 If you select a single message on a newsgroup, you are given the option 'Cancel Message' in the context menu. This is ok. If you select multiple messages, the option 'Cancel Selected Messages' appears. When you select it however, it complains with the message 'You can only cancel one article at a time'. ~Grauw Reproducible: Always Steps to Reproduce: 1. Select 2 newsgroup messages 2. Choose Cancel Selected Messages in context menu Actual Results: Complains: 'You can only cancel one article at a time' Expected Results: Either should not offer the option or should just cancel multiple messages.
p.s. this occurs in Thunderbird, do not know about the Seamonkey mail component, but my guess is that it shares the same code. ~Grauw
There must be an older instance of this one. It's mentioned in bug 140461, but without a bug number. Something similar is reported in bug 180063.
Product: Browser → Seamonkey
Assignee: sspitzer → mail
This is an automated message, with ID "auto-resolve01". This bug has had no comments for a long time. Statistically, we have found that bug reports that have not been confirmed by a second user after three months are highly unlikely to be the source of a fix to the code. While your input is very important to us, our resources are limited and so we are asking for your help in focussing our efforts. If you can still reproduce this problem in the latest version of the product (see below for how to obtain a copy) or, for feature requests, if it's not present in the latest version and you still believe we should implement it, please visit the URL of this bug (given at the top of this mail) and add a comment to that effect, giving more reproduction information if you have it. If it is not a problem any longer, you need take no action. If this bug is not changed in any way in the next two weeks, it will be automatically resolved. Thank you for your help in this matter. The latest beta releases can be obtained from: Firefox: Thunderbird: Seamonkey:
This is either a valid bug, or there is an older instance of it, mentioned in comment 2, in which case this should be resolved as a duplicate... ~Grauw
Could you please try to reproduce it with SeaMonkey 1.0b or newer? Thanks.
I did extensive Bugzilla search and couldn't come up with a dupe. It still happens with Mozilla/5.0 (X11; U; Linux i686; en-US; rv:1.9b5pre) Gecko/2008032601 SeaMonkey/2.0a1pre. Both SM and TB use both cancelNewsMsgCmd.label and cancelNewsMsgsCmd.label in their mainWindowOverlay.xul. Really weird to have a seperate string for an operation that is shot down later when one should instead not show that menu item at all or grey it out.
Assignee: mail → nobody
Component: MailNews: Main Mail Window → MailNews: Networking
Ever confirmed: true
OS: Windows XP → All
Product: Mozilla Application Suite → Core
QA Contact: esther → mailnews.networking
Hardware: PC → All
Product: Core → MailNews Core
Severity: normal → minor
Component: Networking → Networking: NNTP
QA Contact: networking → networking.nntp
So, when bug 250141 is fixed, cancelling multiple messages will not be an option.
Closed: 14 years ago
Depends on: 250141
Resolution: --- → FIXED
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