Bug 238655
Opened 21 years ago
Closed 13 years ago
Do not allow & in bug aliases
(Bugzilla :: Creating/Changing Bugs, defect)
Creating/Changing Bugs
(Reporter: timeless, Unassigned)
Invalid Bug ID
The 'bug number' is invalid. It is neither a bug number nor an alias to a bug
number. If you are trying to use QuickSearch, you need to enable JavaScript in
your browser. To help us fix this limitation, add your comments to bug 70907.
That's a lie. I created what seemed to be a perfectly good bug alias, see here:
<td align="right">
<a href="">238651</a>
<label title="a name for the bug that can be used in place of its ID
number, f.e. when adding it to a list of dependencies">
<input name="alias" value="a&b" size="20" maxlength="20">
Comment 1•21 years ago
If I enter "a&b" in the Find Bug # box in the footer, it works fine. I wind up
with this in the url bar after getting there:
notice the & got encoded ;)
Given the way we expect people to use them, I suppose it makes sense to limit
them to characters that won't need to be encoded in URLs.... then again, if we
did that, it would also prevent people from using non-ascii unicode characters
in the aliases, too, which might not be a good thing.
I don't think this is anywhere near clear-cut enough to hold 2.18 for it.
Severity: normal → minor
Flags: blocking2.18? → blocking2.18-
OS: Windows XP → All
Hardware: PC → All
problem is, i use bookmark keywords. they're not smart enough to html encode
Comment 3•21 years ago
That sounds like a bug in the browser.
Updated•19 years ago
QA Contact: mattyt-bugzilla → default-qa
justdave: i'd like to get this bug fixed before 3.0, see bug 355995 for examples of things where the intl definitely doesn't work. &'s are a mess and we shouldn't support them
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Updated•18 years ago
Assignee: myk → create-and-change
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Comment 5•13 years ago
wontfix for the same reason as in bug 355995. There is no valid reason to forbird & in the alias name besides you (incorrectly) hacking the URL. About comment 2, that's an issue with your browser, not Bugzilla.
Closed: 13 years ago
Resolution: --- → WONTFIX
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