Open Bug 238830 Opened 21 years ago Updated 8 years ago

Double-clicking .xul file leads to "c: Protocol not registered"


(SeaMonkey :: UI Design, defect)

Windows XP
Not set


(Not tracked)


(Reporter: Biesinger, Assigned: jag+mozilla)



[cc'ing some people who may be interested in fixing this, and bsmedberg who commented on this on irc] double clicking an xul file in explorer shows me that the c: protocol is not registered. that's because mozilla is launched with something like -chrome "c:\foo\bar.xul", which is a filepath, not a url. somewhat hackish workaround: change the registry (HKCR\MozillaXUL\shell\open\command, Default Value) to use -chromne "file:///%1", which works. alternative may be to make the chrome argument handler support filepaths in addition to urls.
(In reply to comment #0): .xul files are opened with the commandline: X:\PATH\TO\MOZILLA.EXE -chrome "%1"
After looking at the relevant code, i'll repeat here what I said on IRC. I am going to bow out of programming mozilla until I have a *much* better understanding of XPCOM, OOP and C++. Adios, people.
Notes: The -url handler must do fixup on the url at some point, because it will accept all sorts of junk e.g. The -chrome handler is also used for the chrome: protocol shortcut handler, which will feed it URLs.
*** Bug 242843 has been marked as a duplicate of this bug. ***
*** This bug has been marked as a duplicate of 263506 ***
Closed: 20 years ago
Resolution: --- → DUPLICATE
jhermans, can you please not mark seamonkey bugs as duplicate of firefox bugs. also, consider duping the higher-numbered bug to the lower-numbered one rather than the other way round, unless the newer one has more information/patch/... this one is probably not a duplicate either way.
Resolution: DUPLICATE → ---
note Seamonkey uses winhooks, Firefox uses nsIShellService and friends.
Product: Core → Mozilla Application Suite
The same happens to Thunderbird if I double click an external eml file.
Detail on the message above: It ONLY happens if Thunderbird is closed and it has to awake because you double clcked on a ".eml" file. If Thunderbird is open, NO ERROR occurs. The actual message translate to English is: "c: is not a registered protocol"
QA Contact: pawyskoczka
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