Closed Bug 244665 Opened 21 years ago Closed 20 years ago

print/print preview crashes on page with long nested tables [@ nsBlockFrame::PullFrameFrom]


(Core :: Printing: Output, defect)

Windows 98
Not set





(Reporter: mozilla, Unassigned)


(Keywords: testcase)


(2 files, 1 obsolete file)

User-Agent:       Mozilla/5.0 (Windows; U; Win98; en-US; rv:1.7) Gecko/20040514
Build Identifier: Mozilla/5.0 (Windows; U; Win98; en-US; rv:1.7) Gecko/20040514

In bug 234414, someone submitted an example of a page with a complex collection
of nested tables that crashes on print preview.  Investigating that page here,
since it looks like a somewhat different that what that bug report focused on.  

Reproducible: Always
Steps to Reproduce:
1. Load testcase
2. Print Preview

Actual Results:  

Expected Results:  
no crash

Testcase and stacktrace to follow.
You can see a stacktrace (from about a month ago) at
This page still crashes on Moz 1.7rc2.
With the current 1.8 trunk build 2004-05-25-09 on Windows XP, I get a totally
different stack trace.

Stephend, is there any local variable data?  The only way that code should be
crashing is if we're working with deleted objects... (and a minimal testcase
would go a long way to determining whether that is the case).
If there is local data, I don't know how to extract it from my view of

Jay, any chance you could help us with a full Talkback report, perhaps with
I tried to look up the parameters in the detailed Talkback reports, but got a
bunch of "not availables":

  this = Register variable - data not available
  aSID = Data not available

  aFrame = Data not available

  this = Register variable - data not available
  aState = Data not available
  aLineLayout = Data not available
  aLine = {nsLineList_iterator}
     mCurrent = Data not available
  aFrame = Data not available
  aLineReflowStatus = Data not available
  frameReflowStatus = Data not available
  rv = Data not available
  pushedFrame = Data not available
  breakType = Data not available
  madeContinuation = Data not available
  frameType = Data not available
  madeContinuation = Data not available

But here is the register info if you guys know how to figure that out:

EAX:	60466504 	EBX:	0012c6ac 	ECX:	00000000 	EDX:	00000004
ESI:	0000000f 	EDI:	00020008 	ESP:	0012f898 	EBP:	0012f944
EIP:	60d5bd95 	cf PF af ZF sf of IF df nt RF vm   IOPL: 0
CS:	001b	DS:	0023	SS:	0023	ES:	0023	FS:	0038	GS:	0000
#0  0x0000002a973963b9 in kill () from /lib/
(gdb) bt
#0  0x0000002a973963b9 in kill () from /lib/
#1  0x0000002a95bbf73b in pthread_kill () from /lib/
#2  0x0000002a95bbfa52 in raise () from /lib/
#3  0x0000002a9df8298f in nsProfileLock::FatalSignalHandler(int) (
    signo=11) at nsProfileLock.cpp:205
#4  0x0000002a95bc1d4e in __pthread_sighandler ()
   from /lib/
#5  <signal handler called>
#6  0x0000002a9bd3b882 in nsIFrame::GetNextSibling() const (
    this=0xfcd38570) at nsIFrame.h:683
#7  0x0000002a9bd439fc in nsBlockFrame::PullFrameFrom(nsBlockReflowState&,
nsLineBox*, nsLineList&, nsLineList_iterator, int, int, nsIFrame*&) (
    this=0x1c71ff0, aState=@0x7fbfff9570, aLine=0x1c697a0, 
    aFromContainer=@0x1c72058, aFromLine=
      {mCurrent = 0x1c73e20, mListLink = 0x1c72058}, 
    aUpdateGeometricParent=0, aDamageDeletedLines=0, 
    aFrameResult=@0x7fbfff8988) at nsBlockFrame.cpp:2569
#8  0x0000002a9bd4381a in nsBlockFrame::PullFrame(nsBlockReflowState&,
nsLineList_iterator, int, nsIFrame*&) (this=0x1c71ff0, 
    aState=@0x7fbfff9570, aLine=
      {mCurrent = 0x1c697a0, mListLink = 0x1c72058}, 
    aDamageDeletedLines=0, aFrameResult=@0x7fbfff8988)
    at nsBlockFrame.cpp:2502
#9  0x0000002a9bd45859 in
nsBlockFrame::DoReflowInlineFrames(nsBlockReflowState&, nsLineLayout&,
nsLineList_iterator, int*, unsigned char*, int, int) (this=0x1c71ff0,
aState=@0x7fbfff9570, aLineLayout=@0x7fbfff8a60, 
    aLine={mCurrent = 0x1c697a0, mListLink = 0x1c72058}, 
    aLineReflowStatus=0x7fbfff906b "\002", aUpdateMaximumWidth=1, 
    aDamageDirtyArea=0) at nsBlockFrame.cpp:3464
#10 0x0000002a9bd4530f in
nsBlockFrame::DoReflowInlineFramesAuto(nsBlockReflowState&, nsLineList_iterator,
int*, unsigned char*, int, int) (
    this=0x1c71ff0, aState=@0x7fbfff9570, aLine=
      {mCurrent = 0x1c697a0, mListLink = 0x1c72058}, 
    aLineReflowStatus=0x7fbfff906b "\002", aUpdateMaximumWidth=1, 
    aDamageDirtyArea=0) at nsBlockFrame.cpp:3333
#11 0x0000002a9bd4508e in nsBlockFrame::ReflowInlineFrames(nsBlockReflowState&,
nsLineList_iterator, int*, int, int) (this=0x1c71ff0, 
    aState=@0x7fbfff9570, aLine=
      {mCurrent = 0x1c697a0, mListLink = 0x1c72058}, 
    aKeepReflowGoing=0x7fbfff9308, aDamageDirtyArea=0, 
    aUpdateMaximumWidth=1) at nsBlockFrame.cpp:3277
#12 0x0000002a9bd434c8 in nsBlockFrame::ReflowLine(nsBlockReflowState&,
nsLineList_iterator, int*, int) (this=0x1c71ff0, aState=@0x7fbfff9570, 
    aLine={mCurrent = 0x1c697a0, mListLink = 0x1c72058}, 
    aKeepReflowGoing=0x7fbfff9308, aDamageDirtyArea=0)
---Type <return> to continue, or q <return> to quit---q
 at nsBlockFrame.cpQuit
(gdb) frame 7
#7  0x0000002a9bd439fc in nsBlockFrame::PullFrameFrom(nsBlockReflowState&,
nsLineBox*, nsLineList&, nsLineList_iterator, int, int, nsIFrame*&) (
    this=0x1c71ff0, aState=@0x7fbfff9570, aLine=0x1c697a0, 
    aFromContainer=@0x1c72058, aFromLine=
      {mCurrent = 0x1c73e20, mListLink = 0x1c72058}, 
    aUpdateGeometricParent=0, aDamageDeletedLines=0, 
    aFrameResult=@0x7fbfff8988) at nsBlockFrame.cpp:2569
2569          fromLine->mFirstChild = frame->GetNextSibling();
(gdb) list
2565        if (0 != --fromLineChildCount) {
2566          // Mark line dirty now that we pulled a child
2567          fromLine->SetChildCount(fromLineChildCount);
2568          fromLine->MarkDirty();
2569          fromLine->mFirstChild = frame->GetNextSibling();
2570        }
2571        else {
2572          // Free up the fromLine now that it's empty
2573          // Its bounds might need to be redrawn, though.
(gdb) p fromLineChildCount
$1 = -1

Attached file minimized testcase!
I cut the HTML that causes the crash down to a few lines.  The culprit is four
consecutive style="page-break-before: always" blocks within a table cell. Just
hit print preview and both SeakMonkey and FireFox 1.0 Preview Release will
Attachment #149292 - Attachment is obsolete: true
Keywords: testcase
Version: Other Branch → Trunk
Summary: print/print preview crashes on page with long nested tables → print/print preview crashes on page with long nested tables [@ nsBlockFrame::PullFrameFrom]
My talkback ID from the testcase is 1022528H, viewable at
It has a similar stacktrace to the one in comment 4, but it places the actual
crash at nsBlockFrame::PullFrameFrom instead of nsStyleContext::GetStyleData.
This my recently-filed bug 262403 are probably very similar, if not DUPs, but
this bug has the minimal testcase.
My columns patch changes this code quite a bit. I'll come back to this after
columns has landed (remind me if I forget)
wfm Mozilla/5.0 (Windows; U; Win98; en-US; rv:1.8a6) Gecko/20041126
both testcases tested in preview
Me too; I no longer crash or hang at all with

James, same for you?

This is with build 2005-01-22-05, Windows XP trunk.
Robert this is a reminder:
> I'll come back to this after columns has landed (remind me if I forget)

This is wfm winxp 2005021614
Okay, let's pretend I fixed it :-)
Closed: 20 years ago
Resolution: --- → FIXED
Verified FIXED using build 2005-02-24-05 with the testcase at on Windows XP Seamonkey trunk.
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