Open Bug 250592 Opened 20 years ago Updated 13 years ago

name our mascot


(Marketing :: General, task)

Not set


(Not tracked)


(Reporter: brant, Assigned: pkim)



(1 file)

User-Agent:       Mozilla/5.0 (Windows; U; Windows NT 5.0; en-US; rv:1.7) Gecko/20040707 Firefox/0.9.2
Build Identifier: Mozilla/5.0 (Windows; U; Windows NT 5.0; en-US; rv:1.7) Gecko/20040707 Firefox/0.9.2

We really need to name our fox mascot.  Linux named their penguin Tux; we need
to come up with a name for ours.

Reproducible: Always
Steps to Reproduce:
1. Look at the fox stuffed animal available in the Mozilla Store.
Actual Results:  
It is generically named fox plush toy.

Expected Results:  
It should have a name.

I would recommend a competition to come up with a name.  Community votes on best
How about:

Foxy - It's a fox
Moxy - Mozilla/Foxy
Firey - It's on fire
I was thinking along the lines of Foxy as well.  Kind of makes sense to since
linguistically the 'ee' sound at the end of a word is indicative of submission
(why do you think most Playmates' names end in that sound?).  Firefox submits to
the will of users, not the other way around.
Foxy to me is almost too obvious, I like Moxy because of the nod to Mozilla with
'Mo' and FireFox is 'The browser that's got Moxy'
Another nod to Moxy.
Alright, sweet
How about Hunho, the chinese name for a firefox?  Might not be that good though
since its not really a name to a chinese person.
sounds like a Ho.
Why not just Rox. 

The product "rocks", and Rox is a mix of red fox. As someone whose name ends
with Y, I'm not all that submissive...But if that's your line of thinking, it
could also be considered a sign of inferiority or weakness. (which also doesn't
apply to me.) :)
the name of the firefox mascot is sparky! ;-)
Well I don't think "submission" in that sense is what he meant but I mean look
at  popular characters, MickEE, Bugs BunNEE.

Most of the Warner Brothers cartoon characters names end with a EE.

I think the character should be named, we figure out someone who can do a good
voice for it, then have instructional videos on getting the most out of firefox
using an animated fox character to guide you.
I can't think of anything better than Moxy, so it gets my vote.
Why not just Mox???

Derivetive of Mozilla Fox. It also sounds kinda cool.
I think Moxy sounds kinda lame and childish.

I think either that or go completly the other way and call him Maxy.

Personaly I'd call him Mox and with refferance to the origanal message Tux was
mentioned and thats three letters long and ends with an x.
i kinda like the Tux Mox three letter thing, but Sox sounds better than Mox.
Dr Seuss comes to mind as well, The Fox in Sox is the browser that Rox.
I vote for Mox, but naturally people may refer to him as Moxy....kind of a
nickname.  Of course, Mox does make me think of James Vanderbeek and Varsity
Blues.....Johny Moxon
i vote for Mox aswell cause it sounds cool 
Sparky gets my vote, although Moxy is cool too.
When I get my firefox plush toy, I'm gonna name him "Clever"
why not create a contest page with some fanfare over at, then have people vote on/suggest names so that you come up with a winner (name not person) it'd be "Name the Fox" or something. I like the ideas so far but you need to make this more public, cause the fox does need a name.
Bart Decrem isn't with Mozilla Foundation or Mozilla Corporation anymore, so I am reassigning this back to default owners. I am also adding some of the people involved with Spread Firefox to the CC list.
Assignee: bart → cbeard
Check  it out
Cumshot the cumshooting fox!
He shots loads on all the kiddies!
I'm for Mox.
I'm and a friend are working on a page to vote and comment names for the mascot ;)

Release date: Max. some weeks.
Three things to add:

1) I have some graphics, css, and ideas (I started working on a contest page) but can't program PHP. If anyone wants them just ask.

2) We should get spread-firefox to back the contest like they did the firefox flicks (Its good PR).

3) Mozilla no longer displays the plushie in the store. Someone must convince them to bring back the 'official' Firefox plushie (with the promotion of the contest they should sell a few)

thats all. 
Great, send them to foxname @ eurion . net please.
There is a bug about the plushie here:
Sorry for not saying anything more about this, couldn't work on it before. Now that I've holidays I've started with it, and also posted about it on SpreadFirefox (
Mox sounds cool. Simple and unique. :)
+1 for Mox. Mox running on Tux. Pretty cool, heh.
I like Mox. You've got my vote!
Assignee: cbeard → pkim
(In reply to comment #21)
> Cumshot the cumshooting fox!
> He shots loads on all the kiddies!

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