Closed Bug 25196 Opened 25 years ago Closed 13 years ago

Profile properties dialog (with path, name, etc)


(SeaMonkey :: Startup & Profiles, enhancement)

Not set


(Not tracked)



(Reporter: bugzilla, Unassigned)




(4 files, 6 obsolete files)

When you're in the Profile Manager it could be nice to be able to right-click on a profile and select Properties. This would show the path of where the profile resides like: C:\mozilla\users\gemal plus other stuff perhaps..?
okay. let's make this one a request for a small properties dialog showing the profile path, name, etc. then I can hang my similar bugs off this.
Target Milestone: M15
Summary: Ability ro right-click on the profile name and select properties → profile properties dialog (with path, name, etc)
resummarise (again)
Severity: normal → enhancement
Summary: profile properties dialog (with path, name, etc) → [RFE] profile properties dialog (with path, name, etc)
*** Bug 23231 has been marked as a duplicate of this bug. ***
Need a design for this, Ben?
OS: Windows 98 → All
Hardware: PC → All
sure, if you feel like knocking one together ;)
Ok, before we design it, exactly what stuff should we show in the dialog? * profile name * profile location * date profile created They're pretty much a given. But what about ... * date profile last used? * name of person, as in the Identity field for their default mail account? * Organization, likewise? * other stuff? (home page? number of mail accounts? how much time they've spent using Mozilla in the past week???) What sort of privacy/security considerations are there for showing info about someone else's profile? In what respects will the amount of data we can access be restricted in the future, when profiles are encrypted? CCing norris for some guidance.
I think the only information in a profile that we consider truly private will be encrypted. The other information from a profile could be obtained with relatively little effort if someone has access to your machine.
Ok. I've been thinking. <groan/> Rather than appearing in a separate dialog, which would be annoying if you wanted info on several profiles consecutively (with all the windowing involved), profile info should appear in the profile manager when the profile is selected in the list. It should not appear in the profile *selector*, because there it would be just clutter. So: +---------------------------------------------------+ |[] Select profile :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::| +---------------------------------------------------+ | +-----------------+-+ | | Please select your profile |8 ben |A| | | from the list, to access |8 mozProfile | | | | your bookmarks, e-mail |8 mpt | | | | accounts, and other | | | | | personal settings. | | | | | | | | | | If this is the first time | | | | | you have used Mozilla on | | | | | this computer, select `New | | | | | profile'. | | | | | | |V| | | ( New profile ... ) +-----------------+-+ | | ( Manage profiles ... ) [*] Work off-line | | | |---------------------------------------------------| | ( Help ) ( Exit ) (( Start Mozilla )) | +---------------------------------------------------+ (I assume that the `Work off-line' checkbox has been commented out in the current UI, Ben. Better to leave it in, but disable it, so that people realize the feature will be there eventually.) +--------------------------------------------------------------+ |[] Manage Profiles :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::| +--------------------------------------------------------------+ | +-----------------+-+ +-Profile info-----------------------+ | | |8:ben::::::::::::|A| | ______________ | | | |8 mozProfile | | | Profile name: [ben___________] | | | |8 mpt | | | Real name: Ben Goodger | | | | | | | E-mail address: | | | | | | | | | | | | | | Mozilla version: Netscape 5.0 | | | | | | | Profile created: 24 August 1999 | | | | | | | Last used: 1 March 2000, | | | | | | | 4:42 PM | | | | | | +------------------------------------+ | | +-----------------+-+ ( New profile ... ) ( Delete profile ) | | | |--------------------------------------------------------------| | ( Help ) ( Cancel ) (( Ok )) | +--------------------------------------------------------------+ Using a text box for the profile name saves having a separate dialog for renaming the profile (which is yukky). I've removed the `Start Mozilla' button from the profile manager. We need to clearly distinguish between starting Mozilla with a profile, and the different task of managing profiles. (That's also why I've put the profile list on opposite sides of the dialogs, to emphasize the difference between the dialogs.) The current design, where you can get there from here but you can't get here from there (`here' being the profile selector, and `there' being the profile manager), is a recipe for confusion. Have fun ... :-)
Please remember the pathname of the profile. Something like: C:\program files\mozilla\users\ben
heh. interesting dialogs. Given however the final implementation may be somewhat more limited ;)
Yes, I woke up in the middle of the night last night and thought, `oh crap -- I forgot to include the path of the profile, which was half the point in the first place'. I'm sorry, I can't make head nor tail of <> -- I assume it means that we can't show as much info about the profile as I presented. Take two: +----------------------------------------------------------------+ |[] Manage Profiles :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::| +----------------------------------------------------------------+ | +-----------------+-+ +-Profile info-------------------------+ | | |8:ben::::::::::::|A| | _____________ | | | |8 mozProfile | | | Profile name: [ben__________] | | | |8 mpt | | | Location: [les\Mozilla\Users50\ben\] | | | | | | | | | | | | | | User name: Ben Goodger | | | | | | | Profile created by: Netscape 4.5 | | | | | | | Date created: 3 July 1998 | | | | | | | Date last used: 1 March 2000, | | | | | | | 4:42 PM | | | | | | +--------------------------------------+ | | +-----------------+-+ ( New ... ) ( Duplicate ) ( Delete ) | | | |----------------------------------------------------------------| | ( Help ) ( Cancel ) (( Ok )) | +----------------------------------------------------------------+ Any bits of this design which are currently unimplementable can be dropped without too much damage, but ideally they should all be implemented eventually. Details: * When first drawn, the contents of the `Location' field (which is a non-editable text field, so I can scroll to see all of the path) is right-aligned. * We *do* need to know which user agent created the profile. This info must be stored in a standard place in the profile somewhere, because in a couple of years when there are dozens of different flavors of Mozilla, such info will be useful in giving the user a clue as to how much of a good idea it is to use profile X with browser Y. (As for Communicator 4.x profiles, they can be identified using other clues such as specific 4.x-only prefs in the prefs.js or whatever.) * Pressing the `Duplicate' button: - opens a progress dialog with the title `Duplicating profile', the words `Checking disk space ...', an indeterminate progress indicator, and (perhaps not until a later version) a `Cancel' button; - calculates whether there is enough space on the disk to clone the selected profile (counting the number of files involved, along the way), and if there isn't enough space, exits with an error dialog; - changes the `Checking disk space ...' text to `Copying files ...', and changes the indeterminate progress indicator to a 0% progress indicator, which then tracks the progress of the file copying. Don't you just love all this extra work?
not a priority, pushing out as far as possible.
Target Milestone: M15 → M20
Move to "Future" milestone.
Target Milestone: M20 → Future
Profile Manager FE bugs --> me
Assignee: ben → blakeross
--> Ben
Assignee: blake → ben
Target Milestone: Future → ---
RFE cleanup. RFE is already indicated by the Severity field...Sorry for the spam!
Summary: [RFE] profile properties dialog (with path, name, etc) → Profile properties dialog (with path, name, etc)
Target Milestone: --- → Future
Attached image screenshot of Properties dialog (obsolete) —
Attached image updated screenshot
Need feedback. Is this dialog ok? UI, locale,...?
Attachment #126612 - Attachment is obsolete: true
Attachment #126764 - Flags: review?(ben)
Comment on attachment 126614 [details] updated screenshot 1. i don't like the comment at the top, imo it's useless. remove it. 2. a 'move' button would be nice 3. can i edit the last modified field? i don't think i should be able to. (this sort of applies to the path if you can't actually move it) 4. There should be a cancel button in addition to the ok button.
Attachment #126614 - Flags: review-
1) I'll remove it 2) Later. No part of this bug 3) They are not editiable. There are disabled textfields but the user can select the text in them. 4) Why a cancel button? There's nothing to cancel... Will attach new patch with issue 1 fixed. Ok?
taken bug
Assignee: bugs → bugzilla
re 3. i'm fairly certain we have a selectable readonly field which is what you should use. it's probably a class. re 4. use 'close' instead of 'ok' for the time being.
Attachment #126764 - Flags: review?(bugs)
Attached patch patch to existing files (obsolete) — Splinter Review
timeless: I've used the same textfield that's used in the Folder Properties dialog
Attachment #126764 - Attachment is obsolete: true
Comment on attachment 128809 [details] [diff] [review] patch to existing files the patch also have a zip file with the new profile files
Attachment #128809 - Flags: review?(timeless)
Comment on attachment 128809 [details] [diff] [review] patch to existing files could you add alt-enter to the keypress handling? :)
Comment on attachment 128810 [details] new profile files. I cant diff those since they are new MPL-tri, not NPL use a boilerplate, so don't (c) 1998 - we're in 2003. var profile = Components.classes[";1"].getService(); if (profile) profile = profile.QueryInterface(Components.interfaces.nsIProfileInternal); 1. getService/createInstance throw they don't fail w/ null. 2. combine the QI w/ the getService: try { var profile = Components.classes[";1"].getService(Components.inte rfaces.nsIProfileInternal); catch (e) {} <dialog i don't think you need this: class="dialog" i still would prefer close, but i won't fight it: buttons="accept"
Attached patch patch v2 (obsolete) — Splinter Review
Attachment #128809 - Attachment is obsolete: true
Attached file new profile files (obsolete) —
Attachment #128810 - Attachment is obsolete: true
Comment on attachment 128816 [details] [diff] [review] patch v2 how do I detect ALT+ENTER?
Attachment #128816 - Attachment is obsolete: true
Attached file new profile files v3
Attachment #128817 - Attachment is obsolete: true
Comment on attachment 131239 [details] both new and existing files unzip the .js .xul into content and .dtd and .profperties into locale I addressed your comment but: - No way to add alt+enter stuff - decided on the Ok button.
Attachment #131239 - Flags: review?(timeless)
Comment on attachment 131239 [details] both new and existing files > var gprofilePropertiesBundle; the variable should be: gProfilePropertiesBundle; > profileDir = profileDir.QueryInterface( Components.interfaces.nsIFile ); QI will throw instead of returning null: > if (profileDir) { so wrap the call and this block in a try {} > var profilePath = document.getElementById( "profilePath" ); > profilePath.value = profileDir.path; > } > var profileLMT = document.getElementById( "profileLMT" ); > try { > var profileTime = profile.getProfileLastModTime(profilename); > } catch(e) { > var profilePropertiesMissingLMT = gprofilePropertiesBundle.getString("profilelmtUnknown"); > profileLMT.value = profilePropertiesMissingLMT; > } > if (profileTime) { ... block ends about here. I think everything else looks ok.
Attachment #128809 - Flags: review?(timeless)
Henrik, this has almost review... do you want to resume your work on it? Or should somebody else resurrect this?
I'll try to finish it soon.
Product: Browser → Seamonkey
Comment on attachment 131239 [details] both new and existing files >profileDir = profileDir.QueryInterface( Components.interfaces.nsIFile ); You don't want to do this for two reasons. Firstly, profileDir is already an nsIFile. At least, I assume you're using nsIFile getProfileDir(in wstring profileName) from nsIProfileInternal.idl Secondly, shouldn't you be using wstring getProfilePath(in wstring profileName)?
Assignee: bugzilla → nobody
Priority: P3 → --
QA Contact: agracebush → profile-manager
Target Milestone: Future → ---
Component: Startup & Profiles → Profile: BackEnd
Product: SeaMonkey → Core
QA Contact: profile-manager → profile-manager-backend
This is a front end bug really. Moving back to SeaMonkey. Sorry for the bugspam
Component: Profile: BackEnd → Startup & Profiles
Product: Core → SeaMonkey
QA Contact: profile-manager-backend → profile-manager
DUPing to Bug 670561. For any other enhancements, please file a new bug. Thankyouverymuch.
Closed: 13 years ago
Resolution: --- → DUPLICATE
Comment on attachment 131239 [details] both new and existing files Cancelling obsolete review request.
Attachment #131239 - Flags: review?(timeless)
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