Open Bug 251985 Opened 21 years ago Updated 2 years ago

[Mv1.8a2] In <nsEventListenerManager.cpp>, sometimes going through |'TODO: FIXME'| case: needs additional fix.


(Core :: DOM: Events, defect, P5)

Windows 98




(Reporter: sgautherie, Unassigned)




[Mozilla/5.0 (Windows; U; Win98; en-US; rv:1.8a2) Gecko/20040714] (release) (W98SE) Sometimes, I get {{ Error: AffStatus is not defined Source File: javascript:alert('TODO: FIXME') Line: 0 }} instead of {{ Error: AffStatus is not defined Source File: Line: 1 }} (This site requires an (free) account to access this page...) Note: This error (bug case or not) happens during the (re)load of this page which has its javascript code at the end of its body :-< Then, if I hover and trigger an onXxx() event, I get the error. The bug is: why is the correct source file not retrieve sometimes ? I would guess that this code sometimes executes at a time where |content| is not (more/yet) available !? (Is it possible ??) The code is {{ <> 1405 nsCAutoString url (NS_LITERAL_CSTRING("javascript:alert('TODO: FIXME')")); }} Here is the involved checkin: {{ 1.169 <> 2004-06-16 06:18 Bug 52116 javascript strict warning/error doesn't always contain Source File filename This handles event handlers. Not all cases are handled well. if you get a fixme url, you're invited to come up with code to handle that case. fixing it will probably include bloating objects with references to their origins. Handled cases include the ones listed in 52116#c59"> r=jst sr=jst }} Note: In the correct case, the line number is wrong, but that's bug 11240 !?
the line number will be zero when it can't figure out the url, it'll be 1 when it can. reloading the url repeatedly and moving the mouse a lot while the page is loading will trigger this, although it certainly takes me some effort. note that this isn't a high priority for me. the problem definitely has something to do with the document not being entirely loaded...
(In reply to comment #1) > reloading the url repeatedly and moving the mouse a lot while the page is > loading will trigger this, although it certainly takes me some effort. Agreed: my "slow" 'K6-225' might make it easier to reproduce :-/
i'm not sure what to fish for, i set the logical breakpoint and doc was indeed null... gklayout.dll!nsEventListenerManager::CompileEventHandlerInternal (nsIScriptContext * aContext=0x00000000, nsISupports * aObject=0x00000000, nsIAtom * aName=0x00fab5e0, nsListenerStruct * aListenerStruct=0x03bb3a58, nsIDOMEventTarget * aCurrentTarget=0x03beff48, unsigned int aSubType=0x00000010) Line 1430 C++ > gklayout.dll!nsEventListenerManager::HandleEventSubType (nsListenerStruct * aListenerStruct=0x03a1d5bc, nsIDOMEvent * aDOMEvent=0x02c13c40, nsIDOMEventTarget * aCurrentTarget=0x02e17950, unsigned int aSubType=0x00000010, unsigned int aPhaseFlags=0x00fab5e0) Line 1493 + 0x2a C++ gklayout.dll!nsEventListenerManager::HandleEvent(nsIPresContext * aPresContext=0x00000000, nsEvent * aEvent=0x0012f60c, nsIDOMEvent * * aDOMEvent=0x0012f4d0, nsIDOMEventTarget * aCurrentTarget=0x02e17950, unsigned int aFlags=0x00000007, nsEventStatus * aEventStatus=0x0012f660) Line 1599 + 0x21 C++ gklayout.dll!nsGenericElement::HandleDOMEvent(nsIPresContext * aPresContext=0x00000000, nsEvent * aEvent=0x00fab5e0, nsIDOMEvent * * aDOMEvent=0x03bb3a58, unsigned int aFlags=0x03beff48, nsEventStatus * aEventStatus=0x00000010) Line 1945 C++ gklayout.dll!nsGenericHTMLElement::HandleDOMEvent(nsIPresContext * aPresContext=0x03ba1cf0, nsEvent * aEvent=0x0012f60c, nsIDOMEvent * * aDOMEvent=0x00000000, unsigned int aFlags=0x00000001, nsEventStatus * aEventStatus=0x0012f660) Line 1371 C++ gklayout.dll!nsGenericHTMLElement::HandleDOMEventForAnchors (nsIPresContext * aPresContext=0x00000000, nsEvent * aEvent=0x00fab5e0, nsIDOMEvent * * aDOMEvent=0x03bb3a58, unsigned int aFlags=0x03beff48, nsEventStatus * aEventStatus=0x00000010) Line 1398 + 0x15 C++ gklayout.dll!nsEventStateManager::DispatchMouseEvent(nsIPresContext * aPresContext=0x03ba1cf0, nsGUIEvent * aEvent=0x0012f98c, unsigned int aMessage=0x0000014b, nsIContent * aTargetContent=0x03beff48, nsIFrame * & aTargetFrame=0x03b66d14, nsIContent * aRelatedContent=0x03b713b0) Line 2561 C++ gklayout.dll!nsEventStateManager::GenerateMouseEnterExit(nsIPresContext * aPresContext=0x03ba1cf0, nsGUIEvent * aEvent=0x0012f98c) Line 2679 C++ gklayout.dll!nsEventStateManager::PreHandleEvent(nsIPresContext * aPresContext=0x03ba1cf0, nsEvent * aEvent=0x0012f98c, nsIFrame * aTargetFrame=0x03b66d14, nsEventStatus * aStatus=0x0012f86c, nsIView * aView=0x03acc930) Line 512 C++ gklayout.dll!PresShell::HandleEventInternal(nsEvent * aEvent=0x0012f98c, nsIView * aView=0x03acc930, unsigned int aFlags=0x00000001, nsEventStatus * aStatus=0x0012f86c) Line 5989 C++ gklayout.dll!PresShell::HandleEvent(nsIView * aView=0x03acc930, nsGUIEvent * aEvent=0x0012f98c, nsEventStatus * aEventStatus=0x0012f86c, int aForceHandle=0x00000000, int & aHandled=0x01b7b060) Line 5875 + 0x11 C++ gklayout.dll!nsViewManager::HandleEvent(nsView * aView=0x03bb3a58, nsGUIEvent * aEvent=0x03beff48, int aCaptured=0x00000010) Line 2287 C++ gklayout.dll!nsViewManager::DispatchEvent(nsGUIEvent * aEvent=0x3d888889, nsEventStatus * aStatus=0x0012f8e0) Line 2013 + 0x14 C++ gklayout.dll!HandleEvent(nsGUIEvent * aEvent=0x0012f98c) Line 79 C++ gkwidget.dll!nsWindow::DispatchEvent(nsGUIEvent * event=0x0012f98c, nsEventStatus & aStatus=nsEventStatus_eIgnore) Line 1062 + 0x3 C++ gkwidget.dll!nsWindow::DispatchWindowEvent(nsGUIEvent * event=0x00000000) Line 1083 C++ gkwidget.dll!nsWindow::DispatchMouseEvent(unsigned int aEventType=0x03bb3a58, unsigned int wParam=0x03beff48, nsPoint * aPoint=0x00000010) Line 5270 C++ gkwidget.dll!ChildWindow::DispatchMouseEvent(unsigned int aEventType=0x0000012c, unsigned int wParam=0x00000000, nsPoint * aPoint=0x00000000) Line 5520 + 0x13 C++
Depends on: 445550
Assignee: events → nobody
QA Contact: ian → events Move all DOM bugs that haven’t been updated in more than 3 years and has no one currently assigned to P5. If you have questions, please contact :mdaly.
Priority: -- → P5
Severity: normal → S3
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