Bug 254161
Opened 21 years ago
Closed 15 years ago
Crash [@ XPCJSRuntime::GCCallback]
(Core :: XPConnect, defect, P5)
of bug 238322
(Reporter: timeless, Assigned: timeless)
(Keywords: crash)
Crash Data
(1 file)
1.03 KB,
Details | Diff | Splinter Review |
of interest to me, there's no timer/timeout on the stack
> xpc3250.dll!XPCJSRuntime::GCCallback(JSContext * cx=0x040d7008, JSGCStatus
status=JSGC_END) Line 556 + 0x3 C++
jsd3250.dll!jsds_GCCallbackProc(JSContext * cx=0x040d7008, JSGCStatus
status=JSGC_END) Line 523 + 0x7 C++
js3250.dll!js_GC(JSContext * cx=0x040d7008, unsigned int gcflags=0x00000001)
Line 1423 C
js3250.dll!js_ForceGC(JSContext * cx=0x040d7008, unsigned int
gcflags=0x00000000) Line 1000 + 0x1c C
js3250.dll!JS_GC(JSContext * cx=0x040d7008) Line 1699 + 0x8 C
js3250.dll!JS_MaybeGC(JSContext * cx=0x040d7008) Line 1718 + 0x6 C
gklayout.dll!nsJSContext::ScriptEvaluated(int aTerminated=0x00000000) Line
1875 + 0xc C++
gklayout.dll!nsJSContext::ScriptExecuted() Line 1946 C++
xpc3250.dll!AutoScriptEvaluate::~AutoScriptEvaluate() Line 107 C++
xpc3250.dll!nsXPCWrappedJSClass::CallMethod(nsXPCWrappedJS *
wrapper=0x040d7008, unsigned short methodIndex=0x6f38, const nsXPTMethodInfo *
info=0x019ce284, nsXPTCMiniVariant * nativeParams=0x040d7008) Line 1659 + 0x8 C++
xpc3250.dll!nsXPCWrappedJS::CallMethod(unsigned short methodIndex=0x0004,
const nsXPTMethodInfo * info=0x042107c0, nsXPTCMiniVariant * params=0x0012adc0)
Line 450 C++
xpcom.dll!PrepareAndDispatch(nsXPTCStubBase * self=0x047832c8, unsigned int
methodIndex=0x00000004, unsigned int * args=0x0012ae84, unsigned int *
stackBytesToPop=0x0012ae74) Line 117 + 0x1a C++
xpcom.dll!SharedStub() Line 147 C++
jsd3250.dll!jsds_ScriptHookProc(JSDContext * jsdc=0x00f84598, JSDScript *
jsdscript=0x067f6420, int creating=0x067f9a80, void * callerdata=0x00000000)
Line 754 C++
jsd3250.dll!jsd_DestroyScriptHookProc(JSContext * cx=0x040d7008, JSScript *
script=0x067f6378, void * callerdata=0x067f6420) Line 601 + 0xa C
js3250.dll!js_DestroyScript(JSContext * cx=0x040d7008, JSScript *
script=0x067f6378) Line 1163 + 0xa C
js3250.dll!JS_EvaluateUCScriptForPrincipals(JSContext * cx=0x00000001,
JSObject * obj=0x067c5d10, JSPrincipals * principals=0x00f6e6f4, const unsigned
short * chars=0x035de4f8, unsigned int length=0x000000b0, const char *
filename=0x0012afa0, unsigned int lineno=0x00000100, long * rval=0x0012af34)
Line 3668 C
gklayout.dll!nsJSContext::EvaluateStringWithValue(const nsAString &
aScript={...}, void * aScopeObject=0x067c5d10, nsIPrincipal *
aPrincipal=0x00f674f0, const char * aURL=0x0012afa0, unsigned int
aLineNo=0x00000100, const char * aVersion=0x00000000, void *
aRetValue=0x0012aff8, int * aIsUndefined=0x0012aff4) Line 821 + 0x36 C++
gklayout.dll!nsXBLProtoImplField::InstallMember(nsIScriptContext *
aContext=0x040d6f38, nsIContent * aBoundElement=0x067f4db8, void *
aScriptObject=0x067c5d10, void * aTargetClassObject=0x00000000, const nsCString
& aClassStr={...}) Line 126 + 0x39 C++
gklayout.dll!nsXBLProtoImpl::InstallImplementation(nsXBLPrototypeBinding *
aBinding=0x035d50d8, nsIContent * aBoundElement=0x067f4db8) Line 83 + 0x12 C++
gklayout.dll!nsXBLPrototypeBinding::InstallImplementation(nsIContent *
aBoundElement=0x067f4db8) Line 426 + 0xa C++
gklayout.dll!nsXBLBinding::InstallImplementation() Line 812 C++
gklayout.dll!nsXBLService::LoadBindings(nsIContent * aContent=0x01053be3,
nsIURI * aURL=0x040d7008, int aAugmentFlag=0x040d6f38, nsIXBLBinding * *
aBinding=0x019ce284, int * aResolveStyle=0x040d7008) Line 634 C++
gklayout.dll!nsCSSFrameConstructor::ConstructFrameInternal(nsIPresShell *
aPresShell=0x040fabc8, nsPresContext * aPresContext=0x040dc1b8,
nsFrameConstructorState & aState={...}, nsIContent * aContent=0x067f4db8,
nsIFrame * aParentFrame=0x05e7a984, nsIAtom * aTag=0x0160ac50, int
aNameSpaceID=0x00000009, nsStyleContext * aStyleContext=0x05c69054, nsFrameItems
& aFrameItems={...}, int aXBLBaseTag=0x00000000) Line 7133 + 0x23 C++
gklayout.dll!nsCSSFrameConstructor::ConstructFrame(nsIPresShell *
aPresShell=0x040fabc8, nsPresContext * aPresContext=0x040dc1b8,
nsFrameConstructorState & aState={...}, nsIContent * aContent=0x00000000,
nsIFrame * aParentFrame=0x05e7a984, nsFrameItems & aFrameItems={...}) Line 7091 C++
gklayout.dll!nsCSSFrameConstructor::ProcessChildren(nsIPresShell *
aPresShell=0x040fabc8, nsPresContext * aPresContext=0x040dc1b8,
nsFrameConstructorState & aState={...}, nsIContent * aContent=0x067f4ae0,
nsIFrame * aFrame=0x067f4db8, int aCanHaveGeneratedContent=0x00000000,
nsFrameItems & aFrameItems={...}, int aParentIsBlock=0x00000000, nsTableCreator
* aTableCreator=0x067f4db8) Line 11460 + 0x2e C++
gklayout.dll!nsCSSFrameConstructor::ConstructXULFrame(nsIPresShell *
aPresShell=0x040fabc8, nsPresContext * aPresContext=0x040dc1b8,
nsFrameConstructorState & aState={...}, nsIContent * aContent=0x067f4ae0,
nsIFrame * aParentFrame=0x05987200, nsIAtom * aTag=0x0160ab68, int
aNameSpaceID=0x00000009, nsStyleContext * aStyleContext=0x0564c998, nsFrameItems
& aFrameItems={...}, int aXBLBaseTag=0x00000000, int &
aHaltProcessing=0x067f4ae0) Line 5706 + 0x1b C++
gklayout.dll!nsCSSFrameConstructor::ConstructFrameInternal(nsIPresShell *
aPresShell=0x040fabc8, nsPresContext * aPresContext=0x040dc1b8,
nsFrameConstructorState & aState={...}, nsIContent * aContent=0x067f4ae0,
nsIFrame * aParentFrame=0x05987200, nsIAtom * aTag=0x0160ab68, int
aNameSpaceID=0x00000009, nsStyleContext * aStyleContext=0x00000000, nsFrameItems
& aFrameItems={...}, int aXBLBaseTag=0x00000000) Line 7197 + 0x25 C++
gklayout.dll!nsCSSFrameConstructor::ConstructFrame(nsIPresShell *
aPresShell=0x040fabc8, nsPresContext * aPresContext=0x040dc1b8,
nsFrameConstructorState & aState={...}, nsIContent * aContent=0x00000000,
nsIFrame * aParentFrame=0x05987200, nsFrameItems & aFrameItems={...}) Line 7091 C++
gklayout.dll!nsCSSFrameConstructor::ContentAppended(nsPresContext *
aPresContext=0x00000001, nsIContent * aContainer=0x05987200, int
aNewIndexInContainer=0x00000001) Line 8306 + 0x1b C++
gklayout.dll!PresShell::ContentAppended(nsIDocument * aDocument=0x040f4e48,
nsIContent * aContainer=0x03e163a8, int aNewIndexInContainer=0x00000001) Line
5168 C++
gklayout.dll!nsDocument::ContentAppended(nsIContent * aContainer=0x03e163a8,
int aNewIndexInContainer=0x00000001) Line 2070 C++
gklayout.dll!nsXULDocument::ContentAppended(nsIContent *
aContainer=0x00000002, int aNewIndexInContainer=0x00000001) Line 1173 + 0xc C++
gklayout.dll!nsXULElement::InsertChildAt(nsIContent * aKid=0x00000001,
unsigned int aIndex=0x00000001, int aNotify=0x00000001, int
aDeepSetDocument=0x00000001) Line 1772 C++
gklayout.dll!nsGenericElement::doInsertBefore(nsIContent *
aElement=0x03e163a8, nsIDOMNode * aNewChild=0x067f4aec, nsIDOMNode *
aRefChild=0x00000000, nsIDOMNode * * aReturn=0x0012b7cc) Line 2809 C++
gklayout.dll!nsXULElement::AppendChild(nsIDOMNode * aNewChild=0x067f4aec,
nsIDOMNode * * aReturn=0x0012b7cc) Line 860 + 0x17 C++
xpcom.dll!XPTC_InvokeByIndex(nsISupports * that=0x02f5ecd0, unsigned int
methodIndex=0x0012b948, unsigned int paramCount=0x0101c720, nsXPTCVariant *
params=0x03e163b4) Line 102 C++
xpc3250.dll!AutoJSSuspendRequest::SuspendRequest() Line 2969 + 0x9 C++
xpc3250.dll!XPCWrappedNative::CallMethod(XPCCallContext & ccx={...},
XPCWrappedNative::CallMode mode=CALL_METHOD) Line 2028 + 0x15 C++
xpc3250.dll!XPC_WN_CallMethod(JSContext * cx=0x02f5ecd0, JSObject *
obj=0x059b4420, unsigned int argc=0x00000001, long * argv=0x02e8af68, long *
vp=0x0012ba2c) Line 1287 + 0xa C++
js3250.dll!js_Invoke(JSContext * cx=0x040d6f38, unsigned int argc=0x019ce284,
unsigned int flags=0x040d7008) Line 1281 + 0x11 C
js3250.dll!js_Interpret(JSContext * cx=0x019ce284, long * result=0x040d7008)
Line 3376 C
js3250.dll!js_Invoke(JSContext * cx=0x040d6f38, unsigned int argc=0x019ce284,
unsigned int flags=0x040d7008) Line 1301 + 0xa C
js3250.dll!js_Interpret(JSContext * cx=0x019ce284, long * result=0x040d7008)
Line 3376 C
js3250.dll!js_Invoke(JSContext * cx=0x040d6f38, unsigned int argc=0x019ce284,
unsigned int flags=0x040d7008) Line 1301 + 0xa C
js3250.dll!js_Interpret(JSContext * cx=0x019ce284, long * result=0x040d7008)
Line 3376 C
js3250.dll!js_Invoke(JSContext * cx=0x040d6f38, unsigned int argc=0x019ce284,
unsigned int flags=0x040d7008) Line 1301 + 0xa C
js3250.dll!js_Interpret(JSContext * cx=0x019ce284, long * result=0x040d7008)
Line 3376 C
js3250.dll!js_Invoke(JSContext * cx=0x040d6f38, unsigned int argc=0x019ce284,
unsigned int flags=0x040d7008) Line 1301 + 0xa C
xpc3250.dll!nsXPCWrappedJSClass::CallMethod(nsXPCWrappedJS *
wrapper=0x040d7008, unsigned short methodIndex=0x6f38, const nsXPTMethodInfo *
info=0x019ce284, nsXPTCMiniVariant * nativeParams=0x040d7008) Line 1410 + 0x10 C++
xpc3250.dll!nsXPCWrappedJS::CallMethod(unsigned short methodIndex=0x0004,
const nsXPTMethodInfo * info=0x017807b8, nsXPTCMiniVariant * params=0x0012c438)
Line 450 C++
xpcom.dll!PrepareAndDispatch(nsXPTCStubBase * self=0x066974d8, unsigned int
methodIndex=0x00000004, unsigned int * args=0x0012c4fc, unsigned int *
stackBytesToPop=0x0012c4ec) Line 117 + 0x1a C++
xpcom.dll!SharedStub() Line 147 C++
necko.dll!nsJARChannel::OnStopRequest(nsIRequest * req=0x06697840, nsISupports
* ctx=0x00000000, unsigned int status=0x00000000) Line 692 C++
necko.dll!nsInputStreamPump::OnStateStop() Line 505 C++
necko.dll!nsInputStreamPump::OnInputStreamReady(nsIAsyncInputStream *
stream=0x06697950) Line 342 C++
xpcom.dll!nsInputStreamReadyEvent::EventHandler(PLEvent * plevent=0x06698134)
Line 119 C++
xpcom.dll!PL_HandleEvent(PLEvent * self=0x06698134) Line 693 C
xpcom.dll!PL_ProcessPendingEvents(PLEventQueue * self=0x06169c48) Line 628 C
xpcom.dll!nsEventQueueImpl::ProcessPendingEvents() Line 395 C++
gkwidget.dll!nsWindow::DispatchPendingEvents() Line 3808 C++
gkwidget.dll!nsWindow::ProcessMessage(unsigned int msg=0x00000104, unsigned
int wParam=0x00000000, long lParam=0x20380001, long * aRetValue=0x0012c870)
Line 4184 C++
gkwidget.dll!nsWindow::WindowProc(HWND__ * hWnd=0x0059078a, unsigned int
msg=0x00000104, unsigned int wParam=0x00000012, long lParam=0x040fa71c) Line
1379 + 0x10 C++
user32.dll!GetMessageW() + 0x125
user32.dll!DispatchMessageW() + 0xb
xpcom.dll!XPTC_InvokeByIndex(nsISupports * that=0x00f84510, unsigned int
methodIndex=0x00000031, unsigned int paramCount=0x00000002, nsXPTCVariant *
params=0x0012ca18) Line 102 C++
xpc3250.dll!XPCWrappedNative::CallMethod(XPCCallContext & ccx={...},
XPCWrappedNative::CallMode mode=CALL_METHOD) Line 2028 + 0x15 C++
xpc3250.dll!XPC_WN_CallMethod(JSContext * cx=0x016819b0, JSObject *
obj=0x043cb430, unsigned int argc=0x00000001, long * argv=0x044610e4, long *
vp=0x0012cc88) Line 1287 + 0xa C++
js3250.dll!js_Invoke(JSContext * cx=0x040d6f38, unsigned int argc=0x019ce284,
unsigned int flags=0x040d7008) Line 1281 + 0x11 C
js3250.dll!js_Interpret(JSContext * cx=0x019ce284, long * result=0x040d7008)
Line 3376 C
js3250.dll!js_Invoke(JSContext * cx=0x040d6f38, unsigned int argc=0x019ce284,
unsigned int flags=0x040d7008) Line 1301 + 0xa C
xpc3250.dll!nsXPCWrappedJSClass::CallMethod(nsXPCWrappedJS *
wrapper=0x040d7008, unsigned short methodIndex=0x6f38, const nsXPTMethodInfo *
info=0x019ce284, nsXPTCMiniVariant * nativeParams=0x040d7008) Line 1410 + 0x10 C++
xpc3250.dll!nsXPCWrappedJS::CallMethod(unsigned short methodIndex=0x0003,
const nsXPTMethodInfo * info=0x035e3610, nsXPTCMiniVariant * params=0x0012d0a0)
Line 450 C++
xpcom.dll!PrepareAndDispatch(nsXPTCStubBase * self=0x0465aea0, unsigned int
methodIndex=0x00000003, unsigned int * args=0x0012d164, unsigned int *
stackBytesToPop=0x0012d154) Line 117 + 0x1a C++
xpcom.dll!SharedStub() Line 147 C++
jsd3250.dll!jsds_ExecutionHookProc(JSDContext * jsdc=0x00f84598,
JSDThreadState * jsdthreadstate=0x05dab680, unsigned int type=0x00000000, void *
callerdata=0x00000000, long * rval=0x0012d33c) Line 683 C++
jsd3250.dll!jsd_CallExecutionHook(JSDContext * jsdc=0x00f84598, JSContext *
cx=0x016819b0, unsigned int type=0x00000000, unsigned int (JSDContext *,
JSDThreadState *, unsigned int, void *, long *)* hook=0x01491a85, void *
hookData=0x00000000, long * rval=0x0012d33c) Line 178 C
jsd3250.dll!jsd_InterruptHandler(JSContext * cx=0x016819b0, JSScript *
script=0x03542a88, unsigned char * pc=0x03542ce0, long * rval=0x0012d33c, void *
closure=0x00000000) Line 80 + 0x15 C
js3250.dll!js_Interpret(JSContext * cx=0x019ce284, long * result=0x040d7008)
Line 1889 + 0x1a C
js3250.dll!js_Invoke(JSContext * cx=0x040d6f38, unsigned int argc=0x019ce284,
unsigned int flags=0x040d7008) Line 1301 + 0xa C
xpc3250.dll!nsXPCWrappedJSClass::CallMethod(nsXPCWrappedJS *
wrapper=0x040d7008, unsigned short methodIndex=0x6f38, const nsXPTMethodInfo *
info=0x019ce284, nsXPTCMiniVariant * nativeParams=0x040d7008) Line 1410 + 0x10 C++
xpc3250.dll!nsXPCWrappedJS::CallMethod(unsigned short methodIndex=0x0003,
const nsXPTMethodInfo * info=0x03d37110, nsXPTCMiniVariant * params=0x0012d59c)
Line 450 C++
xpcom.dll!PrepareAndDispatch(nsXPTCStubBase * self=0x05a0e568, unsigned int
methodIndex=0x00000003, unsigned int * args=0x0012d660, unsigned int *
stackBytesToPop=0x0012d650) Line 117 + 0x1a C++
xpcom.dll!SharedStub() Line 147 C++
appcomps.dll!nsBrowserStatusFilter::OnStateChange(nsIWebProgress *
aWebProgress=0x03cd2a8c, nsIRequest * aRequest=0x05d9c7a0, unsigned int
aStateFlags=0x00070001, unsigned int aStatus=0x00000000) Line 175 + 0x18 C++
docshell.dll!nsDocLoaderImpl::FireOnStateChange(nsIWebProgress *
aProgress=0x03cd2a8c, nsIRequest * aRequest=0x05d9c7a0, int
aStateFlags=0x00070001, unsigned int aStatus=0x00000000) Line 1240 C++
docshell.dll!nsDocLoaderImpl::doStartDocumentLoad(nsIRequest *
request=0x05d9c7a0) Line 801 C++
docshell.dll!nsDocLoaderImpl::OnStartRequest(nsIRequest * request=0x00000001,
nsISupports * aCtxt=0x00000000) Line 547 C++
necko.dll!nsLoadGroup::AddRequest(nsIRequest * request=0x00000000, nsISupports
* ctxt=0x00000000) Line 621 C++
necko.dll!nsJARChannel::AsyncOpen(nsIStreamListener * listener=0x05d9c260,
nsISupports * ctx=0x00000000) Line 612 C++
docshell.dll!nsDocumentOpenInfo::Open(nsIChannel * aChannel=0x05d9c7a0)
Line 226 C++
docshell.dll!nsURILoader::OpenURI(nsIChannel * channel=0x05d9c260, int
aIsContentPreferred=0x00000000, nsIInterfaceRequestor *
aWindowContext=0x03cc78e8) Line 823 + 0x10 C++
docshell.dll!nsDocShell::DoChannelLoad(nsIChannel * aChannel=0x00000003,
nsIURILoader * aURILoader=0x016019f0) Line 5888 + 0x1b C++
docshell.dll!nsDocShell::DoURILoad(nsIURI * aURI=0x05d9bfe0, nsIURI *
aReferrerURI=0x00000000, nsISupports * aOwner=0x030d0720, const char *
aTypeHint=0x00000000, nsIInputStream * aPostData=0x00000000, nsIInputStream *
aHeadersData=0x00000000, int firstParty=0x00000001, nsIDocShell * *
aDocShell=0x00000000, nsIRequest * * aRequest=0x00000000) Line 5667 C++
docshell.dll!nsDocShell::InternalLoad(nsIURI * aURI=0x05d9bfe0, nsIURI *
aReferrer=0x00000000, nsISupports * aOwner=0x00000000, int
aInheritOwner=0x00000000, const unsigned short * aWindowTarget=0x059eac70, const
char * aTypeHint=0x00000000, nsIInputStream * aPostData=0x00000000,
nsIInputStream * aHeadersData=0x00000000, unsigned int aLoadType=0x00000001,
nsISHEntry * aSHEntry=0x00000000, int firstParty=0x00000001, nsIDocShell * *
aDocShell=0x00000000, nsIRequest * * aRequest=0x00000000) Line 5453 + 0x25 C++
docshell.dll!nsDocShell::LoadURI(nsIURI * aURI=0x040d7008, nsIDocShellLoadInfo
* aLoadInfo=0x040d6f38, unsigned int aLoadFlags=0x019ce284, int
firstParty=0x040d7008) Line 774 C++
docshell.dll!nsDocShell::LoadURI(const unsigned short * aURI=0x01053be3,
unsigned int aLoadFlags=0x040d7008, nsIURI * aReferringURI=0x040d6f38,
nsIInputStream * aPostStream=0x019ce284, nsIInputStream *
aHeaderStream=0x040d7008) Line 2588 C++
xpcom.dll!XPTC_InvokeByIndex(nsISupports * that=0x03cc78d0, unsigned int
methodIndex=0x00000008, unsigned int paramCount=0x00000005, nsXPTCVariant *
params=0x0012dd3c) Line 102 C++
xpc3250.dll!XPCWrappedNative::CallMethod(XPCCallContext & ccx={...},
XPCWrappedNative::CallMode mode=CALL_METHOD) Line 2028 + 0x15 C++
xpc3250.dll!XPC_WN_CallMethod(JSContext * cx=0x016819b0, JSObject *
obj=0x0511fdb8, unsigned int argc=0x00000005, long * argv=0x058b14ac, long *
vp=0x0012dfac) Line 1287 + 0xa C++
js3250.dll!js_Invoke(JSContext * cx=0x040d6f38, unsigned int argc=0x019ce284,
unsigned int flags=0x040d7008) Line 1281 + 0x11 C
js3250.dll!js_Interpret(JSContext * cx=0x019ce284, long * result=0x040d7008)
Line 3376 C
js3250.dll!js_Invoke(JSContext * cx=0x040d6f38, unsigned int argc=0x019ce284,
unsigned int flags=0x040d7008) Line 1301 + 0xa C
js3250.dll!js_Interpret(JSContext * cx=0x019ce284, long * result=0x040d7008)
Line 3376 C
js3250.dll!js_Invoke(JSContext * cx=0x040d6f38, unsigned int argc=0x019ce284,
unsigned int flags=0x040d7008) Line 1301 + 0xa C
js3250.dll!js_Interpret(JSContext * cx=0x019ce284, long * result=0x040d7008)
Line 3376 C
js3250.dll!js_Invoke(JSContext * cx=0x040d6f38, unsigned int argc=0x019ce284,
unsigned int flags=0x040d7008) Line 1301 + 0xa C
js3250.dll!fun_apply(JSContext * cx=0x016819b0, JSObject * obj=0x03b719f0,
unsigned int argc=0x00000002, long * argv=0x05d8194c, long * rval=0x0012e688)
Line 1578 C
js3250.dll!js_Invoke(JSContext * cx=0x040d6f38, unsigned int argc=0x019ce284,
unsigned int flags=0x040d7008) Line 1281 + 0x11 C
js3250.dll!js_Interpret(JSContext * cx=0x019ce284, long * result=0x040d7008)
Line 3376 C
js3250.dll!js_Invoke(JSContext * cx=0x040d6f38, unsigned int argc=0x019ce284,
unsigned int flags=0x040d7008) Line 1301 + 0xa C
js3250.dll!js_InternalInvoke(JSContext * cx=0x016819dc, JSObject *
obj=0x03b719f0, long fval=0x05d60638, unsigned int flags=0x00000000, unsigned
int argc=0x00000001, long * argv=0x0012eaa0, long * rval=0x0012eae8) Line
1378 + 0xe C
js3250.dll!JS_CallFunctionValue(JSContext * cx=0x016819b0, JSObject *
obj=0x03b719f0, long fval=0x05d60638, unsigned int argc=0x00000001, long *
argv=0x0012eaa0, long * rval=0x0012eae8) Line 3711 + 0x1c C
gklayout.dll!nsJSContext::CallEventHandler(JSObject * aTarget=0x03b719f0,
JSObject * aHandler=0x05d60638, unsigned int argc=0x00000001, long *
argv=0x0012eaa0, long * rval=0x0012eae8) Line 1350 + 0x18 C++
gklayout.dll!nsJSEventListener::HandleEvent(nsIDOMEvent * aEvent=0x05d78e18)
Line 188 + 0x1c C++
gklayout.dll!nsXBLPrototypeHandler::ExecuteHandler(nsIDOMEventReceiver *
aReceiver=0x019ce284, nsIDOMEvent * aEvent=0x040d7008) Line 488 C++
gklayout.dll!nsXBLKeyEventHandler::HandleEvent(nsIDOMEvent *
aEvent=0x05d80a60) Line 143 + 0xb C++
gklayout.dll!nsEventListenerManager::HandleEventSubType(nsListenerStruct *
aListenerStruct=0x03c407f0, nsIDOMEvent * aDOMEvent=0x05d78e18,
nsIDOMEventTarget * aCurrentTarget=0x05d80a60, unsigned int aSubType=0x05d78e24,
unsigned int aPhaseFlags=0x00000004) Line 1523 C++
gklayout.dll!nsEventListenerManager::HandleEvent(nsPresContext *
aPresContext=0x00000000, nsEvent * aEvent=0x0012f948, nsIDOMEvent * *
aDOMEvent=0x0012f558, nsIDOMEventTarget * aCurrentTarget=0x05d80a60, unsigned
int aFlags=0x00000004, nsEventStatus * aEventStatus=0x0012f848) Line 1615 +
0x21 C++
gklayout.dll!nsXULElement::HandleDOMEvent(nsPresContext *
aPresContext=0x01053be3, nsEvent * aEvent=0x040d7008, nsIDOMEvent * *
aDOMEvent=0x040d6f38, unsigned int aFlags=0x019ce284, nsEventStatus *
aEventStatus=0x040d7008) Line 2816 C++
gklayout.dll!nsXULElement::HandleDOMEvent(nsPresContext *
aPresContext=0x01053be3, nsEvent * aEvent=0x040d7008, nsIDOMEvent * *
aDOMEvent=0x040d6f38, unsigned int aFlags=0x019ce284, nsEventStatus *
aEventStatus=0x040d7008) Line 2796 C++
gklayout.dll!nsXULElement::HandleDOMEvent(nsPresContext *
aPresContext=0x01053be3, nsEvent * aEvent=0x040d7008, nsIDOMEvent * *
aDOMEvent=0x040d6f38, unsigned int aFlags=0x019ce284, nsEventStatus *
aEventStatus=0x040d7008) Line 2796 C++
gklayout.dll!nsGenericElement::HandleDOMEvent(nsPresContext *
aPresContext=0x01053be3, nsEvent * aEvent=0x040d7008, nsIDOMEvent * *
aDOMEvent=0x040d6f38, unsigned int aFlags=0x019ce284, nsEventStatus *
aEventStatus=0x040d7008) Line 1897 C++
gklayout.dll!nsHTMLInputElement::HandleDOMEvent(nsPresContext *
aPresContext=0x01053be3, nsEvent * aEvent=0x040d7008, nsIDOMEvent * *
aDOMEvent=0x040d6f38, unsigned int aFlags=0x019ce284, nsEventStatus *
aEventStatus=0x040d7008) Line 1348 + 0x1b C++
gklayout.dll!PresShell::HandleEventInternal(nsEvent * aEvent=0x0012f948,
nsIView * aView=0x02662fb0, unsigned int aFlags=0x00000001, nsEventStatus *
aStatus=0x0012f848) Line 5975 + 0x11 C++
gklayout.dll!PresShell::HandleEvent(nsIView * aView=0x02662fb0, nsGUIEvent *
aEvent=0x0012f948, nsEventStatus * aEventStatus=0x0012f848, int
aForceHandle=0x00000001, int & aHandled=0x00000001) Line 5858 + 0x11 C++
gklayout.dll!nsViewManager::HandleEvent(nsView * aView=0x040d6f38, nsGUIEvent
* aEvent=0x019ce284, int aCaptured=0x040d7008) Line 2239 C++
gklayout.dll!nsViewManager::DispatchEvent(nsGUIEvent * aEvent=0x3d888889,
nsEventStatus * aStatus=0x0012f8a4) Line 2013 + 0x14 C++
gklayout.dll!HandleEvent(nsGUIEvent * aEvent=0x0012f948) Line 79 C++
gkwidget.dll!nsWindow::DispatchEvent(nsGUIEvent * event=0x0012f948,
nsEventStatus & aStatus=nsEventStatus_eIgnore) Line 1097 + 0x3 C++
gkwidget.dll!nsWindow::DispatchWindowEvent(nsGUIEvent * event=0x00000000)
Line 1118 C++
gkwidget.dll!nsWindow::DispatchKeyEvent(unsigned int aEventType=0x00000083,
unsigned short aCharCode=0x0000, unsigned int aVirtualCharCode=0x0000000d, long
aKeyData=0x001c0001) Line 3088 + 0xe C++
gkwidget.dll!nsWindow::OnKeyDown(unsigned int aVirtualKeyCode=0x0000000d,
unsigned int aScanCode=0x0000001c, long aKeyData=0x001c0001) Line 3214 C++
gkwidget.dll!nsWindow::ProcessMessage(unsigned int msg=0x00000100, unsigned
int wParam=0x0000000d, long lParam=0x001c0001, long * aRetValue=0x0012fce8)
Line 4061 + 0x12 C++
gkwidget.dll!nsWindow::WindowProc(HWND__ * hWnd=0x00a404d6, unsigned int
msg=0x00000100, unsigned int wParam=0x0000000d, long lParam=0x02663044) Line
1379 + 0x10 C++
user32.dll!TranslateMessage() + 0xef
user32.dll!GetMessageW() + 0x125
user32.dll!DispatchMessageW() + 0xb
appshell.dll!nsAppShellService::Run() Line 489 C++
mozilla.exe!main1(int argc=0x040d6f38, char * * argv=0x019ce284, nsISupports *
nativeApp=0x040d7008) Line 1322 C++
mozilla.exe!main(int argc=0x00000001, char * * argv=0x003f8978) Line 1812 +
0x16 C++
mozilla.exe!mainCRTStartup() Line 400 + 0x11 C
kernel32.dll!GetCurrentDirectoryW() + 0x44
Comment 1•21 years ago
This has to do with the deferred releases. Can you reproduce? What I'm curious
about is whether it's the release call that's actually failing, or is accessing
the array of things to release crashing?
I knew this seemed familiar. Bug 238322, Bug 237844, and Bug 237736 all seem to
focus around things going wrong when doing deferred releases of native points. I
suggest you look them over and maybe dupe to the more interesting bug if you agree.
Comment 2•20 years ago
is this the same as
Comment 3•20 years ago
XPCJSRuntime::DeferredRelease should never be called with a null pointer, there
are currently guards around it preventing this, unless I missed one. There is
an assert enforcing this as well for debug builds.
Generally these crashes are because the object the pointer is pointing to is
already dead.
Thanks for the attempt, if you truly are seeing null pointers then something
worse is happening, memory corruption or a thread race condition. And I'd be
very interested in knowing if thats the case.
Comment 4•20 years ago
Could this be due to bug 258121?
Comment 5•20 years ago
(In reply to comment #4)
> Could this be due to bug 258121?
patch for bug 258121 is newer than thunderbird version from talkback incident
report. so it's possible.
our bug is hard to reproduce so testing is impossible.
Comment 6•20 years ago
Yeah, i know what you mean about reproducing, been fighting those since I
started here. I'm just hoping that this might be the source of several deferred
release crashes. Only time will tell.
Ever confirmed: true
Priority: -- → P5
Updated•18 years ago
QA Contact: pschwartau → xpconnect
Comment 7•18 years ago
Related to bug 238322?
Comment 8•18 years ago
A bug has been detected with a Web brwoser that uses the Mozilla components. The folks at Gnome feel that it is caused by this bug or bug#238322. The application in question is the Epiphany Web browner and it crashes when it closes. This appears to have started with the recent release of Firefox (Mozilla/5.0 (X11; U; Linux i686; en-US; rv: Gecko/20070226 Fedora/ Firefox/ pango-text) on Fedora Core 6. The firefox debuginfo can be found at the following link:
Please give me a shout if you need me to install other debug packages.
greg: sorry, you got the wrong pair of bugs :) your bug is that embedding didn't shut down enough of gecko before main exited.
a signature of sorts for your crash would be:
XPCPerThreadData::Cleanup | exit
(pick exit to be any of the exit frames)
note that none of the crashes that you found relate to quiting, at least, not really from the perspective of the call stack.
you probably want bug 349463 (this covers a number of embeddings failing to shut down correctly).
Comment 10•18 years ago
Thanks timeless. I'm really sorry about that. I'll copy my comments over there.
Much appreciate.
Comment 11•15 years ago
Reinout van Schouwen in comment #7
> Related to bug 238322?
timeless, do you agree these are related?
Closed: 15 years ago
Resolution: --- → DUPLICATE
Updated•14 years ago
Crash Signature: [@ XPCJSRuntime::GCCallback]
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