Bug 2546
Opened 26 years ago
Closed 26 years ago
OS is unable to quit application when restart selected
(Core Graveyard :: Viewer App, defect, P2)
Core Graveyard
Viewer App
(Not tracked)
(Reporter: glynn, Assigned: rickg)
PC Win98, 95 or Mac PPC 8.5
Seamonkey Jan21
1. Launch Seamonkey
2. Choose to restart your machine from proper menus; Mac is "Special", PC is
START menu.
• The OS is unable to complete application shutdown. On Mac you have to manually
quit the app and then restart cmd issued proceeds. On PC with Windows you must
end task manually when alert is presented.
Did not check Linux yet as build for Redhat not ready; plus user is much less
likely to perform same restart op on a UNIX box. Windows NT 4.0 was able to make
the app quit without user intervention.
Expected behavior is for OS to quit the app and restart once user instructs via
OS level menu cmd to restart machine.
Updated•26 years ago
OS: Windows 98 → All
Comment 3•26 years ago
The problem on the Mac is that we have the flag set to accept high-level events
(i.e. AppleEvents) but have no code in place to actually handle them. It may be
that we never change the test viewer app to support AppleEvents but at some point
the 'real' SeaMonkey app is going to have to support AppleEvents (the 4 basic -
Open, Run, Print and Quit and the Internet app standard GetURL are probably
sufficient for 5.0 but some of the more common ones from previous Navigator
releases would be nice).
Comment 4•26 years ago
<Duplicate of 2425.>
Closed: 26 years ago
Resolution: --- → DUPLICATE
Agreed dupe, adjusted other bug and marking this as duplicate.
*** This bug has been marked as a duplicate of 2425 ***
Updated•17 years ago
Product: Core → Core Graveyard
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