Open Bug 263258 Opened 20 years ago Updated 2 years ago

doing quick search in virtual folder shouldn't refresh folder pane counts


(MailNews Core :: Backend, defect)

Windows 2000


(Not tracked)


(Reporter: Bienvenu, Unassigned)


(Whiteboard: [patchlove])


(1 file)

when a search is done in a virtual folder, we update the folder pane with the
msg counts. We shouldn't do this when the search was a quick search *within* a
virtual folder.
Attached patch proposed fixSplinter Review
I'm not terribly have with the xfvf view part of this fix, but it does work, if
I can't come up with something better soon.
David, I'm not seeing this symptom; is your patch in, or did it get fixed 
Product: MailNews → Core
I do still see this, and the patch wasn't checked in - the count for the saved search in the folder pane does just show the number of hits on the quick search. Seems like there must be a better way to fix this than the patch I proposed, though.
TB version (20080207) - I don't see this. However, quick search in a saved search doesn't seem to work/well.  
1. virtual folder search criteria all message that contain " " in subject. 
2. click on virtual folder - status area shows "nn matches found
3. in quicksearch, type any restrictive criteria that should find only a couple hits

results: status area still shows the same "nn matches found".
QA Contact: backend
Product: Core → MailNews Core
David, I see what you mean. Does patch need to change for the new folder pane?
Assignee: dbienvenu → nobody
Whiteboard: [patchlove]
Severity: normal → minor
Summary: doing quick search in virtual folder shouldn't update folder pane counts → doing quick search in virtual folder shouldn't refresh folder pane counts
Severity: minor → S4
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