Closed Bug 2652 Opened 26 years ago Closed 16 years ago

would like mailbox:// command to work in Navigator window.


(SeaMonkey :: General, enhancement, P2)



(Not tracked)



(Reporter: lchiang, Unassigned)



<Moved enhancement from bugsplat 80213. Relevant contents are pasted here.
Sorry if this is misassigned.  Taking a first stab at these new components.>

You used to be able to call the mailbox from a Navigator window by using
the command "mailbox://" but this doesn't work in Communicator anymore.

This needs to call up the Messaging Window - can this be put in....

thanks x4573
QA Contact: 4080
Target Milestone: M6
This sounds badly broken. M6 to make sure URL dispatching is right in 5.0
Target Milestone: M6 → M7
Phil, we won't have any url dispatching from the browser until Necko is done.
I'm pushing this out to M7 if not later as I don't expect this functionality
from necko by M6.
I'm surprised that deciding which window to run a URL in is covered by necko.
Warren, is it?
This is the url dispatching stuff. The url would get loaded from the url bar
into netlib which looks at the protocol scheme and kicks the url out to a
registered protocol handler for that scheme. At least that was my take on this
It sounds like the current netlib isn't doing this. It works in necko...!
But but 4.x there's a bunch of code in each FE to look at each URL
before giving it to netlib. The FE decides (with help from the libmsg backend)
what kind of window to run the URL in. It's this code which brings up a mail
window instead of allowing the mailbox:// URL to run in the browser window.

Is this kind of thing really necko's responsibility?
Ok, I misunderstood. Necko's responsibility is to find the protocol handler for
the URL, and get the data back to the application. It's the application's
responsibility to provide a context for loading the URL -- one that is wired up
to talk to the right application window. I don't have a work item for that on
the schedule (although maybe I should).
Yes, it seems like we should define some interface between necko and the
application which knows what type of window is required for a given URL.
I don't think it's so much an interface that knows what type of window is
required, but some implementations of stream handlers that upon receiving the
data direct it to the appropriate application window. The app would choose the
appropriate stream handler as part of making the url request.

I've added a week to our schedule to help with this task.
Target Milestone: M7 → M9
We're not going to be there in M7 for this bug pushing it down the pipe until
post necko integration.....
Moving all Mail/News Networking bugs to Mail/News Networking-Mail

This may re-open previously Verified bugs due to a Bugzilla bug...if so, I will
fix those bugs.
Target Milestone: M9 → M11
I still have some issues about protocol registratoin that need worked out with
the necko team before this can become a reality. In particular, I can't support
the nsIChannel interface in its current form for pluggable protocols like
mailbox because they aren't stream oriented.

Warren and I have talked briefly about pulling out the stream specific interface
methods in nsIChannel. I'll follow up on this post necko landing.
Blocks: 5247
Whiteboard: [PR1]
I think this needs to be fixed before PR1 - I noted this in the Status
Target Milestone: M11 → M14
Depends on: 14928
Whiteboard: [PR1]
Target Milestone: M14 → M17
Mail Review recommends not in this release.  Marking M20.
Target Milestone: M17 → M20
Moving target milestone to "future" to be reviewed at a later time
Target Milestone: M20 → Future
This works for imap:// at least. Maybe it's time to skim through the futured
bugs and see what's still relevant.
QA Contact: lchiang → nobody
Product: MailNews → Core
Assignee: mscott → nobody
QA Contact: nobody → grylchan
(In reply to comment #17)
> This works for imap:// at least. Maybe it's time to skim through the futured
> bugs and see what's still relevant.

imap://me@blah/Drafts doesn't do anything for me, nor does it produce an error message

ditto mailbox://

As far as I can tell, this is a Seamonkey-type request. Feel free to move back if it isn't.
Assignee: nobody → general
Component: MailNews: Networking → General
Product: Core → Mozilla Application Suite
QA Contact: grylchan → general
Version: Trunk → unspecified
WFM on Mozilla/5.0 (X11; U; Linux i686; de; rv:1.9pre) Gecko/2008050913 SeaMonkey/2.0a1pre
Closed: 16 years ago
Resolution: --- → FIXED
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