Closed Bug 271613 Opened 20 years ago Closed 7 years ago

Switch "back" to using xpcom-restart instead of argv-restart


(Toolkit :: Startup and Profile System, defect, P3)






(Reporter: benjamin, Unassigned)



The code that I wrote originally to do xpcom-restart will fix a number of
problems on mac with MacLaunchHelper and the "bouncing ball" phenomenon. And
it's just nicer, and prevents needing all those nasty environment variables. So
let's turn it "back" on. This will give us an alpha (do we only have one left?)
to catch static-initialization errors.
sure, let's give it a try.
should we also try to actually unload libraries in the process?
Blocks: 255873
The current nsAppRunner:LaunchChild seems to have problems under BeOS too
(especially with several calls to it). BeOS has execv as well, and I've tried
using it, but it just don't work well. Probably due to library loading under
BeOS and how widgets are implemented under BeOS. It's a bit hard to track down.
Blocks: 266252
Is there any progress on this issue?
Priority: -- → P3
Target Milestone: --- → mozilla1.9alpha1
No longer blocks: 266252
Blocks: 129411
*** Bug 302701 has been marked as a duplicate of this bug. ***
Depends on: 316414
I'll be happy when this is fixed.  It has caused me pain in several ways:

* It interferes with code that expects "./firefox" to only return when Firefox actually exits (e.g. in bug 329066).

* On Mac, Firefox doesn't get focus if launched from the Mac OS X dock, and often ends up behind other windows.
Jesse: You can suppress the restart FWIW.  Just define NO_EM_RESTART=1 in your environment.
It's also preventing Firefox to be well integrated with the BeOS-platform. For instance clicking on HTML-files so that they open in Firefox can't be done in a clean way as long as this exists.
I think Mac OS X has the same problem as BeOS (comment 8).  When I drag a file to the Firefox dock icon, Firefox doesn't load that file and instead loads my home page if the last Firefox build I launched was a different one.
I'm considering adding as workaround 
export NO_EM_RESTART=1
to BeOS section of firefox start-script file.

As we cannot get rid of startscript in BeOS anyway, until this problem is solved.
Maybe I'll open separate bug for this intended workaround
Blocks: 338454
Wondering if for BeOS native be_roster->Launch() will work better than execv/execve from POSIX compatibility layer:
Shouldn't this bug have a higher priority since it's causing problems for both MacOS and BeOS.

For BeOS I think it's at least a major severity.
Most of the annoyances that this causes on the Mac have been dealt with in bug 345057.
Not actively working on this.
Assignee: benjamin → nobody
QA Contact: nobody → xre.startup
Component: XRE Startup → Startup and Profile System
QA Contact: xre.startup → startup
I can confidently say that we will never fix this.
Closed: 7 years ago
Resolution: --- → WONTFIX
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